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Everything posted by EARTHWALKER

  1. Seems just like a lag problem to me. Happens on many servers, even mine at times. If things still work, I wouldn't try and fix it.
  2. MaMGOS? what the fudge is that? I'll presume you mean mangos. Anyway, what exactly is your problem?
  3. You'll need to provide a lot more info than 'help me' dude. What rev on mangos did you compile, where did you get it from, what SD2 and did you compile after doing mangos. What database are you using, what rev and where did you get it from. This is just the start of things. Provide that at least and we can then at least start to help.
  4. I'm also getting the Table creature_movement has waypointblah blah <snip> covering the screen but my server seems fine. Just wondering what it means.
  5. Can someone upload a patch please as I am getting errors trying to clone cyberiums repo. And say for what rev of mangos. Sorry to be a pain. Ignore please. Tried a few times and finally got it
  6. Glad to see the test was a success. Yes I speak French, but I choose not to
  7. The opcode you mention is a very known one which one day may be removed. It's not the reason for your server crashing as it's just a message and not an action. In order to help dude, we'd need a lot more info, such as what rev of mangos, what rev of SD2, what database and at what rev, did you compile sd2 after mangos? Have you done all of the updates. Are you using any extra patches?
  8. I'm not sure where you've got your information, but you are incorrect in almost all of your assumptions. UDB updated only a few weeks ago to their new rev 392 SD2 has updated almost every few days in the last month alone, providing a humongous amount of quest corrections and improvements. Acid is final as far as I know. Not sure what happened there as I've never taken much notice of it. Mangos primarily supports UDB, but almost any DB can be used with either none or very minor modifications. Enjoy the mangos project my friend and you'll me smiling more often
  9. A new AHbot thread would be good as this one is getting a little old and will confuse many noobs. As long as this section isn't deleted, all will be fine. Also, if a new thread is made, it would be good to have a tutorial on HOW to implement everything as many come here asking questions which should have been in the thread originally.
  10. Horde heal ally scum? NEVER!!!! haha.
  11. I couldn't agree more with you there dude. Leave the forum as it is. It looks good and works. Very apt for the age-ole saying of "If it ain't broken, don't try and fix it!"
  12. Nice work there Ashen. It's super fast now Original script updated. Edit: Had to revert back as your change gave location as a number and doesn't read from the array.
  13. Are you talking about the one I altered or all of these scripts? You say "scripz" and not "script" so I'm not sure if you mean just mine or all as the 'z' denotes a plural. The location part is fine for me, here is my link - http://earthwalker.servegame.com/erk/showonlineppl.php
  14. Pretty much the same as I have inserted into the script. I just removed all the non-important one's such as transports and test maps. Your list does provide a couple of extra one's, so thanks. Script updated
