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  • Copy ace.dll into the tools folder

    • Status: Confirmed
      Main Category: Core / Mangos Daemon
      Sub-Category: Minor
      Version: 21.11 Milestone: 22 Priority: Normal
      Implemented Version: Unset

    Copy ace.dll into the tools folder

    When building the server you only get 1 copy of ace.dll in the root folder, this causes users to report that ace.dll is missing when it is not. We should modify the build process so it copies ace.dll into the tools folder.

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    Changed Status to Confirmed

    Changed Version to 21.11 (Current Dev21)

    Changed Implemented Version to Unset

    Changed Milestone to 22

    Changed Priority to Normal

    Changed Category to Minor



    It might also be possible to remove the ACE dependency from the generators and then there is no need for the dll (except on the actual server).

    Im relatively sure you can use C++11 to replace most of the stuff needed from ace.



    On 15/03/2017 at 5:52 PM, Rochet2 said:

    It might also be possible to remove the ACE dependency from the generators and then there is no need for the dll (except on the actual server).

    Im relatively sure you can use C++11 to replace most of the stuff needed from ace.

    Replace entirely with C++ 11 ? Is there somewhere something explaining this ? What about performance ?

    Although I think that ACE should go away at some point :D



    1 hour ago, Talendrys said:

    Replace entirely with C++ 11 ? Is there somewhere something explaining this ? What about performance ?

    Although I think that ACE should go away at some point :D

    I meant replacing it in the tools. So yes, entirely - in the tools.
    This means that we do not remove ACE completely form the server. JUST the tools. (vmap extractor, mmap extractor, mapextractor ..)

    We just implement the things we use from ACE, but in c++(11) ourselves. I dont think there is anything explaining this stuff, but its not like there needs to be. Simple steps: Remove ace dependency (linking) from tools and then fix the compile errors :)

    Im pretty sure the performance is not relevant. Even if any implementation we make would be 100 times slower, it might not appear at all to the users. Note that we are changing only the tools, not the server, and its only a small part of what the tools do that uses ACE.



    ACE is used for the complete network layer I think. The "try, debug & fix" approach you're advising is kind of dangerous... the door open to hackfix.



    1 hour ago, Talendrys said:

    ACE is used for the complete network layer.

    Ask yourself: Does vmap extractor connect to the internet? (and I do not mean that you should answer here)
    Clearly it has other uses in addition to that.

    1 hour ago, Talendrys said:

    The "try, debug & fix" approach you're advising is kind of dangerous

    You make my suggestion sound like the guy fixing this should just remove all code from the functions as that compiles. (This is a playful example, I do not mean that you said this, but that it comes out like this)

    That is not what I meant at all. Obviously someone changing the implementation should have an idea about what they are doing. The point was that you asked for a guide, which doesnt exist, so I gave rough steps for what needs to be done.



    also, to put some perspective on this, will still want to keep compatibility with older systems and not introduce something like the boost bloatfest



    iirc it is the ace type libraries which are used in the extractors.

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