About This File
Mangos One Server - 0.21
For: World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade
Wiki: https://www.getmangos.eu/wiki/documentation/installation-guides/
Status: Playable
Support client versions: 2.3.4 (8606)
Mangosone-Serverx86.zip (32 Bit)
MangosOne-Serverx64.zip (64 Bit)
- Builtin Scripts (SD3 & Eluna)
- Map Extractors
- Realm, World & Character databases
- Authentication Realm-Daemon server (realmd)
- Mangos-Daemon world server (Mangosd)
- C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 (Included in .zip)
What's New in Version See changelog
(Lots of database changes since March, click to expand)
- Correct a start up error with NPC minHP setting
Bloodmyst Isle Part_1
- missing spawns added
- duplicates removed
- waypoints added for all Blue Flutterers
- Brown Bear possitions & spawndist corrected
- Bloodmyst Hatchling possitions
- Wrathscale Screamer & Shorestalker possitions corrected
- Lord Xiz - waypoints added
- Bristlelimb Warrior & Shaman - positions corrected
- missing objects added
- Princess Stillpine's Cage - possition corrected
- High Chief Bristlelimb - removed (will be spawned by script)
- missing spawns added
Bloodmyst Isle Part_2
- Lots of duplicates removed
- spawnposs for many creatures corrected
- distance corrected
- Blood Mushroom - duplicates removed / added into pools
- Lots of duplicates removed
Bloodmyst Isle Part_3
- Lots of duplicates removed
- missing spawns for creature/gameobjects added
- spawnposs for many creatures corrected
- Waypoints
- Lots of duplicates removed
Bloodmyst Isle Part_4
- duplicate removed
- missing added -
- lots of duplicates removed
- missings added
- spawnpossitions corrected
- waypoints
Enraged Ravager - spawndist corrected for all = 10y
Matis the Cruel - waypoints added
Void Critter - all movements corrected (they will now come from lake)
Chat between creatures added
Bloodmyst Isle - Quests and Items drops
- q.9706 'Galaen's Journal - The Fate of Vindicator Saruan' correct
prev quest should be 'Blood Watch'
- q.9549 'Artifacts of the Blacksilt' - prev q. corrected
Quest items drop % corrected (all was set wrongly = 80%)
q.9643 'Constrictor Vines'
- Thorny Constrictor Vine = 37.71%
q.9580 'The Bear Necessities'
- Elder Brown Bear Flank = 42.32%
q.9779 'Intercepting the Message' - Sunhawk Missive
- corrected
q.9579 'Galaen's Fate'
- Galaen's Amulet = 4.53%
q.9549 'Artifacts of the Blacksilt'
- Crude Murloc Idol = 46.35%
- Crude Murloc Knife = 34% and 70% depends of creature
q.9682 'The Hopeless Ones...'
- Bloodcursed Soul = 41.56%
- q.9706 'Galaen's Journal - The Fate of Vindicator Saruan' correct
q.9667 'Saving Princess Stillpine' + Script
- Princess Stillpine - run added, respawn sync. with object
- High Chief Bristlelimb - flags corrected, equip added
- Princess Stillpine - run added, respawn sync. with object
q.9663 'The Kessel Run'
Q redone:
- *temp* gossip_options removed
- Now players will get correct credit .. by only clicking at npc.
- conditions corrected
- End script added (player wont keep Elekk anymore after completing quest)
Q redone:
- [Eluna] Fix crash when accessing players not on any map
- [Security Fix][Realmd] Resolve SRP6a authentication bypass issue. Thanks @DevDaemon