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World of Warcraft Server for Windows - Installation Guide

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** This patch modifies the core so it populates the auction houses with items. It makes the game feel a bit more like official. Items and prices are chosen randomly based on the parameters you define. If an auction expires, auctions are deleted quietly. If the auction sells, you can get the in-game mail for that item.

** Information (http://getmangos.eu/community/viewtopic.php?id=13676&p=1)

** AHBot Part 1 – Creating the Patch file

** This will download a Mangos repository including the AHBot modification made by many programmers but lately perfected by Xeros & Cyberium. I believe it's best to create a patch file out of this and use it on your own mangos folder as you don't know if the repository you've downloaded is the latest up to date version of Mangos.

• Create a folder name C:\\AHBotTemp

• Right click on the folder and choose "Git Bash"

• Type the following commands:

git clone git://github.com/cyberium/mangos.git new_ahbot

cd new_ahbot

git checkout new_ahbot

git diff master > ../ahbot.patch

• You've just created you're patch file located in C:\\AHBotTemp

• Close your GIT window

** AHBot Part 2 – Auction House Patch – Require the software to be re-compile

• Create the folders C:\\Mangos\\Addon\\AHBot and put your patch file there

• Delete the folder C:\\AHBotTemp

• Right click on C:\\Mangos and choose "Git Bash"

• You will need to test the patch to make sure your not going to run into trouble by typing the following command:

git apply --check Addon/AHBot/ahbot.patch

• If the patch did not encountered any trouble, you can continue.

• Type the following command:

git apply Addon/AHBot/ahbot.patch

• Close the GIT Bash window when its done

** The next step will required you to re-compile mangos. If you're thinking to add more addons witch need to re-compile mangos as well, perhaps it will save you time to take the appropriate action on each add-ons until your ready

• Rebuild Mangos (See PART 8 - Compiling and PART 9 - Installing Mangos)

** Choose to replace the files in your C:\\Mangos if asked

** AHBot Part 3 – Tuning the AHBot.conf.dist.in

** The settings might differ as bit as I am writing this without seeing the configuration file

• Tune up theses settings in your if needed C:\\Mangos\\src\\game\\AuctionHouseBot\\ahbot.conf.dist.in

a) Basic Settings

AuctionHouseBot.Seller.Enabled = 1

AuctionHouseBot.Buyer.Enabled = 1

AuctionHouseBot.Items.Vendor = 1

AuctionHouseBot.Items.Loot = 1

AuctionHouseBot.Items.Misc = 1

AuctionHouseBot.Bind.No = 1

AuctionHouseBot.Bind.Pickup = 1

AuctionHouseBot.Bind.Equip = 1

AuctionHouseBot.Bind.Use = 1

AuctionHouseBot.Bind.Quest = 1

AuctionHouseBot.ItemsPerCycle = 500

AuctionHouseBot.BuyPrice.Seller = 0

AuctionHouseBot.BuyPrice.Buyer = 0

b) The minimum (mintime) and maximum (maxtime) number of hours for an auction

Mintime = 8 Maxtime = 24

c) The percentage of the auction items that should be trade goods and items of the mention quality. A value of 0 will disable. All 16 combined should give a total of 100

PercentGreyTradeGoods = 0 PercentGreyItems = 0

ercentWhiteTradeGoods = 27 PercentWhiteItems = 10

PercentGreenTradeGoods = 12 PercentGreenItems = 30

PercentBlueTradeGoods = 10 PercentBlueItems = 8

PercentPurpleTradeGoods = 1 PercentPurpleItems = 2

PercentOrangeTradeGoods = 0 PercentOrangeItems = 0

PercentYellowTradeGoods = 0 PercentYellowItems = 0

d) MinPrice and MaxPrice are the minimum and maximum price adjustment for the mention type of items. For example, let say a minimum of 150, which means 150%. So if an item vendors for 1g it would go to auction for a minimum of 1.5g

