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Bug Comments posted by Xenithar

  1. It was not in vanilla at all. I was a HEAVY raider in vanilla. I had top gear and even a Thunderfury. We NEVER got the group loot roll in vanilla. That was added in BC after I took a break.


    Also, I just built the current R20 and I STILL cannot see any realms listed in the realm selection screen despite having my realm show up when realmd starts. This is a game-breaker. A new player who just built their first server would not even be able to get into it. I can reproduce this on 64bit and 32bit Debian Wheezy. I do not have my Gentoo server up right now. Hardware changes.

  2. I meant that the change for chests in Zero was irrelevant, not that Two was. Should have clarified that.

    Guess it was added in BC then. Maybe I took a break before BC made the change. I remember getting bored with BC and taking a break until just before LK came out, so maybe I missed the chest looting change. We did not do much (any?) raiding in LK so that may also add to why I do not remember it.

    As for the boss chests they are somehow handled differently on the official servers beyond spawning. The bug mentioned above is linked below. If the chest was just a "normal" chest this would not happen. I was never the ultimate raiding guy after BC was released, but I remember threads from the past about boss chests not acting right on several occasions. This is just one. Sadly, I cannot offer much assistance here due to my lack of raiding post-BC.

    [url=http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/8197581942]Chest of The Seven[/url]
    [url=http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/7811541287]Ulduar Hodir Chest[/url]

    There are more, just google for them. If we can fix this then it puts us ahead of them somehow.

  3. Actually boss chests were NOT the same. In fact while researching I have come across several threads on the Blizzard forum referencing various boss chests not working correctly. The one that came up most often was the one where you fight the seven dwarves and their chest was bugged so rolling didn't work and on person would wind up looting it and being unable to share the items. In fact that one had been bugged for seven months when the last post was made.

    I will say it again, I do not remember this and nobody else in my guild does. I am still going through patch-notes trying to find this, but whether or not it was in BC is irrelevant. We're pushing vanilla right now and we do know it wasn't there.

  4. Right. Now my question is this. Is the article right? I have been asking my guild-mates (we all stopped when Cata was released) and nobody remembers ever having to need or greed on a chest. I swear this was implemented at a later date, but I will find patch-notes and figure out when it was added. If it WAS added in 2.1, why did we not get the prompts in BC/LK on official? We ALWAYS used group loot, but nobody remembers having to roll on the items in the chest. We simply did /roll and the highest number got the chest.

  5. Wait, we did not roll on items in chests. That is WRONG. Players would do "/roll" and whomever had the highest number got to open it. I have NEVER seen chest items rolled on. I played every iteration from the alpha to Cataclysm, so if rolling on things in chests was ever added, it was added in Cataclysm. The correct behavior in vanilla is for whomever opens it gets it.


    Based on reading, this has been implemented... in 2.1! Therefore this patch should apply to BC and newer, not vanilla. I honestly do not remember having to roll on chests when I played through Lich King however, but it may have been due to the way my guild played. We simply rolled on the chests.

    [url=http://www.wowwiki.com/Roll]WoW Wiki #1[/url]
    [url=http://www.wowwiki.com/Loot]WoW Wiki #2[/url]

    Note from #2:
    Note that loot from containers — chests, food crates, and the like — as opposed to corpses, also uses the party loot threshold (if one is in effect), although the container will always be lootable by any party member. If the container holds a high-quality item, that item will be rolled on (or not), the same as if it were looted from a corpse. Since this is a recent change (Patch 2.1.0), many groups may still require rolling on content, or at least to link the common items such as foods and potions to give to those who need it. Since chests do not normally contain items of high value, usually the party members /roll for it.
    We do NOT have a loot system in vanilla for the party rolling on chest loot.

  6. I just found one that cna be a show-stopper as far as questing goes. My fiance and mom are in a cave (Splinthoof Hold) and the mobs there are aggroing and deaggroing repeatedly. Not only that but my fiance tries summoning her VW in the cave and it uses a soul-gem but does not grant the VW. Finally, my mother did charge in the cave at an enemy and fell through the world and died. Caves may be hosed for some reason...

  7. The druid thing is NOT a show-stopper. The looting STILL being messed up is. I would like to see loot working correctly prior to R21, but I'm not a shot-caller here. I just believe that, since it worked for quite a while before the split, we should have it working by now. Either way I intend on contributing my time to R21 the moment it is out. I am still struggling with why the hell MaNGOS despises foreign keys, but that is my own issue.

