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Everything posted by Senpuria

  1. Search in the database for creature entry in creature_questrelation and creature_involvedrelation, these tables are creature's who start quests and creatures that finish quests.
  2. It depends if they are items that classes can use, if the class can't use the item they won't be able to see the item. GM can see all items.
  3. Haha, see..its always the obvious things we miss Glad you got it working!
  4. Alls I can suggest is to start from scratch and compile again. I've tested this out on my mangos-one and I don't have any problems with the spirit guides in battlegrounds, it must be something you did wrong during the instillation process.
  5. Try running the ExtractResources.sh in the extractor_binary folder, there you should be able to choose what to extract and what not to extract. Please remember extracting mmaps could take anywhere up to 24 hours so select no if you don't plan on waiting that long since mmaps are optional.
  6. TBC-DB is mangos-one DB but the mangos-one version seems to be out of date. You can head over to http://udb.no-ip.org/ to pick up a copy of the latest TBC-DB. As for the errors with ScriptDev2 I can't really help you as I've yet to encounter any of these errors while compiling a server, however you can head over to the SD2 forums and ask there, they will probably be able to help you a little bit more. I'll leave this thread open anyway in case somebody can help you here.
  7. Hehe, it always the simple things I seem to overlook, I just assumed you were using the extractors that come with mangos zero Glad to hear you have it working.
  8. It seems that the database for mangos-one is out of date on the repo since TBC-DB is on 1.1.1 and the revision I have at the moment is 1.2.0 but that shouldn't effect the way scriptdev2 compiles, but it should explain why some things don't work as expected. Did you compile mangos first before you compiled scriptdev2?
  9. I think if we come up with any questions they should atleast be WoW related, that way..people should know the questions when they register due to the nature of the forums but the spammers probably won't
  10. The mangos DB is empty, import UDB.
  11. The only other problem I can see at the moment (because you should be able to connect to localhost ( without port forwarding since the server is running on your computer) is that you have root,root. Is your mysql password "root"? Also try setting your Bind IP from to in the mangosd and realmd conf files.
  12. Try moving the .bat file back to where you found it, if that doesn't work try moving your World of Warcraft client to the desktop or in C:\\, sometimes it has a hard time finding its location.
  13. It might be a fresh compile but it doesn't mean that you've done the whole process correctly. It could be a myriad of options why these creatures won't attack.
  14. Ah, I see, use as your realmlist IP. If you use your external IP on realmlist you'll need to port forward.
  15. I'd suggest to both of you to compile fresh, somewhere along the way something has been done wrong.
  16. Since you have applied so many patches, I would suggest compiling a fresh mangos and testing out each modification for a crash until you find out what it is. Does mangos freeze at any specific time?
  17. Hey Bugeyedcreepy, Most quests are handled in the database unless they are really complexed, the ones you mentioned should be handled in the database. They don't really have any simple and short answer to fix since they all use special conditions during the quest. I'd suggest heading over to UDB and learn a little bit about the quest tables in the database.
  18. Just right click on the mangos DB, execute sql script from mangos > sql > updates Apply all mangos updates after s1399 until you reach the end
  19. It's nice to see a post like this once in awhile
  20. Afraid not, just moderator access on the forums but it doesn't let me access any of the boards features from the MCP. I'll keep poking TheLuda until he appears.
  21. We could definitely implement some kind of anti spam system but like I've said before I have to wait until TheLuda pops up because I don't have immediate access to modify the forums in such a way
  22. This is assuming that the spammers are automatically registering to the forums with some kind of automated bot. However I've said before that I applied user activation by email to a forum that I have and it did not stop the spam at all, this leads me to believe that the people who are registering are human, not bots. It could be possible that they have made some kind of program that detects text on the screen, opens their email inbox and automatically clicks the activation link but I'm assuming that would be quite difficult.
  23. We can't ban IP range because it may ban other people who are on that IP range for some reason. Most spammers connect to the forums from routers so they can simple reset the router to get a different IP address. All we can do at the moment is keep banning account, email and IP address and make it frustrating for them to keep making new emails and accounts to re-register to the forums just to spam it.
  24. Haha, indeed. It was quite weird, I couldn't figure out how they were getting past the original recapcha and email verification before posting, other than..they must actually be manually registering to the forums, thus being able to bypass the security. After installing the mod the spam went down by 99%, I was getting around 1 per day, but the anti spam was automatically flagging the user after they posted so they could not post again. The only one that can install the anti spam to the forums is TheLuda so unfortunately until he appears it looks like we will have to keep manually deleting the spam
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