MinPriceGrey = 100 MaxPriceGrey = 150

MinPriceWhite = 150 MaxPriceWhite = 250

MinPriceGreen = 800 MaxPriceGreen = 1400

MinPriceBlue = 1250 MaxPriceBlue = 1750

MinPricePurple = 2250 MaxPricePurple = 4550

MinPriceOrange = 3250 MaxPriceOrange = 5550

MinPriceYellow = 5250 MaxPriceYellow = 6550

e) MinBidPrice and MaxBidPrice are the starting and ending bid as a percent of the buyout price. For example, if this value is 50 and the buyout price is randomly chosen to be 1g, then the bid price will be 50s

MinBidPriceGrey = 70 MaxBidPriceGrey = 100

MinBidPriceWhite = 70 MaxBidPriceWhite = 100

MinBidPriceGreen = 80 MaxBidPriceGreen = 100

MinBidPriceBlue = 75 MaxBidPriceBlue = 100

MinBidPricePurple = 80 MaxBidPricePurple = 100

MinBidPriceOrange = 80 MaxBidPriceOrange = 100

MinBidPriceYellow = 80 MaxBidPriceYellow = 100

f) MaxStack is maximum stack size to create for this quality type. A value of zero will disable the maximum stack size for this quality allowing the bot to create stacks (of random size) of items as big as the item type allows

MaxStackGrey = 0 BuyerPriceGrey = 1

MaxStackWhite = 0 BuyerPriceWhite = 1

MaxStackGreen = 3 BuyerPriceGreen = 5

MaxStackBlue = 2 BuyerPriceBlue = 12

MaxStackPurple = 1 BuyerPricePurple = 15

MaxStackOrange = 1 BuyerPriceOrange = 20

MaxStackYellow = 1 BuyerPriceYellow = 22

g) BuyerBiddingInterval

BuyerBiddingInterval = 1 BuyerBidsPerInterval = 1

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It always depends what you wanna do with it ....

I beleive if your cpu is at most 4 years old, than it is easely possible to make your computer dedicated for a bunch of people... 5 people or whatever...

But if you want to be able to host 50 well i suggest you get something hight performance...

Check this thread


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Question 1:

Check Part 2 and you'll get all the links there...

You'll find UDB_0.12.0_mangos_9582_SD2_1639.zip rev 388 as you described....

Meaning you'll need to download and apply when the time comes....the updates 389 and 390 ...since thats the latest version...assuming you want to be up to date...

Question 2:

I don't know if you can use the Trial version, i beleive so..., but anyway, you can either download the patch from Blizzard by connecting to the server or from Fileplanet, but do not download more patch than Mangos support... see Part 10

Question 3: see question 1 and 2... but if you want an older version of Mangos for an older version of WoW Client....the question has bin asked there


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  • 40 years later...

Thanks to those who made this possible and to everyone who help me out by making threads and answering my questions


For the past 2 weeks i've bin working to make my own World Of Warcraft Server

Then, i've made myself my own installation document to keep track of what i was doiing

2 Parts need to be review since i haven't needed them yet

All of the following post are the steps you need to do to make your own World Of Warcraft Server

You can also get a Word or PDF copy using the following link


The word 2003 document doesn't seem to open in the browser, altough it will work if you download it (Probably all the schemes i've used) ... Of course theres no virus in it, but i've also put a PDF version if you prefer witch you can open in the browser or download

Overtime, things may changes but for now, this is the way to go

In this post, i'll try to keep the usefull news


I haven't done the latest update, but it seemed they've updated the Mangos Core to a new version 9622. Unfortunately, the AHBot addon is not working with this version for the moment. Discussion are made to either patch it again or include this in the Mangos Core. This is also why i haven't made the "how to update mangos part" yet

With the New UDB Core (updated to #389), there's a good chance that you do not need to do any UDB Updates or C:\\Mangos\\SQL\\Updates installing the server...of course there will be future updates...but you don't need to manualy do all 60 sql patch that you needed to do with UDB Core #388 that i've used to write this guide

UDB Core #388 would make the AHBot work, altough as i've readed, theres lots of instance repair and npc fixed in version #389... it's a choice to make for the moment wether you want the AHBot or the Fixes... Theres also to take under consideration that when someone will fix the AHBot addon, it may or may not conflict with your actual AHBot from an older version, depending on how they have decided to make things work...


