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Posts posted by laise

  1. partly fixed in [11697].

    ......... if (missInfo == SPELL_MISS_REFLECT) unitTarget = caster; // Fill base damage struct (unitTarget - is real spell target) SpellNonMeleeDamage damageInfo(caster, unitTarget, m_spellInfo->Id, m_spellSchoolMask); if (missInfo == SPELL_MISS_NONE || missInfo == SPELL_MISS_REFLECT && target->reflectResult == SPELL_MISS_NONE) { for (int32 effectNumber = 0; effectNumber < MAX_EFFECT_INDEX; ++effectNumber) { ..........

    not sure if changing target here is correct - might calculate all damage bonuses(done&taken) as if caster is actual target and I'm not sure if it works that way on retail. added second part in [11699], thanks.

  2. Hi,

    similar problem here:

    Two Chars A + B in a group.

    Char A selects "roll"

    Char B selects "greed"

    Char A rolls and wins, but can't pick up loot. Message is "...still being rolled"

    Char B can pick up loot.

    Mangos: 11630

    USB 0.12.1 (401)

    tried with 2 clients, seems to work fine..maybe need really press it at the same time =\\

  3. Well currently I don't think mangos has it and maybe its time to decide if we need one?

    I think there should be some pattern by which all functions/classes/etc. are written so we won't just throw things where we see fit(yea it works fine but requires more time to understand whats going on)

    In general this new model should follow few rules like :

    can't contradict any in-game feature and ways it works and possibly have ability to live with threads..

    One of the examples for this is http://github.com/cipherCOM/mangos/tree/eventsystem-0.12 (for 0.12, only in basic stage of headers and debug functions -files Event***.h/cpp) which treats any in-game action

    as an event so every part of server code regardless if its bg code or deal damage part go by format of having event(EventInfo) and passing it to listener for this specific type of event..

    This way allows easier code understanding and developing new features can be faster(won't have to think how it will look like in some parts).

    On the other hand switching is going to be hard because all server code needs to be changed to work with new way - this can be done on main branch as series of commits or having different branch and keeping it in sync, merging when finished.

    Ofc either way we gonna loose support for most of the patches that are now on forums, even if smaller ones can be modified relatively easy, the larger ones can be a problem. Another problem

    is that even if we only move existing code without fully rewriting it, we still may loose its functionality resulting in having more bugs/crashes/etc.

    Would like to hear team opinion on that matter (if this change even needed and maybe there are better fitting model than event-like)..

  4. Wrong fix because - casterGUID is never empty - Even if (caster-> corpse || !caster -> isAlive || !caster-> IsInWorld) ?

    "return" is wrong - Then put "break" is also wrong fix ?

    ok if casterGUID is magically 0 then it will just compare existing guid with 0 and unless some spell's casterGUID is 0, it won't do anything..

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