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  • My list of found glitches...

    • Main Category: Core / Mangos Daemon
      Sub-Category: Minor
      Version: 22.1

    I installed core and database. I have no extra patches. Only change to database I have made was fixing mining trainer location in undercity (gossip menu) and made soul shards stackable. That always annoyed me. I have run into some glitches, which should be easily reproducible.


    First, almost every time I take the flier from the sepulcher to undercity, and I am followed there by another party member, one or both of us die when we arrive, as if we fell too far.

    Second has to do with loot sharing. Copper doesn't always share. When the party is first created, sharing normally works right, but after awhile (I think after going AFK) it stops sharing copper. It doesn't say any copper is obtained, but copper properly appears in your bag. Killing the party and reinviting doesn't fix this. It requires server restart. I am greedy, so I don't mind keeping all the money :) but I cannot see a reason why it stops working.


    I will update this post when I find more bugs.


    UPDATE: Looks like the loot of copper only happens when set for "free for all" but description of free for all states money still divided.

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    Hi there,

    This should be posted into a forum topic. You should also keep to 1 bug report for each bug encountered.

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