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  • Creature Skinnable Update

    • Status: Completed
      Main Category: Database
      Sub-Category: sqlupdate
      Version: 21.1 Milestone: 20 Priority: Normal
      Implemented Version: 21.1

    As title describes

    UPDATE `creature_template`
    SET `SkinningLootId` = 0
    WHERE `Entry` = 1933 OR `Entry` = 15316 OR `Entry` = 7381 OR `Entry` = 7382 OR `Entry` = 7384 OR `Entry` = 7385 OR `Entry` = 7389 OR `Entry` = 7390 OR `Entry` = 2230 OR `Entry` = 7395 OR `Entry` = 7553 OR `Entry` = 7555 OR `Entry` = 7562 OR `Entry` = 7565 OR `Entry` = 7567 OR `Entry` = 8662 OR `Entry` = 12372 OR `Entry` = 12373 OR `Entry` = 12374 OR `Entry` = 14602 OR `Entry` = 14869 OR `Entry` = 15412 OR `Entry` = 1512 OR `Entry` = 1984 OR `Entry` = 2032 OR `Entry` = 2955 OR `Entry` = 3098 OR `Entry` = 708 OR `Entry` = 1985 OR `Entry` = 2961 OR `Entry` = 3124 OR `Entry` = 1513 OR `Entry` = 2966 OR `Entry` = 3281 OR `Entry` = 2098 OR `Entry` = 2954;

    DELETE FROM `skinning_loot_template`
    WHERE `entry` = 1933 OR `entry` = 2098;

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    Are you able to commit these on Github ? Create a Pull Request for your fixes ?

    If you haven't used that before, then it would be a good way/reason to start to learn it. It's a widely used system :)



    It sets a bunch of creatures that shouldnt be skinnable or lootable, for instance the panthers in ZG panther boss fight. The demented druids from the emerald dragon fight. Various other things like a pet cat, it shouldnt be skinnable even though you technically cant kill it. Also there is a sheep id in there because sheep's were not skinnable in vanilla and the deleted id's are simply 2 of the loot tables for a few of these creatures that is no longer used.



    Testing this fix now (while listening to Iron Maiden!!) and then will PR it :)

    I thankee, Arkadus :D



    Fix PR'd: [url]https://github.com/mangoszero/database/pull/190[/url]

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