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  • Death Knight quest - Where Kings Walk (Alliance)

    • Main Category: Quests
      Sub-Category: Show Stopper
      Version: 21.11

    The quest Where Kings Walk (https://wowwiki.fandom.com/wiki/Quest:Where_Kings_Walk) cannot be completed by alliance characters.  When going into Stormwind guards attack the player and the king is surrounded by half a dozen attacking guards.  This appears to only impact the alliance Death Knights.

    My character shows a friendly standing with:

    • Darnasssus
    • Exodar
    • Gnomeregan Exiles
    • Ironforge
    • Stormwind

    Here is the character's character_reputation export for the test character:


    # guid, faction, standing, flags
    '1', '21', '0', '64'
    '1', '46', '0', '4'
    '1', '47', '0', '273'
    '1', '54', '0', '17'
    '1', '59', '0', '16'
    '1', '67', '0', '14'
    '1', '68', '0', '6'
    '1', '69', '0', '273'
    '1', '70', '0', '2'
    '1', '72', '0', '273'
    '1', '76', '0', '6'
    '1', '81', '0', '6'
    '1', '83', '0', '4'
    '1', '86', '0', '4'
    '1', '87', '0', '2'
    '1', '92', '0', '2'
    '1', '93', '0', '2'
    '1', '169', '0', '12'
    '1', '270', '0', '16'
    '1', '289', '0', '4'
    '1', '349', '0', '0'
    '1', '369', '0', '64'
    '1', '469', '0', '25'
    '1', '470', '0', '64'
    '1', '471', '0', '20'
    '1', '509', '0', '16'
    '1', '510', '0', '2'
    '1', '529', '0', '0'
    '1', '530', '0', '6'
    '1', '549', '0', '4'
    '1', '550', '0', '4'
    '1', '551', '0', '4'
    '1', '569', '0', '4'
    '1', '570', '0', '4'
    '1', '571', '0', '4'
    '1', '574', '0', '4'
    '1', '576', '0', '2'
    '1', '577', '0', '64'
    '1', '589', '0', '0'
    '1', '609', '0', '0'
    '1', '729', '0', '2'
    '1', '730', '0', '16'
    '1', '749', '0', '0'
    '1', '809', '0', '16'
    '1', '889', '0', '6'
    '1', '890', '0', '16'
    '1', '891', '0', '24'
    '1', '892', '0', '14'
    '1', '909', '0', '16'
    '1', '910', '0', '2'


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    Attacked by a couple NPCs in Hellfire Peninsula with an alliance death knight.  The attacking NPC have a faction ID of 1078 (which doesn't seem to be registered as anything:  https://www.wowhead.com/faction=1078/fighting-vanity-pet).

    Setting the faction ID to stormwind (72) had no effect.  Changing the NPC's faction (.npc factionid 1667) to one of the NPCs that's not attacking stopped the aggro.

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