  8. Group loot is still not fixed. I just played for 2.5hrs with my fiance and mom at Jintha'Alor and with it set to group loot, it was random who got a corpse and sometimes we were all assigned to it. Sometimes we wouldn't get a corpse for many kills. It was not right. It should be rotational, not random, and it should NEVER allow more than one person to loot a corpse until after the assigned owner loots it.

  9. I do not get the desync anymore, it just went back to not working correctly. Players do occasionally get their animations desynced (ie: every time a player stops running they instantly look like they're sitting or laying down or whatever) but not their positions or movement.


    Also, the druid issue is strange. I believe we are teaching the player the wrong spell. Apparently I had learned FFF, but I never got yellow text telling me so and the point is not taking. However, when I do ".lookup spell faerie fire (feral)" I see one called "Faerie Fire (Feral) Talent" and it is known. However it does not show in my spellbook. I believe you need to know that to be able to learn higher ranks, but you must also teach the player "Faerie Fire (Feral) Rank 1" or the player cannot use it and it will not show a point in the talent tree. I will test this now.


    This is odd. I unlearned FFF talent R1 and got my talent point back, and I was able to put the point into it and learn this time. However, I then trained my other ranks and it is back to showing that I do not know it and do not have a point in it.

  10. Alright, I just updated the OS with a full upgrade, cloned and built the latest from the official repo, rebooted the box, started things, and same issue. Something is very wrong here but I am not sure what. The realm ID matches and things look OK, but it refuses to allow me to select a realm. Once again when I started the realm daemon a thread started and exited. I still believe this is our issue.

    I understand this works on Ubuntu, but considering Debian is one of the three most-used distros out there and not Ubuntu, this should be important to us. I am now going to dig into the code again and see if I can figure out why that thread exits immediately and whether or not it is our problem.


    I am still not having information logged which should be logged.
    sLog.outString(" to stop.\n");
    sLog.outString("Using configuration file %s.", cfg_file);
    Logging stops here for some reason. The following is in the sources but does not get logged OR displayed on-screen.
    DETAIL_LOG("%s (Library: %s)", OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT, SSLeay_version(SSLEAY_VERSION));
    sLog.outBasic("Max allowed open files is %d", ACE::max_handles());
    Also, the following code is what I believe the mystery thread is, but am not sure how to figure out why it is exiting.
    #if defined (ACE_HAS_EVENT_POLL) || defined (ACE_HAS_DEV_POLL)
    ACE_Reactor::instance(new ACE_Reactor(new ACE_Dev_Poll_Reactor(ACE::max_handles(), 1), 1), true);
    ACE_Reactor::instance(new ACE_Reactor(new ACE_TP_Reactor(), true), true);
    Aside from commenting this section, rebuilding, and seeing if the mystery thread is gone, is there a way to troubleshoot this more efficiently? I am not familiar at all with ACE. I normally use standard threading.

  11. Build from this morning. Some thread STILL simply quits when starting.
    (gdb) run
    Starting program: /home/---/zero/bin/realmd
    [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
    Using host libthread_db library "/lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/libthread_db.so.1".
    [New Thread 0xb765eb70 (LWP 17691)]
    [Thread 0xb765eb70 (LWP 17691) exited]
    20006 [realm-daemon]
    to stop.

    Using configuration file ../etc/realmd.conf.
    Login Database total connections: 2
    MySQL client library: 5.5.38
    MySQL server ver: 5.5.38-0+wheezy1
    MySQL client library: 5.5.38
    MySQL server ver: 5.5.38-0+wheezy1
    [New Thread 0xb765eb70 (LWP 17692)]
    Added realm id 1, name 'Yurak'
    Note that some thread starts and stops. Perhaps this is the issue, but there is nothing in the log indicating an error nor is there any error output elsewhere, so I cannot figure this out. I have been over the code a dozen times or more and it LOOKS correct, so why is the thread exiting?

