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efficient guid generation


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I think it would be nice to re-implement the guid generator so it re-uses unused guids. Currently the code just takes the max value from DB and starts adding from that:

- from ObjectMgr::SetHighestGuids

result = CharacterDatabase.Query( "SELECT MAX(guid) FROM item_instance" );
   if( result )
       m_hiItemGuid = (*result)[0].GetUInt32()+1;
       delete result;

- from ObjectMgr::GenerateLowGuid

        case HIGHGUID_ITEM:
               sLog.outError("Item guid overflow!! Can't continue, shutting down server. ");
           return m_hiItemGuid++;

my item_instance maximum guid is over 3,4 billion, and don't even have that amount of items in db, so this might be a problem.

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there are some SQLs around that lower character/item/creature/gameobject/whatever guids, these do work quite well.

if you want to re-use unused guids, you would have to store them in some array and check for each new guid if its used or free. would consume a LOT of memory and CPU if you ask me...

possibly some auto-renumbering could be implemented on startup, but this would delay startup a lot. imho its better to stick with the current implementation and renumber guids once a month by hand.

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Some guidstypes recently moved and will be moved more into per-map mode.

This for example meaning that each map will have own guid counter and in general will affect only specific map/instance copy until unload. Ofc continents still moslty loaded always, but and in continent this also help slowdown guid counters increase.

Not implemented yet move guid generationfor creatures/GOs to per-map mode also let not generate dynamic guids for static instance spawn, that also slow creature/GO guid counter grow.

Possible item guids can be per-player. I not reseach this case but i think this possible and not remember real need in global item guids counting.

Global guid counters still need for : player guids, pet numbers (maybe per player), guild ids, and auction ids (maybe per auctionhouse).

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i talk about the guids already stored in char db, they can be really high, and all unused guids are lost atm.

i can do this to generate 1 guid from DB

SELECT l.guid + 1 AS start
FROM item_instance AS l
LEFT OUTER JOIN item_instance AS r ON l.guid + 1 = r.guid

but really dont know how it would be done correctly

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  • 1 year later...
Some guidstypes recently moved and will be moved more into per-map mode.

This for example meaning that each map will have own guid counter and in general will affect only specific map/instance copy until unload. Ofc continents still moslty loaded always, but and in continent this also help slowdown guid counters increase.

Not implemented yet move guid generationfor creatures/GOs to per-map mode also let not generate dynamic guids for static instance spawn, that also slow creature/GO guid counter grow.

Possible item guids can be per-player. I not reseach this case but i think this possible and not remember real need in global item guids counting.

Global guid counters still need for : player guids, pet numbers (maybe per player), guild ids, and auction ids (maybe per auctionhouse).

I know this topic is old, but this approach is very interesting and needs to be brought up, at least someone will read it and think about a way to implement it, I am sure it's the guid generating used in most games.

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you can use an sql to pack your item guids:

-- Generate a new guid

-- Item data field
UPDATE item_instance SET data = CONCAT(guid_new, ' ', RIGHT(data, LENGTH(data)-LENGTH(SUBSTRING_INDEX(data, ' ', 1))-1));

-- auctionhouse
UPDATE auctionhouse AS ah, item_instance AS it SET ah.itemguid = it.guid_new WHERE ah.itemguid = it.guid;

-- character_gifts
UPDATE character_gifts AS cg, item_instance AS it SET cg.item_guid = it.guid_new WHERE cg.item_guid = it.guid;

-- character_inventory
UPDATE character_inventory AS ci, item_instance AS it SET ci.bag = it.guid_new WHERE ci.bag = it.guid;
UPDATE character_inventory AS ci, item_instance AS it SET ci.item = it.guid_new WHERE ci.item = it.guid;

-- guild_bank_item
UPDATE guild_bank_item AS gb, item_instance AS it SET gb.item_guid = it.guid_new WHERE gb.item_guid = it.guid;

-- mail_items
UPDATE mail_items AS mi, item_instance AS it SET mi.item_guid = it.guid_new WHERE mi.item_guid = it.guid;

-- petition
UPDATE petition AS p, item_instance AS it SET p.petitionguid = it.guid_new WHERE p.petitionguid = it.guid;

-- petition_sign
UPDATE petition_sign AS ps, item_instance AS it SET ps.petitionguid = it.guid_new WHERE ps.petitionguid = it.guid;

-- Put the new guid in place
UPDATE item_instance SET guid = guid_new;
ALTER TABLE item_instance DROP COLUMN guid_new;

this is a bit old so might need update for newer mangos versions

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