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Everything posted by laise

  1. why you dont use procFlags where they suppose to be used - in spell proc system?
  2. haven't found any other place where need to apply mods inside of SetAuraMaxDuration (not real duration because we apply for max). Most talents just refresh to full current duration
  3. maybe need to apply also SPELLMOD_DURATION because there is talent for duration increase of Cut to the Chase
  4. no longer needed because HandleSpellSpecificBoosts doesn't depend on aura visibility anymore
  5. are you sure that spells 21399 and 21400 are not somehow related to this effect?
  6. will break all procs on periodic receive (may be part of any healing receive)
  7. getmangos.eu - for international I'm sure there are lots of other mangos forums on diff languages so they might be useless for you but can help people who don't speak english..
  8. also note that spells like 46102 Spell Fury might have proc flags for different effect unrelated to root/fear removing
  9. Fear, Entangling Roots and Frost Nova have procflags and Soulstorm doesn't..I think thats what adds first 3 the ability to be removed from damage, so it shouldn't be explicit in DealDamage
  10. "What bug does the patch fix? Nothing ;( Already taken care of by SpellDifficulty.dbc"
  11. laise


    couldn't reproduce with 27085 on clean, any additional conditions except "need to hit player who casts it" ?
  12. should be fixed in [10268]..good example why its better to comment even if it is my own code
  13. explicit delete from modAuras is wrong because there is no change in general aura process of deleting - so shouldn't be any change to order or explicit calls outside of RemoveAura. Is there any crash dump when it fails on GetAurasByType call?
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