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Everything posted by Lynx3d

  1. Hehe, you might just copy it from their HD though when you're already there...
  2. Yea looks like it. It is still mentioned in Map.dbc, but apparently no map files exist anymore (at least no maps and vmaps can be extracted for it).
  3. People that can't figure out how to compile git_id failed the qualifying test for becoming a dev
  4. I'm fairly sure that libmysql++-dev, libcurl4-openssl-dev and zlibc have nothing to do with mangos... What you really need (on Ubuntu at least) is libmysqlclient-dev, libssl-dev and zlib1g-dev.
  5. Can't confirm problem, at least this spell (used by NPCs) removes charges as expected: http://www.wowhead.com/spell=38204
  6. That doesn't make much sense, why would you make it proc only on DK spells? And proc flags come from DBC either way actually...
  7. I *think* he's talking about 49222 (Death Knight ability), but looking at the proc flags i don't really see how that's possible, can anyone confirm the problem? Note that the spell has a small internal cooldown, like the Shaman shields, so not *every* attack will remove a charge.
  8. Hm looks a lot like an update version of the Lenny article to me ^^ I just marked the Ubuntu and Debian Lenny articles as outdated, maybe that will motivate someone to update them to cmake and possible changes to current distro versions.
  9. Well creating a new article is very simple, although not really obvious: Just enter the URL of the wanted page (like http://getmangos.eu/wiki/My_New_Tutorial ) and the wiki software will present you page telling that the "My New Tutorial" article doesn't exist, but gives you the option to edit the page (which effectively creates the article) There's also other ways to get to that default page, but they are effectively the same... More information: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Starting_a_new_page (you may find more information there, the help section within our wiki seems rather incomplete...) I'm not sure what kind of information you have in mind, it seems the Debian and Ubuntu articles still haven't been updated to cmake yet (i only updated the generic linux article), would really be nice if someone could give them some love, probably the Debian one could/should just be updated to the latest stable release.
  10. Well since this section is about questions and problems with the site usage, i was really wondering if you had problems using the wiki, or if you weren't aware how wikis usually work (i.e. users can and should edit articles where necessary) and are asking us to change the article...
  11. Happy easter! Have fun hiding and/or searching eggs or whatever weird tradition your part of the world has
  12. I'm not sure why this belongs to "Site feedback & help"... Wikipedia describes the caracteristics of a Wiki as following: "A wiki invites all users to edit any page or to create new pages within the wiki Web site, using only a plain-vanilla Web browser without any extra add-ons." "A wiki is not a carefully crafted site for casual visitors. Instead, it seeks to involve the visitor in an ongoing process of creation and collaboration that constantly changes the Web site landscape." Is there anything broken in this regard?
  13. lillecarl, you really should read up the basics of asymmetric/public key cryptography. The security of RSA is based on the fact that the private key can NOT be computed from the public key in any way. It is not "half the key", there are simply two distinct keys, a public and a private one, and one doesn't tell you anything about the other one. If you do find a way, you should make sure the Nobel prize committee gets to know about it...
  14. Basepoints always seem to be effective_value - 1. Spell constructor also uses CalculateSimpleValue() for m_currentBasePoints. For the reason you probably have to ask the guys that created the DBC files...
  15. I think you interpret that comment incorrectly. With your change, rage decay out-of-combat is not affected anymore, which it definitely does according to wowhead comments. You of course can't *generate* rage because it still decays faster than Anger Management generates it. But Berserker Rage *instantly* gives you an amount of rage, not periodically. The only thing i'm unsure about is whether Aura::PeriodicTick() is the best place to implement it, its periodic time is hardcoded and SPELL_AURA_MOD_POWER_REGEN_PERCENT is handled in Player::Regenerate(), so why not SPELL_AURA_MOD_POWER_REGEN too...
  16. The README files in contrib/vmap_extractor_v3 and contrib/vmap_assembler should explain all necessary steps.
  17. RC5 != RSA...asymmetric ciphers (especially RSA) need *signifficantly* more key bits for the same security as symmetric ciphers. 2048bit RSA is assumed to be about as hard to break as 112bit symmetric ciphers (such as RC5), so with 64bit RC5 being the largest key ever broken by distributed computing, have fun
  18. Did you ever wonder why this profession is called "mining" and not "smelting"? I'd suggest you do some...what was it called again...oh yea, mining If you don't want to move your rear away from the auction house, that's not our problem...
  19. Hm to me Neo explained that DBC are actually signed and checked by client itself, and it will refuse to load modified DBC. So you would have to modify the client executable, which in turn would be detected by warden from what i understand ^^ But that's just what i understood from various conversations...
  20. How to fix this "error"? Complain at the game designer that they didn't make mining trivial enough for you... http://www.wowhead.com/spell=16153#recipes
  21. that's pretty much impossible if you have that file from UDB SVN, it does not reference character_db_version anywhere...
  22. As Senpuria mentioned, there's three types of SQL updates, for the three databases you need, mangos (a.k.a. "world"), characters and realmd. If you don't have any character and realm database content yet, just use the characters.sql and realmd.sql from sources and skip those sql updates. Those are only needed if you already have those databases from an older revision.
  23. "V8" and "V9" come from the internal file layout of WoW, more information here: http://www.madx.dk/wowdev/wiki/index.php?title=ADT/v18#MCVT_sub-chunk It's basically two interleaved regular grids (you could actually also see it as one 45° rotated grid), so the x and y coordinates are implicitly defined, only the z needs to be stored. As mentioned, this is often called a heightfield, however it does get tesselated to actual triangles in client for rendering. But since you can always compute in which "V9" grid square you are, you don't have to do any raytracing to determine the height, just lookup the surrounding height values, determine which of the 4 inner triangles you are on, and calculate the height on the triangle by simple linear math. All caves and building however are "real" geometry that require raytracing.
  24. Bounding interval hierarchy is sortof a hybrid between kd-tree ("axis aligned binary space partitioning tree") and bounding volume hierarchy. It doesn't define full 3d-volumes per node, it just forms the child bounds by limiting the node bound in one axis, but unlike a kd-tree, you don't have a strict left/right border but two delimiters that define two volumes that can overlap, or leave a gap. Our implementation also supports a special node case that only define one smaller child bound by cutting off empty space left and right on its defined axis. Advantage is that you get more deterministic memory requirements (and easier on-demand loading) and less (time-) complex construction algorithms compared to kd-trees, donwside is that it can perform worse when very large objects exist among many small ones. Note that the kd-tree derived from G3D that was used in the previous vmap implementation didn't "split" primitives and strictly store them in leaf nodes, but store them in interior nodes, which gives it similar problems as BIH, together with inferior empty space cut-off, resulting in pretty much guaranteed inferior performance to either "common" versions Plus, the memory layout was horrible...it was made to allow dynamic adding of objects, but the price was quite extreme.
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