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Death Bug Fix

Guest bulek

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Death Bug

Mangos Rev: 8763+, and with newest problem too

Custom Patches: NO



If you try to cast a spell whem you are reciving the last hit, you got a bug "undead", you got all dead flags but you corspe don't become a ghost.

´´Killing, killing, killing, hitting keys like fool, you're about to die but you stay around 1-200health, stats are the same but no regen, you can cast spells but you don´'t take any damage, you cannot move and you cant release spirit


diff --git a/src/game/Player.cpp b/src/game/Player.cpp
index d8773cd..33a4341 100644
--- a/src/game/Player.cpp
+++ b/src/game/Player.cpp
@@ -1271,6 +1271,11 @@ void Player::Update( uint32 p_time )

+    if (!isAlive() && !HasFlag(PLAYER_FLAGS, PLAYER_FLAGS_GHOST))
+    {
+        SetHealth(0);
+    }
    if (m_deathState == JUST_DIED)

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Good patch, should be in master.

No, it should not. Insider42 did not posted it to "..under review" because its hack - we need to find source of this, not just place something on it and be happy, thats TrinityCore way.

If you try to cast a spell whem you are reciving the last hit,

can somebody confirm this?

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Confirmed here Wojta - mostly happens to priests & mages in arenas on our server. Had this bug ever since we updated from 8719 to 9382 (TBC branch) a few weeks ago. The patch prevents it as far as I can tell, though as you said, in a hacky way. That's fine by me (got about two dozen 'hackish' fixes on our server to prevent some of the bigger bugs) but of course not suitable for master :)

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hmmmm, I can also confirm this, it seams that the killing blow and the spell cast must occur at the same time for this bug to appear. Example: bg match, and I am healer, I am spamming my healing wave just to stay alive but someone kills me. And coz I was spam clicking on my healing wave button I end up in death bug. So I guess when the server gets 2 commands (one to cast the spell and the other that the player is dead) at the exact same time death bug happens.

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I am 100% OK with this "hack" till mangos will solve this VERY annoying BUG!

This is true, but this will never come to master, it is a way to hack fix, you can do to apply yourself, dont be lazy:), otherwise I can confirm, works perfectly with last revision, any crashes, freezes and other problems

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