Hi there, I just compiled a new core using the guide that is available in the wiki so I'm using the latest official version available.
The installation was flawless, I'm actually using a PC with Windows 10 Anniversary Edition and I compiled the server with Visual Studio 2015 in 64 bit.
There are some minor bugs here and there but the one that afflict the Undercity's Elevators is a huge one! I don't know what's causing it, I tried to change the Gobject orientation but after some seconds the elevators come back in the wrong position, I also tried a fresh installation but the problem was still there. Luckily, only 2 of 3 elevators don't work as intented but man, this is serious, it need to be addressed.
In the following video I'm going to show it, please, ignore the guards and the doors, they're there for players.
EDIT: Corrected some grammar errors.
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