AHBot is still beiing worked on

2010-04-29 - 2010-04-30

The entire installation guide has bin updated

AHBot working


Part 15 text updated


AHBot Thread Link updated


Working to update the guide for the new version of AHBot


AHBot installation updated


ScriptDev2 installation updated (edit by Schmoozerd)

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PART 1 - Forums ---------------------------------------------- Page 1

PART 2 - Requirement ----------------------------------------- Page 1

PART 3 - Definition -------------------------------------------- Page 1

PART 4 - Software Installation --------------------------------- Page 1

PART 5 - Cloning Mangos -------------------------------------- Page 1

PART 6 - Cloning ScriptDev2 ----------------------------------- Page 1

PART 7 - Configuring C++ -------------------------------------- Page 1

PART 8 - Compiling Mangos and ScriptDev2 --------------------- Page 1

PART 9 - Installing Mangos ------------------------------------ Page 1

PART 10 - Verify your Versions --------------------------------- Page 1

PART 11 - Extracting Files From Your Client --------------------- Page 1

PART 12 - Installing and Configuring MySQL --------------------- Page 1

PART 13 - Setting Up the SQL Connection ---------------------- Page 1

PART 14 - Adding Databases ----------------------------------- Page 1

PART 15 - Updating your Database with SQL Files --------------- Page 1

PART 16 - Adding ACID ---------------------------------------- Page 1

PART 17 - Configuring Mangos ---------------------------------- Page 1

PART 18 - Setup Behind a Router ------------------------------- Page 1

PART 19 - Setting Up your World Of Warcraft Client ------------- Page 1

PART 20 - Running your Server --------------------------------- Page 1

PART 21 - Possible Errors -------------------------------------- Page 1

PART 22 - Console Commands ---------------------------------- Page 1

PART 23 - How to Update your Server (TO BE TESTED) ---------- Page 1

PART 24 - Add-on: Auction House ------------------------------ Page 2

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• World of Warcraft client (Updated to Mangos client version. See PART 10 - Verify your Versions)


• GIT client (ex. : msysgit, This will download your MaNGOS and ScriptDev2 Source Files)


• Tortoise SVN (Optional, can be used to sync to UDB, or also for some GUI-tools)


• Visual Studio C++ 2005 or better (Recommended Version: Visual Studio 2008 Express)


• MySQL server community edition (In the “Generally Available Release” Tab)


• MySQL client (ex. : SQLyog Community)


• Newest UDB database


• The latest UDB update packs


• Advanced Creature Intelligence Database for Mangos (ACID)


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World Of Warcraft Client

When we are referring to the client, it’s your on copy of the game. A client connect to a server


GIT is a free distributed revision control or software source code management project with an emphasis on being fast

Git itself is a suite (collection) of tools to manage a git repository (virtual filesystem).

Some website provide free source code hosting for GIT repositories

A Git repository is an object-based VFS, all repositories are equal each other. You can clone already cloned repository locally

In other word, with your GIT Client, you’ll copy from a website the Mangos Project

GIT Client

GIT Client is a software that will help you manage and work in your different repository

Msysgit is a GIT client you can use

Basically, this will be use to clone the Mangos repository. The project will later on be compile to make a software witch we could call the core of your World Of Warcraft Server


Mangos is your software that manages all the game inquiries and accesses your SQL Database to get the information needed

It’s also being referred as the Mangos Project

Tortoise SVN

This is a free-software, witch allow you to clone a Repository from a location. This has a similar purpose than the GIT client but for a different type of support.

This is currently optional.


This is a C++ Project witch is added to Mangos that handles special events, quests, encounters and Bosses


Abbreviation for “Advanced Creature Intelligence Database”

This is an SQL Database that contains code that handles regular mobs and bosses

ACID and ScripDev2 are use for the same purpose but are developed by different entities. Those 2 entities working together nearly transfer everything that can be handle by SQL to ACID while the rest will remain in ScriptDev2

Since the requirement for ACID and ScriptDev2 as bin added in Mangos, they do not require each other to work properly. Although for the game purpose, you should need both

Microsoft Visual C++

Software used to created, modify and compile codes using C, C++, and C++/CLI programming languages.

This will be used to compile your Mangos Project and ScripDev2 Project

MySQL server community edition

MySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS) that runs as a server providing multi-user access to a number of databases.

