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Give url on patch. Src version 10746.

Eh? :rolleyes: Too cryptic! A please would be nice ;)

If your asking whether we post ready made patches for you to download, the answer is no. Either merge the code from either of the repos




or you can create a standalone patch from these. A script to do this has been posted many times in this forum. You've just got to look :cool:

The current code should be fine with MaNGOS[10746]. If not, let us know

Hope this helps

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What Merge патч (Russian for patch) from these assemblies if not difficult explain?


I would like to help you and I understand that English might not be your first language. I gather you want instructions on how to merge from the repos. The following link will get you started


1. To get playerbot code

git clone git://github.com/blueboy/mangos.git master

cd mangos

2. To merge with the latest MaNGOS

git remote add mangos git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git

git pull mangos master

Hope this helps

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hey blueboy first off, awesome work, my server cant live without them:)

Anyway is there a way to force playerbots to use my mmaps system?

Maybe this would help, stopin them from jumpin around like crazies

hope you can give me a clue to solve this one

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If "my mmaps system" is faramir118's project then there's nothing to force. Pathfinding works fine for bots. If "jumpin around" means "teleporting while moving" then mmaps has nothing to do here. It's a playerbot problem which I hope will be solved soon.


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Hi DuB,

bot movement is already as good as pet movement. Also, if you have mmaps installed properly, I'm surprised you have not noticed bots making full use of pathfinding. There are some issues with bot movement true, that kyle1 has already mentioned and these will be sorted out in time.

EDIT: Maybe the "jumpin around like crazies" is caused by a network lag. If you have any of the following,

* large number of users connected to your server

* poor internet connection

* without a dedicated server (i.e running server and client on the same machine)

they will cause jerky behaviour generally.


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my problem was I didnt extract all mmaps-.-

I'm a fuckin stupid noob

anyway I got a idea, if you are runnin with 2 or more bots, then you stop, they stay in eachother ( I hope you know what I mean)

now my question

in the playerbot.conf you can edit the minfollowdistance, so bots keep distance to player by 1 or whatever you configured,

now what about changing bots keep distance to eachother and not player only

would that not stop them melting to one person?

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Core modifications this morning which impact playerbot code => few small problem ;)

Thanks, I was already aware of this. They have moved the location of 'vmap' code in the core. I have updated the portal code to compensate for this, but will wait a little time before I change the blueboy code. Just in case they decide to change it back :rolleyes:

The code on portal compiles and runs fine on *nix sytems. I have not tried it yet on Windows. If you do experience problems, can you post details.

If you are using 'mmaps', then at present this code does not work. I'm sure it won't be long before the mmap team fixes this issue.

Hope this helps

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DuB wrote:

in the playerbot.conf you can edit the minfollowdistance, so bots keep distance to player by 1 or whatever you configured,

now what about changing bots keep distance to eachother and not player only

would that not stop them melting to one person?

This is not an issue as such. Collison happens in the normal game. As a player (without playerbot) try to run through an NPC character and see.

It is possible to make terrain (ground & buildings) solid because they are fixed or static. Players, pets NPC and bots are dynamic and it is difficult to predict with any certainty where one object will be in relation to another, at any instances (something like Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle) :cool:

In other words collison is inevitable.

The config option,

# PlayerbotAI.FollowDistanceMin

# PlayerbotAI.FollowDistanceMax

# Min. and Max. follow distance for bots

# Default: 0.5 / 1.0

is used to control bot crowding about the player and does not prevent collison

Hope this helps

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hmm there's an error in the lastest core compile , it cant find worldpacket.h library but i see its path is correctly put.

Can you post the errors that your getting and details about your system (i.e windows or *nix). I had this issue just after the recent vmap re-location and I corrected the paths for WorldPacket.h. Are you using the latest code on portal or blueboy


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of course , im OS: windows 7 x32 and im using your master branch(blueboy).

That explains it. I have only pushed changes to portal, until things settle down with the core.

in the meantime you can edit the files PlayerbotAI.cpp, PlayerbotClassAI.cpp and PlayerbotMgr.cpp according to

-#include "../WorldPacket.h"

+#include "WorldPacket.h"

Please let me know if this fixes the issue on Windows I have only tested it on *nix

Hope this helps

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hi blueboy,

I still got a compile error:(

I used your portal.git

then I'm also usin mmaps (faramir118), ahbot (cyberium), tried it out right now, newest branch

shall a wait for a fix or can i solve this problem by myself?

i always delete my mangos source folder and use git from scratch

1. mkdir mangos

2. cd mangos

3. git init

4. git pull git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git

5. git pull git://github.com/cyberium/mangos.git ahbot

6. git pull git://github.com/blueboy/mangos.git (portal.git)

7. git pull git://github.com/faramir118/mangos.git

8. git remote add mangos git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git

9. git pull mangos master

also if there are merge conflicts

1. git mergetool -y

2. git commit -a -m "DuB"

aint wrong?

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Hi Dub,

If your getting compile errors, what are they?

Have you tried the code on portal, as I have just said to vladex. The code on blueboy was last updated for MaNGOS[10744]. They have since moved vmaps to a new location, causing a number of issues. The code on blueboy will be updated soon, once all issues with the core have been resolved. I noted that the source for vmap_assembler and vmap_extractor_v3 in the contrib folder, still have not been adjusted.

As kyle1 says, if you wish to be helped, you must help us by providing all available information on errors

DuB wrote:

I still got a compile error:(

is not good enough

Hope this helps

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