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Everything posted by Lynx3d

  1. It's affected by the creature_rate in reputation_reward_rate table, and from the numbers i got in IRC a while ago (you were actually there too ^^), the Alliance Vanguard rep. is actually the wrong one, it should get the +30% boost from patch 3.3.something too, however its subfaction apparently not, which is not possible in current code... seems at retail these rates are applied as very last step, but then we have to wipe the possibility to have different values for quest, creatures and spells basically...
  2. Well he was specifically giving advice for those people using a distro that does not have prebuild package... Those obviously need to build it from source, unless one of the prebuild packages from cmake.org fits their system, but from personal experience, prebuilt "generic" binaries can be a nightmare... people that don't know how to use their distro's package manager should stay away from computers IMHO
  3. *sigh* One more time: [h]MANGOS USES CMAKE NOW![/h] I've edited the first post so people will hopefully notice that it is outdated.
  4. Sounds like that bug, yes. General hint: always unmount before entering an instance, because teleport (aswell as logging in) while mounted seems to cause the problem most commonly. Exact reason still unknown (to my knowledge, at least)...
  5. Well mine works fine Seriously, that exception can come from many places, run it in gdb and give us a backtrace so we have something to look at...
  6. Hm i can't really say that i know how this stuff works... Would dll injection also work under wine (linux)? What to do with the Mac client? Is it a universal binary (PPC + x86)?
  7. I have no clue what you're trying to ask, looks like an online translator accident to me to be honest... Some general info: "patch" is just an informal term for the difference between two versions of the same code base that fixes/improves something. Consequently, a patch is a diff file, usually named .diff or .patch, but that's unimportant really. The "standard" tools are GNU diffutils to create, and GNU patch to apply a patch. But most version control systems have integrated tools to create and apply patches in compatible format, including git. Bascially, patches have nothing to do with compiling, they are just a way to share changes.
  8. In [11205] after updating and cleaning up a bit. With the "new" aura system it is actually possible to trigger the individual effects from different spells, so so need to re-check triggered spell in dummy implementation (at least in my tests it worked ^^) Removal put in HandleSpellSpecificBoosts, that seems to be the more apropriate place.
  9. Added in [11203]...finally Still might not win the most-beautiful-code-of-the-year award, but who know what the code at "Heavy Snowfall" looks like... I'm fairly sure by now that no bad things are happening with this implementation
  10. Wouldn't that be UNIT_FIELD_POWER_REGEN_FLAT_MODIFIER + 6? With 6 being POWER_RUNIC_POWER...or maybe i'm just totally wrong too ^^
  11. Oh...not necessarily SD2 fault. Symbols from core not properly exported for use in dynamic libraries. Maybe adding '-rdynamic' (or '-export-dynamic', people can't seem to decide...) to the link flags of mangosd already does the trick. Don't ask me what exactly the linux setup of cmake does differently here, because "backwards referencing" of symbols does not magically work on linux either... On my own build setup (using waf) i need to specify '-rdynamic' for mangosd too, cmake doesn't, but it doesn't use '-Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions' either...couldn't see any other difference. So maybe try in src/mangosd/CMakeLists.txt if(UNIX) set(EXECUTABLE_LINK_FLAGS "-pthread ${EXECUTABLE_LINK_FLAGS} -rdynamic") endif()
  12. Accepted in [11198] after updating code to new aura system. After a lot of thinking I went with maly32167's approach because there really doesn't seem to be any secondary spell that could be procced by deadly poison to handle the effect, and bending the spell system to allow self-proc for this case isn't really a very clear way, this effect really seems a unique thing not fitting in any existing mechanic. So handled right inside weapon enchant proc code for now...but it's never too late for some brilliant ideas
  13. Well dlopen then obviously fails to load the library. I don't really feel like doing more guessing, just add a call to ACE_OS::dlerror() after MANGOS_LOAD_LIBRARY(...) and print its return value (if not NULL), so we get some hint WHY it cannot load libmangosscript.so
  14. Hm i'm really no BSD expert. On Linux, it is correct that mangosd does not depend on the scripting lib, and i always wondered why it did (looked like an old workaround to me). The scripting library is explicitly loaded by core, and the search path is set in the binary through the Rpath mechanism. On BSD, this command should (hopefully) show the Rpath: $ elfdump -L mangosd | grep Rpath If this for some reason doesn't point to the scripting lib, you can probably work around by adding the path to ldconfig, if that works on BSD in the same way as on Linux.
