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Everything posted by Joubarbe

  1. Again, a repack could make things a lot better and easier for novices (and a good reason to donate)
  2. I suppose it's complicated to merge remote branch 'origin/master' into sharedbots ? Because I see the sharedbots branch has not been updated since 9 february. I'm gonna try the botguy and let you know.
  3. I only tried the commandline, never used the botguy (don't have it in my version). Is there a way to see what files exactly have been modified by playerbot ? Like the "compare" feature of Github, which, as far as I know, can't compare two repos.
  4. Hmm that strange. I called a bot A from my account, then a bot B from another account, and then a bot C from my account. It worked.
  5. [== PlayerbotMgr.cpp ==] uint32 accountId = sAccountMgr.GetPlayerAccountIdByGUID(guid); if (accountId != m_session->GetAccountId()) { if (!sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_BOOL_PLAYERBOT_SHAREDBOTS)) { PSendSysMessage("|cffff0000You may only add bots from the same account."); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } QueryResult *resultsocial = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM character_social s, characters c WHERE s.guid=c.guid AND c.online = 0 AND flags & 1 AND s.note "_LIKE_" "_CONCAT3_("'%%'","'shared'","'%%'")" AND s.friend = '%u' AND s.guid = '%llu'", m_session->GetPlayer()->GetGUIDLow(), guid.GetRawValue()); if (resultsocial) { Field *fields = resultsocial->Fetch(); if (fields[0].GetUInt32() == 0 && (cmdStr == "add" || cmdStr == "login")) { PSendSysMessage("|cffff0000You may only add bots from the same account or a friend's character that contains 'shared' in the notes on their friend list while not online."); SetSentErrorMessage(true); delete resultsocial; return false; } } delete resultsocial; } Are these the only lines I need to add to have the "sharedbots" enabled ? That'd be great... but too easy I guess
  6. Hmm that was not really my point but anyway, thanks (I have conflicts with shared bots) By the way, couldn't it be possible to have shared bots with all branches ? as you can activate/deactivate it in the conf anyway.
  7. Noobish question : I have compiled an old version of playerbot, but I'd like to add the feature "/t BOTNAME talent spec", which I currently don't have. What files would I need ? Is there a simple way to do that without to spend a night to understand errors and merge conflicts ? EDIT : In other word, I think my question could be : can I ovewrite the playerbot folder with a new one without messing up all the compile process ?
  8. I'm sure I've seen a way to deactivate a bot's spell ; but where was it ?
  9. Yes I'd like to, but I don't understand the merging process of three forks (Mangos, Playerbots and MMaps) so I'll wait for an official Mangos version of MMaps (which is not seem to be bugless at this time)
  10. Thanks a lot for that ! So it's not related to VMaps ?
  11. Yes I think it's something like that. Could it be possible for someone who doesn't encounter the invisibility bug to write here the options he set in these lines : [== mangosd.conf ==] vmap.enableLOS = 1 vmap.enableHeight = 1 vmap.ignoreSpellIds = "7720" vmap.enableIndoorCheck = 1 DetectPosCollision = 0 TargetPosRecalculateRange = 1.5
  12. As I said, it's a feedback, not a complaint nor an offense or whatsoever. Staying silent or saying "it's wonderful, there is nothing more to do" is not a way to manifest any enthusiasm or interest, in my opinion. You code, I put some time testing it, this is a contribution, and believe me I'm sorry I can't do more (I tried several times C++). Your reaction is the best way to discourage players ; as it is for every projects today who can't accept feedback of "non-coders". (And you're not even testing it yourself ) And I think we all agree with that, of course...