In other words, after you’ve created the databases, tables and imported data in theses tables, this will contain your entire World for World Of Warcraft

MySQL Client

This is a software that will allow you to connect to your database such World Of Warcraft Client connect to a World Of Warcraft Server

This will be the interface your going to use to import and change the data in each SQL Database

SQLyog Community is a MySQL client you can use

UDB Database

Your Unified Database ( UDB ) is a database that contains all your World details inside World Of Warcraft. This will become your core for the Mangos Database

There is other World Database that can be used instead such YTDB

The Realm and Characters Database witch are also part of Mangos can receives updates but the Core only refers to the Mangos Database

UDB Update Pack

The UDB Updates packs are used to update your Mangos Database after UDB Core. They are blocks of updates

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** Use default settings for the following installation

• Install your GIT client

• Install your C++ software

• Optional: Install Tortoise SVN and reboot as required at the end of your installation

** In this guide, I will assume that you want to install Mangos and World of Warcraft in your C:\\ directory. Otherwise, use your head to put them wherever you want and refer to the appropriate path when needed. World of Warcraft does not required to be installed on your server. Although when extracting the files, you’ll need to do so on a computer that has the client installed.

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• Launch “GIT GUI” from your list of programs

• In the new window, click on “Clone Existing Repository”

• In the new window, enter with the keyboard the following information

Source Location: git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git

Target Directory: C:\\Mangos

** The Target Directory must not exist

• Click “Clone” and wait for the task to finish

• Close your “GIT GUI”

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• Launch “GIT GUI” from your list of programs

• In the new window, click on “Clone Existing Repository”

• In the new window, enter with the keyboard the following information

Source Location: git://github.com/scriptdev2/scriptdev2.git

Target Directory: C:\\Mangos\\src\\bindings\\ScriptDev2

** The Target Directory must not exist

• Click “Clone” and wait for the task to finish

• Close your “GIT GUI”

** OPTIONAL: This is not required and not suggested, although it might be helpfull to avoid deletion of untracked folders/files in GIT-directory when using certain GIT commands (example: git clean -f -d)

• Right click on C:\\Mangos and choose "Git Bash"

• Type the following command replacing the XXXX by the numbers within the file name located in C:\\Mangos\\src\\bindings\\ScriptDev2\\patches:

git am src/bindings/ScriptDev2/patches/MaNGOS-XXXX-ScriptDev2.patch

** This is not required, although it is needed to avoid deletion of untracked folders/files in GIT-directory when using certain GIT commands (example: git clean -f -d)

• Close the GIT Bash window

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Edit by Schmoo: No Idea what this part is required for, I have never done something alike

• Open Visual C++

• Go to “Tools”, “Options”

• Click the “+” next to Projects and Solutions, then click VC++ Directories

• Make sure the drop down menu says “Executable Files”

• Add a new entry by clicking on an empty row at the bottom of the list and then clicking on the “...” on the right edge. Put your SDKs Bin folder path such as following:

C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows\\v6.0A\\Bin

** Do not modify existing entries

• Click the drop down menu and make sure it says “Include Files”, then do the same as previous for the Include folder:

C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows\\v6.0A\\Include

• Click the drop down menu and make sure it says “Library Files”, then do the same as previous for the Lib folder:

C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows\\v6.0A\\Lib

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** While installing your server: You might want to start the first and second part of the Auction House Add-on if you intend to use it (See AHBot Part 1 – Creating the Patch file and AHBot Part 2 – Auction House Patch – Require the software to be re-compile)

• Go to your C:\\Mangos\\Win folder

• Open the “sln” file that fit your version of C++

mangosdVC80 for C++ 2005

mangosdVC90 for C++ 2008

mangosdVC100 for a newer version of C++

• Wait for C++ to finish loading. You’ll see a message on the bottom saying “Updating Intellisense”. It will change for “Ready” it’s done.

• Click “Build” in the menu and select “Configuration Manager”

• Click “Release” in the drop down box for “Active Solution Configuration”

• The drop down box “Active Solution Platform” should already be set to “Win32”

• Click on “Close”

• Then, click “Build” in the menu and select “Build Solution”

** This will take a long time. You might get some warning messages...If you do, don't worry about it, it's normal

** You shouldn’t get any error message, although if you do so, you could click “Build”, “Clean Solution”, then restart the compile but this will only drop the error for the compile to work. You may end up missing some information’s.

