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Everything posted by Lynx3d

  1. Already looked at github help? http://help.github.com/ Under "Troubleshooting" there's info how to deal with firewalls and proxies etc. No idea what's special about your connection, or how you pull (http or git protocol...)
  2. About madx.dk, i'm not sure what's the deal, but i found this: http://www.mmowned.com/forums/world-of-warcraft/model-editing/311070-madx-dk-wowdev-wiki-moving-soon.html Seems the content is at least temporarily now here: http://www.mmowned.com/wiki/index.php?title=WoW.Dev I really would've been sad if all the info had just disappeared...
  3. Update your SD2 sources :rolleyes: Besides, complaining about SD2 build errors here is rather pointless in 99% of all cases, it's an independent project.
  4. Both gcc and MSVC have their own share of extensions enabled by default...including things from future standards aswell as from outdated standards or even times before the first official ISO C++ standard. However, gcc is more aggressive at removing often abused things things, and more conservative about accepting future things by default, but the fact that gcc eats something is far from a verifying that it is written standard conform gcc has several options to be more or less strict, or to operate according to certain standards, like since 4.3 you can add -std=c++0x to use (more) feature from C++0x. To my knowledge, erasing a const_iterator from STL container is according to the C++ standard currently in effect not possible. -edit- btw. i did manage to commit something that gcc ate but MSVC didn't, and the standard was on Microsoft's side ^^ i just forgot what exactly it was...
  5. Windows accepts forward slashes since ages...problem is probably that the path needs to end with a (back-)slash otherwise you get 'D:/Wow/Server/mysql/binmysql' wich obviously does not exist.
  6. IMHO running mangos as superuser is a really bad idea, and won't help with wrong configuration at all...
  7. I just wanted to ban "media132011" for the usual spam (non-sense post and apparently commercial links in signature) but when i want to save the ban, i get this:
  8. github.com/mangosR2/mangos is NOT the official MaNGOS repository, so you won't get any support here. Nor will you get support for any scripting library here, even less a custom one.
  9. Well, reading the error helps /home/mangos/mangos/src/bindings/ScriptDev2/scripts/northrend/ulduar/ulduar/instance_ulduar.cpp: You don't even have that directory without SD2...
  10. Generally you can't know if movement info is "correct" because the player is free to move within the physical simulation the client does. You neither have the necessary data precision nor the CPU power (for high populations at least) to double-check every single player movement against all cheating possibilities server side, that's one reason why Warden exists. Of course some cheating can be caught, but from what i know, Blizzard does not do much server side either, they rely on Warden to detect memory editing, patched client binaries and data files. Map::GetAreaInfo() obviously gets information about the area Just look where it gets used, it's related to indoor/outdoor and area entry detection. When to use intersectPoint()? You probably won't...it's a low-level function to find current WMO you're in, if any.
  11. IMHO that article is rather horrible... I don't really see any reason to have multiple binaries for multiple realms that only differ in configuration, should be possible to just run mangosd with -c option to use different config files. Just need to be careful to not mix up the running processes ^^ If you want to use different sources, the PREFIX is obviously the right choice, as asumos suggested.
  12. This is not really correct, again, "." is you current working directory, that is, wherever you cd'ed to in your current shell. if you do: cd /home/ /root/mangos-server/bin/mangosd it will search in /home/dbc etc. and not in /root/mangos-server/bin/dbc
  13. There isn't really a default, the default setting is "." which means current working directory, which in my opinion doesn't make too much sense on Linux (or any Unix flavour, for that matter).
  14. You can put it wherever you want as long as you set the proper path in mangosd.conf... Of course it makes much more sense to put them in the installation dir, since the sources are not required to run the server at all.
  15. Oh really...how about compiling and installing it first? Seriously, you might want to read the WHOLE install guide...
  16. Uhm the error message is quite self-explaining, isn't it? Why do you set ACE_USE_EXTERNAL when you don't have ACE installed?
  17. Messing with the SQL tables while the server is running will not work. Use the SOAP interface to send mail. Search function should give you enough topics
  18. Yes, just execute "make VERBOSE=1" and it will show all executed commads plus occured errors.
  19. Yes those examples are correct, that's how it works. What i meant with hexadecimal vs. decimal is that sicne 16 is a power of two, it "naturally" groups 4 bits on one digit. 1, 2, 4 and 8 are powers of two, and so are (in hex) 10, 20, 40 and 80, aswell as 100, 200, 400, 800 etc. so if you have 0x20001 you can see the '2' digit is one set bit and the '1' at the end is another one. But no average human being can tell how many bits the decimal value 131073 has set just by looking at it. -edit- Oh about where in Spell.dbc, i don't feel like counting colums now because there are a LOT of them, get some dbc viewer that has named columns, or look around for sql version with named columns, or even get some more specialized programs like SpellWork.
  20. Okay now we're back at the very basics of programming, i can only refer you to DasBlub's post again. And in C(++) every expression yielding a value != 0 is considered true, and "a & b" is an expression. You could aswell write "if ((spellproto->SpellFamilyFlags[0] & 0x40000) != 0)" but that's just redundant.
  21. No idea what you're trying to do... If you mean operations on SpellEntry::SpellFamilyFlags, then yes, those values are from Spell.dbc of course, because SpellEntry only contains data parsed from Spell.dbc. Most player related spells just have some unique combination of SpellFamilyName and bits set in SpellFamilyFlags/SpellFamilyFlags2. Checking for those bits simply allows to identify abilities (say "Fireball") independent of its rank. And we use hexadecimal notation just because it's easier to read, with "0x20001" everyone can easily see it has only two bits set, if you use the decimal version "131073" in code, no one know how many flags you're checking...you can convert decimal<->hexadecimal with every halfway decent calculator...
  22. More complete and up-to-date fix in [11434]...finally Hope you can enjoy your druid properly now.
  23. Unfortunately no one took the chance and compare the values with official servers when they were on the same major patch... Anyway, dodge and parry diminishing returns is now in [11434] and chances should be a lot closer to where they should be. Before you ask if chances got higher or lower, it heavily depends on class and equipment. If you had managed to become physically immune, you will most likely be in trouble now though
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