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Everything posted by DasBlub

  1. DasBlub

    MMaps Redux

    i guess it's not of any use to do this right now. when mmaps is done and ready for master i'm sure, that it'll be possible to backport it. doing the backport now will only cause much work which will have to be done twice.
  2. DasBlub

    MMaps Redux

    get the vmap rewrite ready for mangos/master and get it commited there, then you don't have to bother about it anymore and can work on mmap btw, nice work (i only read your thread, didn't try it myself, sorry ).
  3. damn, i couldn't remember the 'git revert' command... i knew that it was there but i forgot that it existed for commits too ^^ thanks for pointing out hunuza & Diablox
  4. you can just do 'git apply -R' (or was it -r ?) to do it the 'reverse' way. so update, then extract the commit as a patch ('git show [commit] > my.diff') and then reverse-apply the created diff. -- DasBlub
  5. commited in [9793] by arrai. please move to 'accepted'
  6. updated first post, added the GUID to the Create Character" output. EDIT: fixed it, forgot to move the 'delete pNewChar' so i accessed a NULL pointer -> guid = 0
  7. this has been fixed here: http://github.com/mangos/mangos/commit/a9405a180b4c3adff632dac46b67642f9524401a so this thread can be moved to accepted or rejected
  8. What bug does the patch fix? What features does the patch add? * In the character logfile (Char.log) there's a log output for the character login: but till now, there's no output for character logout. i've now added this too: * Added GUID to the "Create Character" output Sample Output For which revision was the patch created? [9788] Who has been writing this patch? Please include either forum user names or email addresses. DasBlub Patch http://gist.github.com/377882
  9. faramir118, i just saw, that you've done a git-pull from mangos/master to merge the newest updates. this causes, that not all your commits are on top now. may i suggest you to use this command instead? git pull --rebase upstream master (replace "upstream master" by your name for the mangos repo). the "--rebase" will call "git rebase" instead of "git merge" and thus rebase all your own commits to the HEAD of the repo. this will also make it easier for you to keep track of your commits
  10. mangos/master = official branch which is also supported here. if you don't know what you're doing, you shouldn't take anything else than this one. insider42 = clone of mangos/master with additional patches which are not in the master branch and which are unstable or not blizzlike. mangos is not responsible for this branch and thus does not support it. use at your own risk.
  11. i am _finally_ done: http://github.com/DasBlub/mangos/commits/no_char_delete it is now splitted up in two commits, one adding another helper function and one adding the real implementation. it compiles fine with 9756, but due to the fact, that i didn't update my client yet, i haven't tested it with the new revision. -- DasBlub
  12. it is "reduce [...] to 5% of their maximum health", not "by". so both of your patches are wrong. the correct calculation looks like this: int32 damage = unitTarget->GetMaxHealth() * 0.05; EDIT: damn, too late for me... sorry, of course the first patch was correct!
  13. if this is true, it might also be possible to properly implement the chess event in karazhan...
  14. basically, it's always a bad idea to use some 3rd party repository if you don't know, what you're doing. thus i would strongly advice you to use the normal repository. i'm sure it'll be enough for your needs and you can still modify the config files if necessary. -- DasBlub
  15. i'm now done with the implementation, everything seems to work fine: http://github.com/DasBlub/mangos/commits/no_char_delete if you upgrade from a previous version, make sure that use use that sql update instead of 9999_03_characters_characters.sql: http://gist.github.com/363079 -- DasBlub
  16. i'd suggest to go with debian. it has slow release cycles but the releases are always good and stable. as it has to be for a server kero99, there's no need to add any 3rd party repository, the mysql server is already in the debian & ubuntu repositories
  17. for 2.4.3 there's the mangos-0.12 branch. this branch is still in development so you have many bugs and crashes fixed. i strongly advise you to use that branch instead of an outdated version.
  18. you are joking, right? o_Othat was ~3000 commits ago and for 2.4.3 there's the mangos-0.12 branch
  19. this has already been answered a few times. those compile errors come from the fact that you are not using vs2008 sp1. you _NEED_ to upgrade to sp1, otherwise it won't work. with vs2008 you shouldn't need to download the platform sdk yourself, but if it still doesn't work, you might check out those links (not sure which of those you'd need): http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=e6e1c3df-a74f-4207-8586-711ebe331cdc http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=c17ba869-9671-4330-a63e-1fd44e0e2505
  20. i found out, that pgsql does not have the DATE_ADD function, therefore i'll have to redo that part of the patch, probably using c++ and the date_t struct. i'll do that in the next few days and then merge all commits. @oceanor: my patch adds the "delete option". maybe i can merge pdump with it later (meaning: adding it as another delete option)
  21. if you're using the express edition of vs, then you need the windows SDK. with all full versions (prof., team suite, etc.) you already get the x64 compiler. you just need to select 'x64' and it'll build it for x64. i've done that on windows xp (x86) and it worked fine.
  22. 'tutorial' was maybe the wrong word... vladimir explained me how to work with interactive rebase (pretty cool stuff, i'll try it this evening... )
  23. i'm done with implementing it: http://github.com/DasBlub/mangos/commits/no_char_delete tomorrow, i'll play around a bit with git-rebase to merge the commits (thanks for the tutorial, vladimir! ) if anyone here is using pgsql instead of mysql it would be awesome if you could test this for me, thanks! (just to be *really* sure that it also works there =))
  24. DasBlub

    some pointers

    the "most easiest way" is not over two variables: bla* foo = new bla(); and i guess, that m_target is being set in the constructor (just guessing, i don't have the sourcecode here and don't feel like checking it on github.com ) -- DasBlub
  25. nice! can this also be backported to mangos-0.12 ? this one still has the 'data' field...
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