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Everything posted by henhouse

  1. Is this suppose to spawn them full of objects, or just create these blank databases?
  2. This is very good! I wish it was implemented in source because the .send mail command can only be like 255 characters(too short). If it could be a command perhaps? Like .gm mail on/off? <3 thanks though, I needed this!
  3. Good God! Wouldn't that be an internet latency problem? Or are you running it on some dedicated server because that is extreme.
  4. Great job guys! And hurray at the continued mangos-0.12 support We all love that!
  5. Yeah patch doesn't work on Wrath anymore sadly. Works on 2.4.3 still just fine, you just got to change "void Spell::EffectMomentMove(uint32 i)" to "void Spell::EffectLeapForward(uint32 i)" since they renamed it. I am a little surprised no "real" Blink patch has ever been written. I mean arena, AV and all that have big patches, but none for Blink? Dang .
  6. Yeah, in my opinion if this is truly almost Warden that can stop exploiters, it should be finished an implemented someday.
  7. Great idea, or perhaps a .gm mail on/off command?
  8. Well hopefully you understand how the patch works. The "-" means to remove that line and "+" to add. So those are the changes. The lines that don't have those symbols are just for locating where to make the changes. In a text editor (I recommend Notepad++ for Windows) do a Find(Control+F) search of a line that isn't modified like " Player* player = (Player*)user;" and then when you find it, press Enter a few times and copy + paste all the lines with the "+" to add them. Remember to delete the little plus signs though. That's how you can manually add them. Works great when there's problems patching if it's small.
  9. Those other errors we me being stupid and putting it in the line above it that looked very similar. The target->GetZoneId() worked perfectly! These zones now give the "Dueling is not allowed here error." Nice!
  10. Hm, I run it on Vista so it doesn't seem like an OS problem.
  11. You can manually go in and add the lines, in fact it makes things a bit easier sometimes when there's hardly any changes.
  12. =/ got this back: ..\\..\\src\\game\\SpellEffects.cpp(4925) : error C2065: 'targetAreaEntry' : undeclared identifier ..\\..\\src\\game\\SpellEffects.cpp(4925) : error C2227: left of '->flags' must point to class/struct/union/generic type type is ''unknown-type'' ..\\..\\src\\game\\SpellEffects.cpp(4925) : error C3861: 'GetAreaId': identifier not found ..\\..\\src\\game\\SpellEffects.cpp(4925) : error C3861: 'GetZoneId': identifier not found
  13. In SpellEffects.cpp I'm trying to edit the line: AreaTableEntry const* targetAreaEntry = GetAreaEntryByAreaID(target->GetZoneId()); if(targetAreaEntry && (targetAreaEntry->flags & AREA_FLAG_CAPITAL )) { SendCastResult(SPELL_FAILED_NO_DUELING); // Dueling isn't allowed here return; } and change that line to: if(targetAreaEntry && (targetAreaEntry->flags & AREA_FLAG_CAPITAL || (GetAreaId() == 2317) || (GetZoneId() == 3817)) ) So that those areas will basically have disabled dueling. Now, the C++ might be wrong, I've tried a few other ways, I'm very new with all this stuff anyway, but I always get the error: ..\\..\\src\\game\\SpellEffects.cpp(4972) : error C3861: 'GetAreaId': identifier not found ..\\..\\src\\game\\SpellEffects.cpp(4972) : error C3861: 'GetZoneId': identifier not found So I thought I needed to include some resource file, so I tried stuff like including Map.h, MapManager.h, etc, etc and none of them get rid of this error. So I have a feeling I'm doing something completely wrong .
  14. henhouse

    When Compiling

    Yeah I normally would clean and stuff, I started noticing when I would recompile ScriptDev2 without cleaning it would just compile it without doing it all over again. I'll give it a try but I wanted to ask because I did it once but the mangosd.exe didn't say last modified and that time, but the last time I compiled. Hm. Thanks.
  15. I've been making a bit of edits to some files in MaNGOS and recompiling to then edit again is a waste of 10 minutes. Am I able to compile, then edit something like in Spell.cpp and then recompile only that file? Or do I really have to compile everything over again?
  16. Confirmed, in http://github.com/mangos/mangos/commit/10e1fc9fe4b3ab4b5236edee2a94a01cba248819 this was fixed. HOWEVER, Mass Dispell is still breaking stealth. Could you modify your patch and submit a patch for that? The devs might over look this thread since one of the problems has been resolved. Thanks.
  17. Okay, I've run several test servers on Windows XP and never have this problem. But on vista you get this: "Welcome to Ahn'Qiraj Temple. This raid instance is scheduled to reset in 6691 Days 15 Hours." I get that in EVERY raid. The timer on the computer is synced with EST online time so there is NO mistake with it. Any help for this problem?
  18. Out of all the Blink patches I've tested, this is BY FAR the most real working one. Why is it not been submitted for review?
  19. Sorry to stick my nose in here, but I really do hope you can get this working like Blizzard's if that's what is trying to be done. Especially if it can be worked on and implemented into MaNGOS. The whole cheat-hacking is a really bad flaw and if there could be a real Warden monitoring it, it would be awesome.
  20. Thanks for the fix! This is a big exploit and is blocked on retail servers. Will this mess any chat features up, or will it strictly block the use of \\n? If it only blocks that it should be pushed into repo. Also, another big exploit, is like that AddOn, changing font colors. That's a really big exploit and problem, any hope on blocking that?
  21. Kinda sad for me to ask, but I've never really understood what in the world this thing did... What does the BG Queue announce do exactly?
  22. Awesome! However can this be pushed to 0.12 like the previous one was too?
  23. This was posted a long time ago actually. You can also do GetZoneId() and use that to make the entire zone a sanctuary.
  24. The recent one fixed Shadowstep, now maybe this should fix all the others?
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