  15. I've been fiddling as best I can with the above script to add the location of the toon. * Show Online PPL (Nick, Race, Class, Level, map, Gender). <center><table border="1" width="50%"> <tr> <td>[b]Nick: [/b]</td> <td>[b]Race: [/b]</td> <td>[b]Class: [/b]</td> <td>[b]Level: [/b]</td> <td>[b]Location: [/b]</td> <td>[b]Gender: [/b]</td> </tr> <?php require_once ( 'config.php'); mysql_connect ("$host","$user","$pass"); mysql_select_db ("$mangoscharacters"); $result = mysql_query ("SELECT name, race, class, level, map, gender FROM characters WHERE online = 1"); $num_online = mysql_num_rows($result); $class = array(1=>"Warrior",2=>"Paladin",3=>"Hunter",4=>"Rogue",5=>"Priest",6=>"Death Knight",7=>"Shaman",8=>"Mage",9=>"Warlock",11=>"Druid"); $race = array(1=>"Human",2=>"Orc",3=>"Dwarf",4=>"Night Elf",5=>"Undead",6=>"Tauren",7=>"Gnome",8=>"Troll",10=>"Blood Elf",11=>"Draenei"); $map = array(0=>"Eastern Kingdoms",1=>"Kalimdor",33=>"Shadowfang Keep",34=>"Stormwind Stockade",35=>"Stormwind Prison",36=>"Deadmines",43=>"Wailing Caverns",44=>"Monastery",47=>"Razorfen Kraul",48=>"Blackfathom",70=>"Uldaman",90=>"Gnomeragon",109=>"Sunken Temple",129=>"Razorfen Downs",169=>"Emerald Dream",189=>"Monastery",209=>"Tanaris",229=>"Black Rock Spire",230=>"Black Rock Depths",249=>"Onyxia Lair",269=>"Caverns Of Time",289=>"School of Necromancy",309=>"Zulgurub",329=>"Stratholme",349=>"Mauradon",369=>"Deeprun Tram",389=>"Orgrimmar",409=>"MoltenCore",429=>"DireMaul",469=>"Blackwing Lair",509=>"AhnQiraj",530=>"Dalaran",531=>"AhnQiraj Temple",532=>"Karazahn",533=>"Stratholme",534=>"Hyjal Past",540=>"Hellfire Military",542=>"Hellfire Demon",543=>"Hellfire Rampart",544=>"Hellfire Raid",545=>"Coilfang Pumping",546=>"Coilfang Marsh",547=>"Coilfang Draenei",548=>"Coilfang Raid",550=>"Tempest Keep Raid",552=>"Tempest Keep Arcane",553=>"Tempest Keep Atrium",554=>"Tempest Keep Factory",555=>"Auchindoun Shadow",556=>"Auchindoun Demon",557=>"Auchindoun Ethereal",558=>"Auchindoun Draenei",560=>"Hillsbrad Past",562=>"Blades Edge Arena",564=>"Black Temple",565=>"Gruuls Lair",566=>"Netherstorm BG",568=>"ZulAman",571=>"Northrend",574=>"Valgarde 70",575=>"Utgarde Pinnacle",576=>"Nexus 70",578=>"Nexus 80",580=>"Sunwell Plateau",595=>"Stratholme COT",598=>"Sunwell 5",599=>"Ulduar 70",600=>"Drak Theron Keep",602=>"Ulduar 80",603=>"Ulduar Raid",604=>"GunDrak",607=>"Northrend BG",608=>"Violet Hold",609=>"Ebon Hold",615=>"The Obsidian Sanctum",616=>"The Eye of Eternity",617=>"Dalaran Sewers",618=>"The Ring of Valor",619=>"Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom",624=>"Vault of Archavon",628=>"Isle of Conquest",631=>"Icecrown Citadel Raid",632=>"Forge of Souls",649=>"Argent Tournament Raid",650=>"Argent Tournament Dungeon",658=>"Pit Of Saron",668=>"Halls of Reflection",723=>"Stormwind",724=>"The Ruby Sanctum"); $gender = array(0=>"Male",1=>"Female"); if($num_online < 1) { echo "<tr><td colspan='4' align='center'>No Players Online!</td></tr>"; } for($i=0; $i<$num_online; $i++) { $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $t_name = $row['name']; $t_race = $row['race']; $t_class = $row['class']; $t_lvl = $row['level']; $t_map = $row['map']; $t_gender = $row['gender']; echo "<tr> <td>[b]$t_name[/b]</td>"; echo "<td>[b]$race[$t_race][/b]</td>"; echo "<td>[b]$class[$t_class][/b]</td>"; echo "<td>[b]$t_lvl[/b]</td>"; echo "<td>[b]$map[$t_map][/b]</td>"; echo "<td>[b]$gender[$t_gender][/b]</td> </tr>"; } ?> That's all map locations excluding transports and test locations.
