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Everything posted by EARTHWALKER

  1. Just tested a few raid and all times are showing correctly. I'm a happy bunny again Thanks again peeps.
  2. Link just comes up with a blank page dude. Please look into it.
  3. Thanks all for the help. Deleted all the tables and now updated to rev 10777 Now lets see what happens
  4. Did you compile SD2 AFTER compiling mangos?
  5. I've had that on various servers for months now. I have a plan though. Don't equip special gems Not ideal I know, but it's the only solution I've been able to come up with.
  6. I was from almost day one. I tried my link a few months ago and it was dead. Shame, as I had a lot of fun there
  7. Hiya due. I don't really understand what you mean. Delete what from character_instance? Delete what from instance? e.t.c. My core is rev 10654 atm.
  8. Just having a look around my server and see that a few instances reset times are set to over 3800 days...lol No idea why, but hey, I'm sure it can be resolved. How would I go about reducing or even removing the reset time completely, from a raid that is obviously being a little on the silly side? Any help would e greatly appreciated.
  9. eek. Failing with new rev 10654 $ git apply ../ahbot.patch error: patch failed: src/game/World.cpp:1277 error: src/game/World.cpp: patch does not apply If that is line 1277 then notepad++ shows this m_timers[WUPDATE_CORPSES].SetInterval(20*MINUTE*IN_MILLISECONDS); If it's an error code, then I haven't a clue
  10. That's excellent news cyberium. We salute you and stand back in awed patience.
  11. Ok dude, thanks. I'll get that removed from my database as it's still lurking
  12. Just wondering, with all these changes now, is the auctionhousebot.sql file needed still, or is that now redundant?
  13. Thanks Cyber. Did what you said and it now patches and compiles fine. I do have another problem though. I start the server and get this in the console:- Initialize AuctionHouseBot... ------------------------------- ------- AuctionHouseBot ------- ------------------------------- AHBot> New CORE by Cyberium (Original by Xeross, Naicisum, ChrisK, Paradox) AHBot> Includes AHBuyer by Kerbe and Paradox (Not tested) AHBot> Unable to open configuration file(ahbot.conf). AHBOT is Disabled. WORLD: World initialized SERVER STARTUP TIME: 1 minutes 22 seconds mangosd process priority class set to HIGH I did take all the ahbot configurations and put them into a file ahbot.conf in the same folder as the rest of the conf files and still this comes up. Any clues? EDIT: I fixed it Somehow I didn't have this in my conf file:- ################################################ # MANGOS Auction House Bot Configuration file # ################################################ [AhbotConf] ConfVersion=2010090101 Most peculiar
  14. Can someone post how to make a patch file please. I know there are a few variations, as I think I've tried them all, so rather than beat the dead horse, I'm asking to see what other people do from start to finish and compare. Here is what I do. The patch is made, but it does seem a bit odd Make new folder in C: named corefiles Right-click and select git bash Type these into bash window git clone git://github.com/cyberium/mangos.git new_ahbot cd new_ahbot git checkout -b new_ahbot origin/ahbot git diff 4bbb824c8088d28d9736bea51edcda586c471901 new_ahbot > ../ahbot.patch Patch now found inside c:\\corefiles Copy patch to whatever folder your binaries are in. Right-click the folder and choose git bash Type:- patch -p1 < ahbot.patch I'm sure I have always done it this way and not had a problem...until now, so perhaps I am in error somewhere hidden to me.
  15. The way I think it can be done (I'm no script genius), is to add a second filter to this line:- $result = mysql_query ("SELECT name, race, class, level, map, gender FROM characters WHERE online = 1"); Something like $result = mysql_query ("SELECT name, race, class, level, map, gender FROM characters WHERE online = 1 AND Realmd/Tables/Account GMlevel >0"); Hopefully someone will...um..adjust my attempt
  16. Just grabbed the new core, SD2'd it, made the patch which was 996kb. A lot larger than previous one's. Tried to patch and ended in an epic fail. No matter what (of the hundreds) of variations I use (&^%Y$$ GIT) I get this output. $ patch -p1 < new_ahbot.patch patching file `.gitignore' Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected! Assume -R? [n] No matter what I press, I get patch or hunk failed. I don't understand at all what is going on.
  17. Using any command WITHOUT a . in front will make the command null and void. I would have thought, you'd have known that.
  18. .additemset ***** Replace ***** with whatever set you find here - http://wow.allakhazam.com/db/itemsetlist.html?1 Allakhazam is the daddy. Wowhead sucks
  19. Thankfully I haven't updated since rev 10442 as mine works flawlessly..lol /me runs and hides
  20. Also check your database under the realmd/tables/realmlist tabs to see if you have added or need changing the address there too.
  21. As always the more info you can provide on any given problem helps. Had you said linux in your OP, I would have added that too
  22. repack? lmao. Move along people, nothing to see here.
  23. There are a number of ways to do it. You can type server info in your console or go to git gui and visualize master's history or use git bash and type git log. There are probably other ways too
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