Tested on Covenant M0 (21.14.85)
Felweaver Scornn in Skull Rock - Durotar, entry ID 5822, GUID 12209 is currently only a rare mob but should be a rare elite mob with the stats and difficulty to match. Just go to Skull Rock and he will be on the ledge looking over the middle room with his voidwalker.
To fix, adjust Felweaver Scornn's "Rank" modifier in creature_template.sql from 4 to 2.
Second paragraph and image: "Like elite mobs, rare mobs have a dragon around their portrait; however, unlike elites, this dragon icon is silver and lacks a wing on the side. They can also be elite, in which case the wing is present. Rare mobs are frequently mis-called "rare elites", regardless of whether or not they are elite. "
Oldest version of that page that mentions the existence of elite rares (8 July 2006):
Allakhazam rare mob list - Felweaver Scornn is not on it a month after my next link:
Allakhazam mob list for Durotar - CTRL+F Felweaver Scornn - listed as rare:
Now, click on the link for Felweaver Scornn or the link below - just under his name at the top "Level 11 (Elite) Humanoid" - also note comments at bottom claiming he is "extremely difficult":
Supporting this we can look at the oldest entry for Felweaver Scornn on Gamepedia (21 November 2006) which claims he is a rare elite mob:
And the even the most recent version of his page still states he is rare elite as of current retail:
Additional resources:
See earliest comment from 2008 with text crossed out "A very tough rare elite inside the cave of Skull Rock. You probably won't be able to solo this."
Earliest video I could find from 2009 showing Felweaver Scornn with correct portrait:
Another video from 2010 again showing Felweaver Scornn with correct portrait:
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