• Close the window when it’s done

• Go to your C:\\Mangos\\src\\bindings\\ScriptDev2

• Open the “sln” file that fit your version of C++

scriptVC80 For C++ 2005

scriptVC90.sln For C++ 2008

• Wait for C++ to finish loading. You’ll see a message on the bottom saying “Updating Intellisense”. It will change for “Ready” it’s done.

• Click “Build” in the menu and select “Configuration Manager”

• Click “Release” in the drop down box for “Active Solution Configuration”

• The drop down box “Active Solution Platform” should already be set to “Win32”

• Click on “Close”

• Then, click “Build” in the menu and select “Build Solution”

• Close the window when it’s done

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• Transfer the files from your compile folder into C:\\Mangos

** They should be in C:\\Mangos\\bin\\Win32_Release

• Go to C:\\Mangos\\src\\mangosd and copy “mangosd.conf.dist.in” to “mangosd.conf” in C:\\Mangos

• Go to C:\\Mangos\\src\\realmd and copy “realmd.conf.dist.in” to “realmd.conf” in C:\\Mangos

• Go to C:\\Mangos\\src\\bindings\\ScriptDev2 and copy “scriptdev2.conf.dist.in” to “scriptdev2.conf” in C:\\Mangos

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• Open the file C:\\Mangos\\News in notepad. (The file doesn’t have an extension)

• The version of the supported World of Warcraft client will be mentioned

Ex.: “Upgrade to client version 3.3.3 (build 11723)”

** 3.3.3 (build 11723) is your World of Warcraft client requirement. Big patch will change the version number although smaller patch will only affect the build number within the same version. You must match the exact build version with your client

** The version can also be found later on in PART 15 - Updating your Database with SQL Files in the Mangos Database

• Download newest UDB database and the latest UDB update packs

• Update your World of Warcraft client to the supported version

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• Copy the content of C:\\Mangos\\contrib\\extractor_binary\\ in your C:\\World of Warcraft

• Run ExtractResources.sh from your C:\\World of Warcraft. For this you can open a Git Bash and type sh ExtractResources.sh

You must extract DBC/maps and vmaps for MaNGOS to work, mmaps are optional (and take very long)

** It all depends of your computer speed but this will take time to extract the files

• When finish, move the folders Maps, DBC and vmaps - optionally mmaps that have been created in your C:\\World of Warcraft to your C:\\Mangos

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• Install MySQL Server choosing Typical or Complete setup

• When the installation is completed

a) Keep the check mark to “configure the MySQL server now”

b) Remove the check mark from “register the MySQL server now”

• Choose “Standard Configuration” when asked

a) Put a check mark to “Install as Windows Service” and “Launch MySQL Server Automatically”

b) The service name stays “MySQL”

• Click next

a) Keep the check mark to “Modify Security Settings”

b) Choose a password for your Mangos Server

c) Put a check mark to “Enable root access from remote machines” unless you know your won’t need it

** Default server password is mangos, you should change it if you are making an online server for other players or activating that last option

** If you plan to use the IP of the machine instead of localhost, you plan on having a registration page on another machine, or plan on being able to access the database from another machine other than the one the databases are hosted on, “Enable Root Access from Remote Machines” needs to be activated

• Complete the configuration clicking on next and execute

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• Install and Run your SQLclient. In this case “SQLyog”

• Click the “New...” button at the top of the window to create a new connection

• Name the connection anything you like such “World Of Warcraft SQL Server”

• Fill out the fields as indicated below:

a) MySQL Host Address: This is “” or “localhost” if your SQLclient is on the same machine as the MySQL server. If you’re accessing this from another computer, put the LAN IP address or the Internet IP address depending on your needs.

b) Username: Type in “root”

c) Password: This is the password you set up when you’ve installed the MySQL Community Server (See PART 12 - Installing and Configuring MySQL)

d) Database(s): Leave this blank for now

• Click “Connect” and save the change

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• In the top left-hand side, right-click “root@(IP here)”

• Click “Create Database” and create the following database:

a) realmd

b) mangos

c) characters

• Select mangos database on the left (any database could do for now)

