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Everything posted by henhouse

  1. Okay, so I'm wondering if it's possible, or could be added as an option to disable certain classes to be created. For example(once it's supported) death knights. Since they will most likely be bugged, etc and I don't want to deal with all that to start off. So is there anyway a player would have the expansion enabled, but certain classes disabled? Sort of like if you don't have a BC account the new races are disabled. Just wondering if it's possible. Thanks.
  2. You could go into the `command` table in the database `mangos` and set the field with "tele" to security 0 to allow everyone to use teles. Then of course they could teleport everywhere you can. Also a command as custom as this would be a core modification and probably not be implemented into MaNGOS.
  3. This could be a nice feature in some cases. I would also like to see character lock implemented too. This is where a certain character locks and when you attempt to login it says something along the lines of "This character has been locked; please contact Billing & Accounts". But this would also be a nice feature.
  4. Please use search before you post, there is already one of these.
  5. How in the world to you revert back to a revision? Or does Git not even have that?
  6. I've had ~110 testers on before with Windows. It requires a lot of bandwidth mostly. Only about 1 GB of RAM or more can hold ~100 people. I run the tests on a 4GB Dual RAM, Intel Core 2 Duo processor, Windows Vista computer.
  7. I would like to see the add GM to friend list fixed. Currently you can add GMs to your friend list, on retail you cannot so this needs to be fixed.
  8. YES! Thank you so much TheLuda! I mean if this GIT is better for the developers, then great. But the members that use it find it lacking the promises of SVN. However, with this, there shouldn't be a problem. Thank you TheLuda, very very much.
  9. This problem is occurring for me too. People can fall under the world with vmaps on.
  10. Still 2.4.3. Once MaNGOS supports 3.0.x they will announce it.
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