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Everything posted by Senpuria

  1. This does not actually work anymore. I setup a forum about two months ago and enabled rechapcha but it didn't have any effect at all. I also enabled confirming of email address before being able to post and this didn't stop any of the spammers at all. I was only able to stop the spamming with a mod which caught spammers by things they typed, if they changed their signature and if they posted any weird links in the post.
  2. The language option is in the mangosd.conf file, just change allow two side chat to 1 and you will be able to understand each other. The guild charter is also in the mangosd.conf you can set it to whatever number you like. For the multi login I would just suggest making multiple accounts otherwise it could get really complicated, possibly core work to not disconnect an account on login (if that's possible) same with the commands through players.
  3. If you want to check that Fel Reavers are spawned somewhere on the map, open the database and select the mangos database. SELECT * FROM creature WHERE id = [iD HERE] And it should bring up a list.
  4. Hey, You should post this over at www.scriptdev2.com
  5. It should be in the mangos > contrib folder somewhere. Maps for TBC is only 168mb so I don't see how a 1.12 server would have 700mb worth of maps.
  6. He is probably busy with some other endeavour at the moment I will try getting in touch with him again so we can get the forums back on track
  7. Has anybody spoken to TheLuda lately? I tried to PM him about adding anti spam ACP mod to the forums but haven't had a reply yet, that was more than two weeks ago.
  8. I'm getting a couple of "no polygons to build on tile" is that normal?
  9. Whats the recommended server spec with mmaps enabled?
  10. It is possible that the spirit healers are made invisible with the spirit healer script and not the database. Have a look at your rate.mining in the mangos conf you may have to edit that so your able to gain skill faster/correctly.
  11. Yes email verification was just a temp solution until TheLuda gets around to installing the blacklist application.
  12. git://github.com/mangos-one/scriptdev2.git
  13. Yeah your right. To be honest I can never remember the zero DB being that bad. Although I think when I was using zero it didn't have a separate repo so
  14. How did you make your account? The passwords are encrypted so if you typed it straight into the database I don't think it would work.
  15. For the spirit healer bug, go in-game and do .guid with the healer selected. Then do "SELECT * FROM creature_template where entry = ENTRY" in sqlyog or whatever database your using. Go to flags_extra right at the end and set it to 128. For the feral druid bug go to npc_trainer table, do .lookup spell [spell name] go into the database "SELECT * FROM npc_trainer WHERE entry = SPELLID" change the reqlevel to whatever it needs to be. Same for rockbiter to, search the spell id using .lookup spell and find it in spell proc event with the similar SQL.
  16. Yeah we could definitely do something like that. It depends on how it works since in some cases it may stop users from registering to the forums. Edit: It seems quite good we could use that.
  17. Spirit healer being visible should be a flag in DB. Feral druid skills being available is also DB. Rockbiter is DB under spell_proc_event probably. for battleground bug try setting .debug bg 1 0 and see if you can queue then, might be due to not being enough players. For the other bugs I wouldn't really know off the top of my head.
  18. Yeah I was thinking that. Unusual error though, try with a fresh install (again) and see if the error duplicates. If so might be an error due to a recent commit but I don't monitor zero that often.
  19. I'd probably just suggest doing a clean install. Never heard of mangos crashing on char creation unless the instillation process has been messed up somewhere. And I couldn't really tell you where to even start looking on this kind of error.
  20. You can use the original guide for setting up a mangos server. When pulling from git use the mangos one git repo and also the same with ScriptDev2. https://github.com/mangos-one
  21. Yes I was wondering why I got a spam report from Faramir118^^ Agreed for UncleNuke Goodluck with whatever you decide to do Vladimir
  22. Yeah it's quite weird. At the moment its just to hard to stop them from spamming the forums unless TheLuda changes the board configuration. Should be sorted soon anyway don't worry
  23. I have messaged Luda about implementing confirm of email address before being able to use the forum. That way if we do get any spam we have a genuine email to ban from the forums, at the moment users can register with any email they like.
  24. Нажмите на профиль, а затем личность. Вы можете загрузить аватар оттуда.
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