  15. Well i can confirm this bug, if you "overtake" someone he can't see you, but you can see him (and everyone else can see him and you). You're definitely in the same instance, fighting same mobs etc., the bugged person just sees heals and buffs from you coming out of nowhere etc.
  16. Though the first line should be #!/usr/bin/env python to make it executable from unix...
  17. From wowwiki: "Patch 3.0.2 (2008-10-14): Earth Shield threat is now added to the healer. Previously the threat was added to the target being healed. " So this is in fact expected (for 3.x cores, at least)
  18. Hm don't really know how to use it with master now, i can't just merge a mangos one + cmake branch with master... So will only give feedback for mangos one. Included ACE now works, but it installs all its stuff (includes, libs, man-pages...) to the install dir on normal "make", not just on "make install". I think it should only install the lib anyway...also with the default PREFIX being the source root, it litters your sources on build Speaking of prefix, changing install path in interactive mode (cmake -i) doesn't work, it asks you for "CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX" but you get caught in an infinite loop when trying to enter any other path until you give up and accept the current setting. Only way to change it is passing it directly with -DPREFIX option. The cmake-gui also only shows CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX which keeps jumping back to last setting. At least it now accepts protected paths like /opt or /usr/local. Other than that, everything seems to work (PCH, internal and external ACE/TBB)
  19. If it runs in little endian mode, it probably can be compiled (if all 3rd party libraries work too, that is). For a mere 10 players pretty much anything above a pocket calculator should be enough nowadays I'd be more concerned about the 1GB RAM and OS compatibility.
  20. You accidently backported 3.x format of WorldMapArea.dbc too...core won't start with 2.4.3 dbc files. After fixing this and a few other minor things line of sight and liquids are working, but indoor check does not work. I think someone tried to backport it before and had the same problem. Unfortunately i don't really have a clue how arrai and tom_rus actually figured out the correct algorithm for 3.x so i'm pretty clueless on how to fix it.
  21. Testing cmake-master on Ubuntu 64bit with gcc 4.5.1 using make (running "make -j2") With included ACE and TBB: [ 20%] Performing build step for 'ACE_Project' make[3]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode. cd /home/lynx/coding/mangos/dep/ACE_wrappers && /bin/bash /home/lynx/coding/mangos/dep/ACE_wrappers/aux_config/missing --run automake-1.11 --foreign configure.ac:7284: required file `examples/Makefile.in' not found configure.ac:7284: required file `examples/APG/Makefile.in' not found (...) With external ACE and TBB it doesn't link against tbb-malloc: Linking CXX executable realmd ../framework/libframework.a(MemoryManagement.cpp.o): In function `operator new(unsigned long)': MemoryManagement.cpp:(.text+0x5): undefined reference to `scalable_malloc' (...) With external ACE and included TBB, it doesn't link against libdl but needs to: Linking CXX executable mangosd /usr/bin/ld: ../game/libgame.a(ScriptMgr.cpp.o): undefined reference to symbol 'dlclose@@GLIBC_2.2.5' /usr/bin/ld: note: 'dlclose@@GLIBC_2.2.5' is defined in DSO //lib64/libdl.so.2 so try adding it to the linker command line Also configuring with directory like /opt or /usr/local where you don't have write permission as normal user you get CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/ExternalProject.cmake:504 (file): file problem creating directory: /opt/mangos-cmake I'd expect directories to be created at "make install", configuring shouldn't need super user priviledges IMHO
  22. Well destruction locks also do considerable amount of fire damage, but yes, 1 seems strange... Even hunters do some amount of nature, arcane and even fire damage damage if i'm not mistaken. IMHO it should use 0x7F as SchoolMask because i can't see any hint for a restriction to type of damage. What blocks this spell from working properly "out of box" for either class is probably the nonsense EffectSpellClassMaskA[0] in dbc.
  23. you should've done reset --hard origin/master, you apparently had merged 400 into your local branch... if git tells you your branch is ahead of origin/master, something's wrong if you're not a dev Thank god we don't pay for the git traffic...
  24. In [11058] after updating to current SQL format, thx
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