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Vehicles (Dev)

Guest AuntieMangos

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they want it stable for the core, they did the same thing to dual-spec when it was implemented.

i dont personally find this to be a valid excuse ... if you keep changing the core's fundamental properties every time the mdoficiation *IS* stable to a given core so that the modification is no longer stable, then it isnt the mod thats unstable its the core's changes.

for instance, I have the last revision of vehicles running without any errors that were not present in the modification the last time it was updated (around 10019 i believe) my core is now 10049 btw.. however when building my core i intentionally skipped over 10030 because at that commit mangos decided they would change the m_target/Spellproto system radically causing vehicles to no longer function. If you look at the commit comments you will see that this change was intentional for a security reason, the old method was actually easier to debug which vlad openly agreed with, but it was said that they did so because they felt that in the future it could lead to better security.. THATS ALL. Personally, call me a conspiracy theorist if you like but I think that it was a direct attempt to thwart other modifications from working with the core and nothing else, but thats me.

the point is... the modification will never be stable with mangos if mangos intentionally changes the properties of the core to disrupt the modification, and thus they will always have the excuse not to implement it. If they implemented it @ a time in which its functionality matched the core at the same revision then THEY would be undeniably responsible for the errors generated when they changed the core's properties to break the mod and they would in turn fix the problem themselves internally. One might argue that vehicles isnt 100% complete so they refuse to implement it until it is.. if that were the case however then mangos wouldnt produce commits at all since it is not 100% compatible with the current revision of the game itself.

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Hello users of the vehicle patch, if you have such an crash:

Call stack: Vehicle::RellocatePassengers+

then just revert part of the Wojta's patch for "Passenger relocation in vehicle".

diff --git a/src/game/Object.cpp b/src/game/Object.cpp
index 44ed131..ed3c1b5 100644
--- a/src/game/Object.cpp
+++ b/src/game/Object.cpp
@@ -1115,8 +1115,6 @@ void WorldObject::Relocate(float x, float y, float z, float orientation)
        ((Unit*)this)->m_movementInfo.ChangePosition(x, y, z, orientation);
-        if(((Creature*)this)->isVehicle())
-            ((Vehicle*)this)->RellocatePassengers(GetMap());


I forgot, that it has twice. I mean down below again delete or comment the same two rows.

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perhaps you should rather try to help the maintainers here to review and rewrite the code...

Wojta, tassadar, All the others who started to implement this feature and all those who are atm working on it and I didn't mention - they do a great job, keeping this project on track, improving where they see mistakes,

and also taking care for those who cannot help themselves ;)

But before such a huge project is fit for master, it most likely will need a complete rewrite (I read zergtmn started this) and most likely a few things in addition - but this is serious work, and surely not to be done 'en passent' or quickly.

And before this is not done, there is no use to submit this to review.

(the goal is to submit good code, and not only working code)

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Do You want the Traveler's Tundra Mammoth and Choppers (Mechano-hog and Mekgineer's Chopper) to works like mount+vehicle,

then use zergtmn's vehicle patch + part from Rage Hunter's vehicle patch (in exactly for VehicleSpellInitialize)

(of course will works for Invite friends and Groups only!)

Download links:

for MaNGOS rev. [10072]: http://filebeam.com/42b815e75343d5ac39bf6e4872d62753

and for MaNGOS rev. [10074]: http://filebeam.com/eade7a7f61985550088c9dc465f67a91


Do not forget to import from folder 'sql' the files: vehicle.sql and vehicle_test.sql in the database 'mangos'


Some of the quests with vehicles need script for a proper works,

but for now You can use hack for DK quest 'Into the Realm of Shadows':

-- ytdbase only!
UPDATE creature_template SET unit_flags = 32768 WHERE entry = 28782;
UPDATE quest_template SET SrcSpell = 52693 WHERE entry = 12687;

Thanks to zergtmn and Rage Hunter (they are from ru-mangos.ru forum)

traponinet: Have you Tested this new patch?

Cartman: this patch is not comaptible with the old, the old must you revert ^^

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1> game.lib (Vehicle.obj): error LNK2019: "public: void __cdecl Player:: SetFarSightGUID (unsigned __int64)" (? SetFarSightGUID @ Player @ @ QEAAX_K @ Z) external symbols (see the location: "public: void __cdecl Vehicle:: AddPassenger (class Unit *, signed char, bool) "(? AddPassenger @ Vehicle @ @ QEAAXPEAVUnit @ @ C_N @ Z) function) could not be confirmed from.

1> .. \\ .. \\ bin \\ x64_Release \\ mangosd.exe: fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved external reference is one.

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traponinet: Have you Tested this new patch?

I tested it with clean MaNGOS Rev.10075 (no other patches) and clean ytdbase Rev.327-R552

on OS Windows 7 (compiled by MS Visual C++ 2008 E.E.) and patch works well, no crashes during the test.

I take a friends in the group (Invite) and I can ride them on my bike or mammoth. (also I can eject them if necessary)

Then tried DK quests, that requiring vehicle: 'Grand Theft Palomino' and 'Into the Realm of Shadows'

and they can be completed (but with hack which I give for Acherus Deathcharger and quest 12687)

for me this patch works for now.


@Cartman87 You can try to apply the patch with command:

patch -p1 < v.patch

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