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Everything posted by shauren

  1. as a matter of fact: uptime over 7 days is not blizzlike
  2. shauren

    MMaps Redux

    qsa, faramir: dont bother replying to iforgotmypassword (aka thyros), he doesnt really know what he is doing
  3. that... or ditch the current build files and use cmake, this way you will only have to maintain one set of buildfiles and it will support all compilers cmake supports
  4. shauren

    MMaps Redux

    dont use fast math on vmap code, BIH doesnt go well with it
  5. i just noticed, you are missing one check in there if (!Real) return;
  6. no, they cant yes, its checked in client additionally at blood queen ICC encounter they also get a linked silence & pacify aura
  7. its a different way Trinity implemented shapeshift-specific spells (these that come with a prefedined spellbar in dbc) MaNGOS simply uses ((Player*)target)->addSpell(ssEntry->spellId[i], true, false, false, false); ((Player*)target)->removeSpell(ssEntry->spellId[i], false, false, false); to achieve the same result so you should use it instead of AddTemporarySpell
  8. http://code.google.com/p/trinitycore/source/detail?r=dc4fc5c8b30661dff24a411d6bbbb76f916cf059 is what you are looking for
  9. no, its a very crappy crashfix from trinitycore which didnt do anything (someone felt like it may fix them for good) obviously its now gone
  10. Sorry i forgot, what was the last innovation you contributed? Code won't write itself. And writing good code is harder than adding lots of hacks that give the impression as if it was working. I did briefly look at this stuff and IMHO there's not all that much to build on yet. You don't need any weird extra table, transports do already have a "virtual" mapid assigned, it will be possible to spawn them like any other creature if you write proper core code. Also the really difficult part is syncing transport movement properly, infact players are not properly updated either currently. I see none of that really addressed properly here or in trinity...unless something has signifficantly changed lately. i dont think anything changed, in any case both TC and mangos transport system is a hack on mapmanager so its only adding hack to hack
  11. shauren

    MMaps Redux

    and 2 more conflicts in Unit.cpp and WaypointMovementGenerator.cpp, can somone help me? no. this is development thread, not noob support
  12. no, but from what i know their model data is already extracted by vmap extractor/assembler its only a matter of associating spawned gameobjects with their models (via DBC) (of course checking visibility/phase too)
  13. shauren

    MMaps Redux

    hint: dont compile in Release
  14. actually opcodes were not randomized in 4.0.1, cata (the expansion, not patch) still hasnt hit release and it cannot be confirmed whether or not it will randomize them
  15. you didnt find it because it was never there in mangos
  16. you should remove auras by interrupt flags, not by aura type edit: this one AURA_INTERRUPT_FLAG_LANDING = 0x02000000, // 25 removed by hitting the ground
  17. shauren

    MMaps Redux

    # Spell::EffectCharge # Spell::EffectCharge2 i disagree, this movement is a straight line and is handled by vmaps
  18. simple solution: never modify character data while online
  19. or you can use c++ style cast Player p = NULL; if(unit->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER) p = static_cast<Player*>(unit);
  20. there is a difference between lava pools and lavafalls (like waterfalls)
  21. he really doesn't know what class and race masks are
  22. makes a lot of sense, this way is easier to create custom gm ranks for servers (just go for your flags idea, not shit ascent letters which i hate)
  23. Stab, for me it assembles all maps, not just map 0, ~550 MB vmaps folder
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