• Open with notepad


• Empty the “query” textbox to the right of SQLyog and paste the contents of the .sql file

• Select all the text in the textbox (Ctrl-A), then press the play button (F9) in the toolbar at the top of SQLyog

• Click “File” in the menu at the top of SQLyog

• Click “New Connection”

• This time in the databases field, type:


• Click “Save”

• Click “Connect”

• Now, in the left-hand database list, right-click “realmd” and select “Import”, “Restore from SQL Dump”

• Click “Browse”, and select C:\\Mangos\\sql\\realmd.sql

• Click “Execute”

• Right-click “characters” and select “Import”, “Restore from SQL Dump”

• Click “Browse”, and select C:\\Mangos\\sql\\characters.sql

• Click “Execute”

• Right-click “mangos” and select “Import”, “Restore from SQL Dump”

• Click “Browse”, and select the UDB database Core file you’ve download

Ex.: UDB_0.11.6_Core_8734_SD2_1480.sql

• Click “Execute”

• Select the ScriptDev2 database on the left

• Open with notepad:


• Empty the “query” textbox to the right of SQLyog and paste the contents of the .sql file

• Select all the text in the textbox (Ctrl-A), then press the play button (F9) in the toolbar at the top of SQLyog

• Keep ScriptDev2 database selected and do the same for:


• Select the Mangos database on the left and do the same for:


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• Open SQLyog and connect to your server if you're not already there

** UDB Corepatch and UDB Updatepack aren't the same

** A UDB Corepatch is a bunch of C:\\Mangos\\sql\\Updates made by the Mangos team. This is the structure of your tables in the database. They are empty

** A UDB Updatepack will populate your tables

** If you follow the logic, you need to upgrade your table before you put your data in them

** First thing to do is to determine your databases versions

• For each Database go into the following tables to find out the database and software version. There's an example in bold of what you can find: a) Database Characters – Table Characters_DB_Version


b) Database Mangos – Table DB_Version

Version: UDB 0.12.0 (388) for Mangos 9582 with SD2 SQL for rev. 1639

Creature_AI_Version: ACID 3.0.3 – Full Release for Mangos (3.2.2a Client)

Cache_ID: 388


c) Database Realmd – Table Realmd_DB_Version


** Looking at the information above, this tells u that the only database that can receive something else than core pack is the Mangos Database. We are talking about update pack

** The sequence for the update is simple. You need to apply the update witch is the next number in line. You need to understand that the numbers are not necessary incremented by 1. If your character table is 9375, then the next number may be 9380 or 9385, but if you have both numbers, then you need to do 9380 first and then 9385. You just need to check your files in C:\\Mangos\\sql\\Updates and figure what's the next one. This should be the way to follow to upgrade the Characters and Realm database

** Upgrading your Mangos database may be done as above but to have a head start, you can also use the file from UDB. You can figure out what's your next patch looking at the Cache ID even though it refers to the Updatepack, not the Corepatch. Best thing to do is also take a look at the file name witch will tell you what upgrade it is covering. So in this example, I'll need to upgrade the core with 389 and so on. After I'm done with the UDB Corepatch, then I'll need to go in my C:\\Mangos\\sql\\Updates and complete the upgrade as describe above by looking at the new Database version. You may have to reconnect to your database to refresh the data. Although you can simply look at the last UDB Corepatch file name you've used.

** Keep in mind that when you upgrade your Mangos, Characters or Realmd databases, if you try to apply a patch that was already applied, it shouldn't matter since it will simply tell you that the modification already existed. So yes, if you had to upgrade with sql\\Updates file this time, if you use the next UDB Corepatch when they will release a new one, it may say that some of the information already existed. Applying Scriptdev2 update twice may cause errors

** When the Mangos Database core has bin upgrade, I can now upgrade my content with the UDB Updatepack. Since Cache ID is 388, then next Updatepack will be 389 and so on

** The Cache_ID tells u the actual version of the UDB Contents. The next update pack to get from UDB would be the update pack 389 but only after you've updated your mangos core

** Of course, talking about updates, you will see the name of the database and version that will be applied in the file name. Make sure that the appropriate database is selected on the left of the windows when your performing an update