  16. Original Code by Kpacavcheg * Show Online PPL (Nick, Race, Class, Level, Gender). <center><table border="0" width="50%"> <tr> <td>[b]Nick: [/b]</td> <td>[b]Race: [/b]</td> <td>[b]Class: [/b]</td> <td>[b]Level: [/b]</td> <td>[b]Gender: [/b]</td> </tr> <?php require_once ( 'config.php'); mysql_connect ("$host","$user","$pass"); mysql_select_db ("$mangoscharacters"); $result = mysql_query ("SELECT name, race, class, level, gender FROM characters WHERE online = 1"); $num_online = mysql_num_rows($result); $class = array(1=>"Warrior",2=>"Paladin",3=>"Hunter",4=>"Rogue",5=>"Priest",6=>"Death Knight",7=>"Shaman",8=>"Mage",9=>"Brujo",11=>"Druid"); $race = array(1=>"Human",2=>"Orc",3=>"Dwarf",4=>"Night Elf",5=>"Undead",6=>"Tauren",7=>"Gnome",8=>"Troll",10=>"Blood Elf",11=>"Draenei"); $gender = array(0=>"Male",1=>"Female"); if($num_online < 1) { echo "<tr><td colspan='4' align='center'>No Players Online!</td></tr>"; } for($i=0; $i<$num_online; $i++) { $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $t_name = $row['name']; $t_race = $row['race']; $t_class = $row['class']; $t_lvl = $row['level']; $t_gender = $row['gender']; echo "<tr> <td>[b]$t_name[/b]</td>"; echo "<td>[b]$race[$t_race][/b]</td>"; echo "<td>[b]$class[$t_class][/b]</td>"; echo "<td>[b]$t_lvl[/b]</td>"; echo "<td>[b]$gender[$t_gender][/b]</td> </tr>"; } ?> Altered this script as found a couple of typos and lack of ? in part of it.
  17. I had a look through the database for many chests and couldn't see anything related to cast opening times, so I think it's part of the core. Hopefully someone will be able to point you in the right direction.
  18. Oh I see. I just jumped on myself and tested again and it showed a 1 I thought it was meant to produce a table of how many online, class, race, where they were e.t.c At least I know that my pc and php bits are still ok. Cheers.
  19. I searched a little but didn't find anything, sorry. Is there a particular column you need info about, if so, just name it here. Or do you need details on all of them?
  20. It printed out this:- test.0 without adding the echo it just gives the 0 Hopefully that means something to someone Admit it, life would be dull without me
  21. If that is your attitude, I suggest you leave and never come back! I very strongly suggest you look around the forum for a very long time and read, read and then read some more. Eventually you'll find there are some very VERY helpful people around here. More helpful than you can possibly imagine!
  22. Take your time xeross. No point in rushing something this epic.
  23. Thanks dude. I am again enlightened Still have a problem though. I now have two files. index.php with this inside:- <? // Include the configuration file (definitions of username, password, host, ecc) into the index.php file. require_once ('config.php'); // Connect to the database and sets a resource link to variable "$conn". $conn = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die('Connection failed: ' . mysql_error()); // Selects the database such as "realmd", "mangos", ecc. mysql_select_db($mangoscharacters, $conn) or die('Select DB failed: ' . mysql_error()); // Executes the string query on resource link "$conn". $result = mysql_query("SELECT Count(Online) FROM `characters` WHERE `online` = 1", $conn); // Splits the first row into an associative array. $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); // Print to screen a value of field "count(online)". echo $row["Count(Online)"]; ?> As you suggested and made a config.php with this inside:- <?php $ip = "earthwalker.servegame.com"; $port = "3306"; $host = "localhost"; $user = "root"; $pass = "***"; $mangoscharacters = "characters"; $mangosrealm = "realmd"; $cod = 'utf8'; ?> Both files inside xampp/htdocs/erk so I do http://my-no-ip/erk/ and just get a blank page To see if the page could be seen from the outside, I just made an index.html with the words 'eek' lol. I went to that page http://my-no-ip/erk/index.html and it printed 'eek' so I know that folder is seen. I do have a standard registration page in another folder and that loads fine too. Any clues as to what I'm doing wrong?
  24. I had this very same problem a while ago. The file was there, but it said it couldn't find out. It turned out the conf file was corrupt. re-grab mangos and use a clean conf file and test before making changes to see if that solves it.
  25. Noob alert. Can someone post a small tutorial as to...what to do with these scripts? As in, where would I put this? :- <? require_once ( 'config.php'); $conn = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die('Connection failed: ' . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db($mangoscharacters, $conn) or die('Select DB failed: ' . mysql_error()); $sql = "SELECT Count(Online) FROM `characters` WHERE `online` = 1"; $result = mysql_query($sql, $conn); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $online = $row["Count(Online)"]; echo $online; ?> inside the index.html or have the index.html have a line like load.code.php. It's all very confusing to me Don't laugh, or I may spontaneously combust
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