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Everything posted by DasBlub

  1. shouldn't you store the actual state in a variable and set this state again after saving? else there's a difference between client and server data i think...
  2. how has freghar said that? oh, right: questions_about_012++ use this code: git clone git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git git checkout -b 243 origin/mangos-0.12 and to update: git pull origin mangos-0.12
  3. when you can connect over telnet i asume that it is using the telnet protocol...
  4. you know for what ../path/file.diff stands? this is only a dummy-path, you have to replace it with the path to your own patch/diff file. and again: the db updates are NOT the patch/diff files! you CAN NOT apply a database change (sql) with git am or git apply @searching in french forums: i'm able to do it...
  5. you can connect over telnet on the port 3443 (was this one i think, right?) and then type this for your authentication (replace "username" and "password" with your username and password): USER username PASS password
  6. you have to apply the patch from pastebin.ca to your FILES, not to the db. so copy the text into a file called 'mangarena.patch' and then type this in the git console (right click on the folder and select 'git bash here'): git apply mangarena.patch after that execute the sql statements from the other post. for that do it like you did to create and update your database. so for example open the console, type in 'mysql -u root -p' and then in this mysql console type in 'USE mangos' and then copy in the sql which you have to apply to your world database. (sry, i can french, but i can't translate this...) EDIT: lol, after submitting you changed your content^^
  7. DasBlub

    learning C++

    depending on which language i know some good german books, but english ones... as an "advanced" book i can recommend you the book "the c++ programming language" from stroustrup (the developer of c++): http://public.research.att.com/~bs/3rd.html
  8. DasBlub

    learning C++

    for c++ i would recommend to buy a book, c++ is to big to learn it with tutorials... in good books (there are good and bad ones) you learn how it works and you'll understand it. not in 5 days, not in 10 days, but maybe in one or two months... tutorials are good to see how something special works, but not to learn a programming language like c++
  9. thanks... how you see, there's no review actually again updated to newest revisions (yesterday night). branches: master: http://github.com/DasBlub/mangos/tree/no_char_delete mangos-0.12: http://github.com/DasBlub/mangos/tree/no_char_delete-0.12
  10. is there any topic for this (nothing found with search function...)? is this intended to be in mangos once? and how high are the speed improvements by this patch?
  11. are you sure about your mangos rev? 6360 is arround 900 revisions behind... it should even not work with sd2 888 and udb 368... if you really have rev. 6360 update your server (or better said do a fresh install, it's easier, because mangos moved to git at rev. 6767)
  12. that is NOT an sql file, that is a diff file and it's a svn diff file... see once into the git section, i think there is a description how to apply a svn diff to a git repo... try something like git am or git apply as command
  13. 69** is allready git, svn is only till 6767. and for git tutorials there is a whole section in this forum
  14. the 'console way' is to use vi/vim to view and edit it and gdb for debugging the 'graphic way' is to use an editor like eclipse (has also c++ plugins) or code::blocks (i recommend c::b as a graphical editor for all platforms)
  15. good job! just as a question: how long will the mangos-0.12 branch stay in the repo? because actually there are much persons using this branch (including myself) and i don't wanna stand here and read once 'mangos stops support for 2.4.3'.. this would be a big problem if you don't say it early enougth
  16. i can only answer question #2: m_ means "member", this is a member variable from a class. this definition cames from the hungarian notation hope this helps ps: i've no idea why not all variables are using this notations...
  17. i meand with that, that when you have 500+ testers/players your server has to handle much more than with 150. the question was to get it working, that does not only mean to compile it and to run it with a 'low' amount of testers. we have also mtmaps on our testserver, with 600+ it works fine with 800+ we have laggs and with 850+ it laggs like hell, that it, what i mean. and no, i'm not bored at all
  18. with 150testers it is something completely different than with 500+...
  19. the patchfile doesn't change that. you even don't need it on windows. you compile sd2 and the final library gets placed into the bin folder from mangos. but yes, a dynamic path to the script library may really be nice... but i'm unsure if it is needed, it would only be a nice 'gadget'
  20. why you need to patch mangos build tree? have you ever heard from scriptdev2 ?
  21. this seems to be a problem from your operating system, the program crashes in std::terminate() which gets called by the new operator which throws something (__cxa_throw)
  22. it IS a config option which is disabled by default
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