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Everything posted by sart13

  1. effectiveness of this forum is not much higher than that:) this code I have almost unchanged, but the additions - other (including that you made in 11776)
  2. good idea. Within a year of testing:) becose yor not see my code before implementing this and 11776, please, pay attention http://ru-mangos.ru/showthread.php?t=4697 http://ru-mangos.ru/showthread.php?t=4695 bicycles may not need to be ...
  3. Please add - "in off". because I have most LFG possibility in LFR too:)
  4. Vladimir, can you confirm this usefulness to implement? Unfortunately, no one except the author's question she is not interested, but I have no time to seek confirmation of the existence of the problem ... Solved in 2 lines.
  5. I always thought that the people in the TC are kind people ... This is not a fix, this is a very bad hack. I would be ashamed to publish this. We do not insult other projects or what they do. It's a matter of being kind.
  6. in my (hackly) realization also.
  7. BS and related spells has incorrect attributes in DBC. need 3 dirty hacks for his work...
  8. All. Also many new stuff. rsa branch now not stable - only for experiments. comments are writed on source language i not know Deutsch or Español, but it does not stop me to talk to any (adjusted for quality of Google-translate of course
  9. very good. it's works Ah, if you publish the code early ...
  10. because of any interest on the part of this forum is not visible, I invite those who are suddenly someday be interested in R2 brunch comments.
  11. see members of team. PS now LFG system in R2 branch - in alphatest stage.
  12. thanks for the comment, be sure to use this on the work. I'm using is not 2 but 14 queues - separate by type of dungeons. This is to speed data compare, and matches due to fundamentally different from the original method of creating groups. Proposals not require update - exists only to the acceptance or rejection. not TC way comments on the encounters I have not understood - it is a separate system, and do not need cash for it - is very fast. team-dependent queues - not need, time for open std:: container comparable with time on count 40-50 members of this container. LFG_MEMBER_FLAG_UPDATE - my custom flag, used only for clear cache in client (creating guid list for clear cache). don't send this to client ^)
  13. If anyone wants to help in the implementation of LFG for mangos, join to R2 fork. I wrote to their full implementation of this feature (old TC code used less then 5%), availability is currently 80%, will soon need an active alfa testing.
  14. If the code requires a special exception, then it is not working properly.
  15. ICC, TOC, EOE work with mmaps?!! it's impossible. mmaps now not support moving over GO33, as i know.
  16. mmaps now not worked with vehicles and instances normally. ahbot from cyberium not needed - in my branch included old (xeross) ahbot, at 2/3 rewrited by me. he is currently much more stable and have more features when cyberium's. for implementing playerbot your may ask kirix, your try and says that everything works fine.
  17. if I had continued to develop each major modification in a separate branch, then to turn vehicles would generally not come down:)
  18. you have to be very, very patient. As far as I can see, zergtmn develop long abandoned.
  19. 1. As far as I know, no. 2. Yes, this is my repository. git:://github.com/rsa however, this does not help you. except vehicles in my repository a huge number of other developments...
  20. I ported Shauren implementation of Encounters.dbc. May use this for LFG work...
  21. old and incomplete version. many last changes not included.
  22. You need a sd2 script for this quest: http://pastebin.com/Ukucek3d i implement aura_243. no longer need a hack with setting the unattackable flag.
  23. may be, although I have not found one possible cause (I have not used these spells, nor depend on them, and in general the mechanisms are different). unfortunately, the crash occurs only when the load from 500-1000 players, but servers, like this, works on a clean corel, I do not know ...
  24. it's not offlike and require not needed hack for creatures group. see oculus video - drakes spawns, go to owner and only after this he mounts. this maked by sd2 script (only 3 case like this).
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