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Everything posted by laise

  1. alternative fix in [10255]. Can't check only last aura since aura remove can trigger different holder remove..
  2. AuraEffect::HandleAuraUntrackable ...wtf... AuraEffect doesn't even exist Oo
  3. should be fixed in [10241]. Thanks for report
  4. works for me.. tried on mobs in zulgurub under freeze, channeled can't display "interrupted" message anyway after [10189]
  5. about not being able to use spells, is this on clean [10198]?
  6. spell that enables it on client was removed from dbc..
  7. without any patches, Shadowdance doesn't work on latest rev(and i mean latest, not any before)?
  8. ok how u expect code to be in db? i mean srsly u cant put c++ scripts there... I tried once to group few similar spells (Spell::SelectMountByAreaAndSkill) but each spell still needed it's own special support - in this case related spell ids for different mounts..maybe spells need to have their own scripts in some way but i don't think it is related in any way to DB hardcoded is done only when there is no other visible option to fix something.. really? why not look at commit log first?
  9. Unit::RemoveAura+2F8 c:\\documents and settings\\administrator\\desktop\\copy (3) of 335 2 do not touch lol\\src\\game\\unit.cpp line 4670 what is on line 4670 in ur src..
  10. any custom patches? and can u post line content that it falls on?
  11. yea thanks, added in [10181]. I think better use basepoints that are already on trigger aura even if it is just * 1..
  12. interesting ..buuut SendAuraUpdate is not on Aura class...
  13. i think it should be proc-based, although atm we call it after actual damage deal - maybe need to add option for procs on hit but before damage deal and procs after.. also i see it checks for (!damage) after your code with "damage *= " maybe u need to check damage first if it is initialized?
  14. glyph was changed in some of the patches, doesn't need any custom code
  15. On what core rev is this happening?
  16. just tested with lifebloom and lacerate - not happening .. any other spells?
  17. Thanks =) in [10173]
  18. fixed in [10160], Thanks for report =)
  19. err ..kind of contradicting if you say "will contain one aura " and then "all auras in it".. duration changes are not connected in any way on how much auras are on holder in case when all auras suppose to have same duration, so for this spell will need to reset to full duration and add new duration for each aura.. ofc maybe i will add method for calling duration change from holder but it is wrong to move duration out of auras
  20. yes, this is related to spells with stun/silence effect that have also another aura (for example periodic dmg) , according to my info from retail, existing talents that reduce duration of stun/silence/whatever effect are applied only to specific aura and not on whole spell, creating situation where stun/silence/whatever fades and periodic remains as it was..I don't remember exact spell ids for that but they do exist
  21. retail still uses original auras that were removed from dbc Q_Q
  22. updated for 10104. Most of proc handling functions are now in its own file, also in new way proc handlers added to aura types in same way as normal aura handlers
  23. should be fixed in [10088]
  24. on retail it just multiplies tick damage x4 after bonus applying
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