• Locate the updates you will need to apply on the database. Either in your C:\\Mangos\\SQL\\Updates folder or from the files you've downloaded (UDB Updates Pack)

• Open with Notepad the .sql file you are going to use to update the database

• Select the database to be updated

• Empty the "query" textbox to the right of SQLyog and paste the contents of the .sql file

• Select all the text in the textbox (Ctrl-A), then press the play button (F9) in the toolbar at the top of SQLyog

• Parts of the application will become greyed, wait for the query to finish executing

** You can put more than one update in the Query box for the same database. Although you need to keep them in the appropriate order

** If you did your update and you want to see the new version number, you'll need to refresh the data. For example, reconnect to your MySQL server

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• Download ACID for your Client version if it’s not done (Basic, The Burning Crusade or Wrath Of The Lich King)

• Still in SQLYog, select your Mangos Database.

• Empty the “query” textbox to the right of SQLyog, past the contents of the .sql file you’ve downloaded

• Select all the text in the textbox (Ctrl-A), then press the play button (F9) in the toolbar at the top of SQLyog and wait for this to be complete

• Close SQLYog

** It is recommended that ACID be added at the very end of all your database manipulation

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• Open C:\\Mangos\\mangosd.conf in Notepad

• Look for the following codes (and change them if necessary):


WorldDatabaseInfo = "[server IP];3306;root;


LoginDatabaseInfo = "[server IP];3306;root;[sql password];realmd"

CharacterDatabaseInfo = "[server IP];3306;root;[sql password];characters"

vmap.enableLOS = 1

vmap.enableHeight = 1

vmap.ignoreMapIds = "369"

vmap.ignoreSpellIds = "7720"

GameType = 8

RealmZone = 1

Expansion = 2

AllowTwoSide.Accounts = 1

AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Chat = 1

AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Channel = 1

AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Group = 1

AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Guild = 1

AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Auction = 1

AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Mail = 1

AllowTwoSide.WhoList = 1

AllowTwoSide.AddFriend = 1

TalentsInspecting = 1

[i]** While tuning your configuration file, if you intend to use the Auction House Add-On, you might want to configure your Addon as well (See [u]AHBot Part 3 – Tuning the AHBot.conf.dist.in[/u])[/i]

• Save and exit

• Open [b]C:\\Mangos\\realmd.conf in Notepad[/b]

• Look for the following code (and change it if necessary):

LoginDatabaseInfo = "[server IP];3306;root;[sql password];realmd"

• Save, exit

• Open C:\\Mangos\\scriptdev2.conf in Notepad

• Look for the following code (and change it if necessary):

ScriptDev2DatabaseInfo = "[server IP];3306;root;[sql password];scriptdev2"

• Save, exit

• Copy [b]C:\\Mangos\\mangosd.conf[/b] into [b]C:\\Mangos\\mangosd.conf.old[/b]

• Copy [b]C:\\Mangos\\realmd.conf[/b] into [b]C:\\Mangos\\realmd.conf.old[/b]

• Copy [b]C:\\Mangos\\scriptdev2.conf[/b] into [b]C:\\Mangos\\scriptdev2.conf.old[/b]

** Making a .old copy is simply a precaution

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** The easy way

• Launch C:\\Mangos\\realmd.exe and C:\\Mangos\\mangosd.exe

• When it is ready, close it

** You’ve just initialise the first realm. This will apply some settings from the Mangos.Conf file if you’ve change for example the type of server such RPPVP. This will also put the build of the server

• Open SQLyog and connect to your database

• Access “realmd” database and look in the “realmlist” table

• Add a new entry for the LAN connection. Copy the same data as the first one except for the following

Choose a different server name

Put the computer LAN IP address

• Add a new entry for the internet connection. Copy the same data as the first one except for the following

Choose a different server name

Put the router IP address

• You might want to allowed the ports or software through your firewall or router

Example: Mangosd.exe and Realmd.exe threw your Windows Firewall

** If your Internet IP changes, you will need to change your Internet Realm IP in your database. Your friends will also need to adjust their realmlist.wtf. There is better solution for that but it would take some more works. For example: making a domain while your server will contact the domain to update the ip address or use a VPN. You can try DynDNS or No-IP



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