  13. @klymaster : yes I tried that, of course I used the correct command, with and without the vendor's window, but nothing happens. Is it suppose to be instant ? EDIT : and there should be an option to deactivate the security of sharedbot
  14. I played with bots for a few days now, and I'm really impressed about a lot of things, like talents, spell-managing, orders and loots. As I said before to blueboy, I come from Trinity, and you obviously rewrite a lot of things for Mangos, thanks for that However, if I may, I have some suggestions/problems, because we always want the perfection ! (especially when it's already very good) 1/ Firstly, with the invisibility problem ; I have less problems with VMaps (LOS) enabled. 2/ Bots can't be moved after engaging a combat and don't respond to the "follow" command when fighting. That would be a problem when encountering a patrol, or when you need to retreat... 3/ ... because there is no more "pull" command, so it's hard to aggro, pull back and fight. 4/ Same problem during under water combats. Bots drown without reacting. 5/ I think it's a bug, or at least a big problem : when a bot change target (because the player ask him to with the "attack" command, or he needs to protect an ally), he doesn't move at all. 6/ When a bot needs an equipment and win it, he should automatically equip it. 7/ Bots should autouse potions (I don't think they do that currently), and drink if needed (they say "I could use a drink" but they have what they need in their inventory). 8/ Combat should break the "stay" command ; except if it's to be the only way to pull mobs. 9/ The "attack" command should interrupt drinking bots. 10/ When the party dies, bots resurrect outside the instance, when the player is trying to reach the instance. They should wait for the respawn of the player. 11/ I don't really understand the "sell" command, it only worked one time, and I tried at least twenty times to sell linked items. This is just a feedback, and maybe I'm doing things in a way I'm not suppose to Keep up the good work !
  15. That was the reason for me, but I guess there are many add-ons that do scans.
  16. Darkfr3ak, maybe you can do that instead : UPDATE item_template SET Flags = 2048 WHERE Flags = 0 AND class = 12; UPDATE item_template SET Flags = 3136 WHERE Flags = 1088 AND class = 12; Partyloot for every quest items (cards-type items also with the second line) Not really tested, but your bots are gonna be jealous if they can't quest with you
  17. Thanks kennumen. For the invisibility bug, it seems that there is nothing to do ? ... For the other bug, it appears that the add-on ItemDB was causing that. The reason is that it permanently analyzes locale objects, scanning and inspecting other players as well, bringing all the time the items' list of bots.
  18. I come again with my "invisibility bug" which is really annoying... It happens a lot when I enter into an instance, and bots never appear again, even if I exit. Strange thing : the pets are still visible. On Trinity I had the same problem, but bots would appear when I entered in combat. Also, in combat, bots are harassing me with "What? For a list of commands, ask for 'help'." I think it's related to an add-on, using Data Store or something like that. Does anyone had this problem before ? EDIT : when they are invisible, bot's bars show a question mark, and I can't see their health points. EDIT2 : I'm using Sharedbots, VMAPS disabled (not heights though).
  19. Hi, The amount of XP given by any quests is always indicated in the quest window. In this window, it appears that the amount never change. I tried to change the quest XP rates in mangosd.conf, and also try to change the "RewMoneyMaxLevel" column in the DB, which is suppose to interact with experience points (but it doesn't work). Changing the XP rate in mangosd.conf modify the XP given though (I changed it to 0 and I receive no XP, even if it shows a number). Any idea of what the problem might be ?
  20. "Out of range value" it says. (0 works also for quest_template)
  21. Ok I figure the problem. In Trinity, it's possible to put a "0" for "all races" in those tables. In Mangos it's not. Is there a way to write "all races" and "all classes" in the DB ? (1024 don't work either)
  22. @Kreegoth : well that's my point, I don't want the items to go in the bag but to be directly equipped Anyway, I've got another problem now. Everything I add into playercreateinfo_item and playercreateinfo_spell is not managed by Mangos. I added custom gear (one bag) and some spell (Mount - Apprentice), but it's not working
  23. My maps are revealed. So I'm wondering if it's related to the Mangos Core, or is it something from my computer (maybe an add-on I didn't think of that). EDIT : It is indeed the antifog function of Mapster... Sorry...
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