  12. Alright, here we go! Information about my server. This still does not work in Linux.

    Realm DB:
    1, Yurak, , 8085, 1, 64, 2, 0, 0.1875, 5875 6005 6141

    Mangos configuration:

    RealmID = 1
    DataDir = "/home/---/zero/"
    LogsDir = "/home/---/zero/logs/"
    LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;zero;---;zp_realm"
    WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;zero;---;zp_world"
    CharacterDatabaseInfo = ";3306;zero;---;zp_characters"
    ScriptDev2DatabaseInfo = ";3306;zero;---;zp_world"
    LoginDatabaseConnections = 1
    WorldDatabaseConnections = 1
    CharacterDatabaseConnections = 1
    ScriptDev2DatabaseConnections= 1
    MaxPingTime = 30
    WorldServerPort = 8085
    BindIP = ""

    UseProcessors = 0
    ProcessPriority = 1
    Compression = 3
    PlayerLimit = 32
    SaveRespawnTimeImmediately = 1
    MaxOverspeedPings = 2
    GridUnload = 1
    GridCleanUpDelay = 300000
    MapUpdateInterval = 100
    ChangeWeatherInterval = 600000
    PlayerSave.Interval = 900000
    PlayerSave.Stats.MinLevel = 0
    PlayerSave.Stats.SaveOnlyOnLogout = 1
    vmap.enableLOS = 1
    vmap.enableHeight = 1
    vmap.ignoreSpellIds = "7720"
    vmap.enableIndoorCheck = 1
    DetectPosCollision = 1
    TargetPosRecalculateRange = 1.5
    mmap.enabled = 1
    mmap.ignoreMapIds = ""
    UpdateUptimeInterval = 10
    MaxCoreStuckTime = 0
    AddonChannel = 1
    CleanCharacterDB = 1

    GameType = 1
    RealmZone = 2
    DBC.Locale = 0
    DeclinedNames = 0
    StrictPlayerNames = 1
    StrictCharterNames = 0
    StrictPetNames = 1
    MinPlayerName = 2
    MinCharterName = 2
    MinPetName = 2
    CharactersCreatingDisabled = 0
    CharactersPerAccount = 50
    CharactersPerRealm = 10
    SkipCinematics = 0
    MaxPlayerLevel = 60
    StartPlayerLevel = 1
    StartPlayerMoney = 0
    MaxHonorPoints = 75000
    StartHonorPoints = 0
    MinHonorKills = 15
    MaintenanceDay = 3
    InstantLogout = 1
    MountCost = 100000
    TrainMountCost = 900000
    MinTrainMountLevel = 40
    EpicMountCost = 1000000
    TrainEpicMountCost = 9000000
    MinTrainEpicMountLevel = 60
    AllFlightPaths = 0
    AlwaysMaxSkillForLevel = 0
    ActivateWeather = 1
    CastUnstuck = 1
    MaxSpellCastsInChain = 20
    RabbitDay = 0
    Instance.IgnoreLevel = 0
    Instance.IgnoreRaid = 0
    Instance.ResetTimeHour = 4
    Instance.UnloadDelay = 1800000
    Quests.LowLevelHideDiff = -1
    Quests.HighLevelHideDiff = 7
    Quests.IgnoreRaid = 0
    Guild.EventLogRecordsCount = 100
    TimerBar.Fatigue.GMLevel = 4
    TimerBar.Fatigue.Max = 60
    TimerBar.Breath.GMLevel = 4
    TimerBar.Breath.Max = 180
    TimerBar.Fire.GMLevel = 4
    TimerBar.Fire.Max = 1
    MaxPrimaryTradeSkill = 2
    TradeSkill.GMIgnore.MaxPrimarySkillsCount = 4
    TradeSkill.GMIgnore.Level = 4
    TradeSkill.GMIgnore.Skill = 4
    MinPetitionSigns = 9
    MaxGroupXPDistance = 74
    MailDeliveryDelay = 3600
    MassMailer.SendPerTick = 10
    PetUnsummonAtMount = 0
    Event.Announce = 0
    BeepAtStart = 1
    ShowProgressBars = 1
    WaitAtStartupError = 0
    PlayerCommands = 0

    Realm daemon output on startup:
    20006 [realm-daemon]
    to stop.

    Using configuration file ../etc/realmd.conf.
    Login Database total connections: 2
    MySQL client library: 5.5.38
    MySQL server ver: 5.5.38-0+wheezy1
    MySQL client library: 5.5.38
    MySQL server ver: 5.5.38-0+wheezy1
    Added realm id 1, name 'Yurak'
    Still not working. This build is from Monday this week, so it is recent.

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