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Everything posted by DasBlub

  1. just to know... has someone (else than me ) tested this? what are you're experiences? i tested it with some chars and for me it worked fine. hope this goes into mangos git repo ps: i'll move my sql patch tonight into a subfolder, so you can locate it easier.
  2. agree, mysql only. not supported in other db systems (like oracle or sybase). suggest to use transaction with delete+insert
  3. update: works now and is in git: http://github.com/DasBlub/mangos/tree/master
  4. i've forgotten before to say, that i'll search it this evening
  5. i'm @ work, so no time for google . but i've a good idea, why you don't write a guide how to debug mangos under linux? this will increase the bugreporting because everybody will have running a debugger and everybody will have the same debug output. this will increase the stability and the speed of mangos. you see, YOU could make great changes to mangos with a single tutorial
  6. many thanks for this advice, i've posted now a request in our forum, hope the admin will try it. is there something to where attention should be paid to? i'll try it myself this evening on my windows server (is gdb for windows available?)
  7. on my own machine (home computer just to develop) i'm running windows, right. but our mainserver (where all people connect) is a linux rootserver. we have two rootservers, one for mangosd and realmd and one server for forum+db. we also recently tested again to enable vmaps global (because of some idiots in the arena which casted throught the wall -.-) but then there have been enorme lags. vmaps are also enabled in instances. lags are allready "normal" on our server, you just ask in teamspeak if it's a lag or a disconnect (i hate disconnects in bgs/instances) you said bevore, in which functions your server crashes. how have you found this out? have you just looked at the crashlog? @hitman, just correct me if i say something wrong about our servers (he's our admin, our boss )
  8. just to ask, what hardware do you have? (i.e quadcore,4gb ram,...) and have you vmaps enabled? and what's about lags? have you no problems with lags/disconnects? i'm interessted in this, because you had 100h+ uptime which seems for me to be unreachable actually
  9. i had allready ~40-50 testers on my mangos @windows xp sp3 with 4gb ram and quadcore. but then my internet (adsl, 4k) said goodby but our mainserver is running on linux with ~700 players but with much lags (vmaps are disabled because with them, the lags are again heavier). also we have crashes on our mainserver (uptime between half hour and one day)...
  10. [quot tanks! i haven't seen the first line with LoadValuesArrayFromDB, shame on me btw why is here written, that your post is from today, 12:45 AM? it's 08:10 AM... shouldn't it be 00:45 AM? because my last post is also from today 12:10 AM but i've written it tonight (seems like it has been allready today )
  11. i've never said that it is not as good as svn ^^
  12. that was just that what i've done yesterday when i couldn't update my mangos (git is really good but has some problems with the merge algorithm i think...)
  13. why not just use this? git reset --hard origin/master 2a8a1f280246672ccee52add272ac76ba5ed39fd this should do the same thing, doesn't it? ps: just written out of my head, not tested i know just that you can use it with HEAD~1 to reset to the previous commit
  14. nice! could you add this to one of the stickied tutorials? yesterday i had really trubles with updating my branch. after some filedeletes and copies and updates i finally recived to update it, but your solution seems to be easier
  15. just create a patch with tortoiseSVN and then apply it to the new files with either "git apply" or "patch" (not shure if non-git patches can be used with "git apply"...)
  16. *updated* http://github.com/DasBlub/mangos/tree/no_char_delete getting now the settings from the config file. please note, that you have to apply the changes to the default config also to your own config file. so to enable this patch for all characters just paste this code in: # CharDeletion.Mode # Character Deletion Behavior # Default: 0 - Full deletion without restoration point # 1 - Delinking, char gets delinked from the account, name gets freed up and appears as deleted ingame # 2 - Deletion with pdump of the character # CharDeletion.MinLevel # Character gets deleted by CharDeletion.Mode=0 when the character hasn't the specified level yet. # Default: 0 - For every character the specified mode will be used # 1+ - Only for players which have reached the specified level get deleted by the specified mode. # the rest will be deleted by CharDeletion.Mode=0 # #################################################################################################################### CharDeletion.Mode = 1 CharDeletion.MinLevel = 0 CharDeletion.MinLevel has no effect, because i can't get the level from the player. has anyone an idea how to get the player level? i've tried it with that: objmgr.GetPlayer(playerguid)->getLevel() but then, mangos crashes in Object::GetUInt32Value...
  17. i agree, git>svn, just tortoiseSVN was really good at svn. but now i'm able to use the git console and i'm no longer afraid of git. i think, nobody should have a problem to execute those commands: git clone git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git (first init) git pull origin master (updates) git apply (apply patches) oh, and i think it's about time now, someone could close here, that's a real flamethread...
  18. i don't think that this is a good idea, because users should be able to delete their chars on the normal way, BUT we (admins,gms,scripters) should also be able to restore those characters in an easy way. but hey, when i've implemented the config option you can do it yourself and just check the option for e.g. the value 2
  19. ok, i'll do now two flags in the config file: CharDeletion.Mode and CharDeletion.MinLevel, is that so ok for you? with that you're free to expand this how ever you want to.
  20. it isn't filling the db, the idea behind is, that you have a housekeeping script which runs daily on the server and removes all characters which have deleteDate < now-30days
  21. about what are you talking now? i never create a file :confused: i do all in the database...
  22. this is that what the scripts does. the script sets the account to 0 and cleans the name (so the name is reusable). both values are storred in an additional field splited by a "|". the script removes the player from the group and from the guild but lets all other things.t if you want to delete the char finally you can just run a housekeeping script on your server which deletes the char finally. oh i've set up now a github account and create a branch for this. see here: http://github.com/DasBlub/mangos/tree/no_char_delete (needed 3 commits for this, was my first time )
  23. What bug does the patch fix? What features does the patch add? on our server we have often the problem, that chars get deleted by users (or their litle brothers ). and then restoring those chars based on sql dumps and database backups isn't the best way... so i've implemented this patch which sets only a flag in the db and cuts the char away from the account. so you can restore the char very fast. For which SubVersion revision was the patch created? 2008_11_01_02 (bf5fcf69e720842e6649ac8f7c8bc8cbe8397f4a) Who has been writing this patch? Please include either forum user names or email addresses. DasBlub [old code removed. please use my git repo] can now be found at github: http://github.com/DasBlub/mangos/tree/no_char_delete single commit: http://github.com/DasBlub/mangos/commit/bd83d0332ff099bc276e4410f6ec406099985e28 and as a patchfile (created with git show): http://paste2.org/p/142137
  24. i've the revision 6756 from SVN and now i've a revision from git... and i have to say, as windowsuser, git for me is no choise... who has done this decision to move to gid? because i've seen here also senior members and developers posting here... i hope you will go back to SVN, because for me, git is no choise and if it will rest so i'll maybe go to trinity, because with SVN you have a clear communication base, about which revision you are speaking. for example if you say, that you have developed a new boss in scriptdev2, until now you could say, "needs mangos rev. 6756, udb rev. 361 and sd2 rev. 687", but now, what can you say about the mangos rev? uh yeah... there is now ref... and how can you do a patch? oh yeah, you can't because it's git... so... *please* go back to SVN
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