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[Working]OutdoorPvP r10049+

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As promised in the previous reply, I came up with an updated version of this patch.

You can follow the development and the sources at this link: https://github.com/xfurry/mangos/tree/world_pvp

The DB update file is optimized for UDB and TBCDB. for YTDB it may also work but probably you'll have to change a few queries.

If you want to use it on Mangos One / Zero you can backport the full patch and remove the pvp areas you don't need.

There may be some issues in some areas because of grid unloading, but overall the scripts should work fine.

Please let me know how it works and if you encounter any issue don't hesitate to post it here.

As a note for further development of this feature:

* This approach of the patch isn't 100% right, so it won't head for the master branch in the way it is.

* In order to optimize stuff and make things more easier we require some features which I have already discussed here: http://getmangos.eu/community/topic/17262/feature-request-check-conditions-in-db-script/

* As I have already said in the topic linked just above, most of the pvp scripts should be handled in DB if the core would have the proper tools to handle it.

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  • 40 years later...

Ядро MaNGOS_10049_sd2_r1706(Карательский)+OutdoorPvP

Outdoor PvP подробнее:

+ Capture towers and pvp points Hellfire Peninsula (in PvP Zone)

+ Capture towers and pvp points in Nagrand (in PvP Zone)

+ Capture the Flag and pvp points in forests Terokar (in PvP Zone)

+ Capture towers and flags in Zagrantopole (in PvP Zone)

+ Capture pvp points and towers in Silithus (in PvP Zone)

+ Capture pvp towers in Eastern Plaguelands (in PvP Zone)

download core http://letitbit.net/download/27884.27e1d225778b4c50d78fbcaa8/OutdoorPvP_start.rar.html

need test

Добавлено (14.06.2010, 16:43)


http://letitbit.net/download/79435.7956ed5b7badf94fcedb33bf0/OutdoorPvP.rar.html download source может комуто понадобится вдруг ктото чтото захочет дополнить

i m not speek english

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You do not need to pay. Both downloads are useless if you only want the patch or diff.

Download links will not give you a patch. One is for the entire core source, already patched, at 30 MB size.

The other is for a pre-compiled core, also with OutdoorPVP patched, at 12 MB size.

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I did not understand even with a translator from google you say links are not dangle perezalit? if so linkanite exchanger ...

yet you mentioned about kakieto patches well at least as written google translator.

The_game_master, in the source you can extract the patch rummage in the code where all you can get and compile the patch

on faylbim perezalit tomorrow

I fell like a hard drive so the patch I do not have to collect and there's no time sorry

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Spellhunter says he knows very little english, so he did the best he could. I don't fault him for not relying upon one of the online translation tools, like Google Translate or Yahoo! Bablefish. They seem to be especially unreliable with Slavic languages.

The intent of his original post was to provide a means to obtain code for a working Outdoor PvP feature in MaNGOS. As you know, the ability to do quest dailies where you must capture from the opposing faction a town, village, fortification, or other structure/location is not yet implemented in the server core or database.

Spellhunter has also stated he is either unable or unwilling to extract the diff from the source code he provided, but he hopes others will be able to dig it out and post a patch.

To be honest, the source tree looks like it came from artkeep's Github repo, though I'm not certain if artkeep is the author of the Outdoor PvP portion. Many of the custom repos have original code, but consist of patches from many other sources as well.

All of this really belongs in the Outdoor PvP topic, but I think the reason it wasn't posted there is due to that topic's title being prefixed with [not working], while this one is supposed to work, hence the contrary tag of [Working] applied here.

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Было б не плохо, если б выложили отдельный рабочий фикс OutdoorPvP для ядра 100051+.. Так как не у карателя не у офф репозиторие так и не работает.. Сломался после 2.3.3..

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Выдёргивание патча, тем более такого обширного можно сравнить с написанием его заново... Если ты уже захотел поделиться с другими и создал тему на форуме разработчиков, то будь добр выложи чистый патч, иначе эта тема "пустышка"...

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you has the mangos-ru to speak your language!

and this is not discrimination by language, because I'm not British or American.

There is not a site like mangos in my language.

so I have to speak in English.

please speak in English for all to understand what you speak!

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I'm not so sure if this patch would work with the latest MaNGOS revisions, anyways. After rev. 10156, there were changes that have impacted various parts of the code, especially with spells.

Of course, having an actual diff would be a good step toward starting those fixes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

*Bump for update*

Here's Outdoor PvP for MaNGOS rev. 10275... http://paste2.org/p/928790

Since the old topic seems to have disappeared, let me repeat that the C++ portion was put together by Berni and my heartfelt thanks to him for his work. The SQL part is a bit outdated, but I've been working on fixes.

Current changes I've made to the SQL:

  • * Firebomb script (Event AI OPvP) has been dropped. UDB has had this data since at least 0.10, with an update in 0.12. You do not need the Firebomb script if you're database is at least current with UDB 0.12 rev. 388.
    * Status announcements, found in 'mangos string', had incorrect IDs. Updated the DELETE statement to match the values in the INSERTS.

If any of you are skilled with C++ or SQL, please lend a hand whenever you can. This is a community effort. Everyone is welcome to help. If you're not much of a programmer, then good ideas or even just an encouraging word is equally as important.

Let's help make Outdoor PvP the best we can and make it ready for submission to the core!

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Firebomb script (Event AI OPvP) has been dropped. UDB has had this data since at least 0.10, with an update in 0.12. You do not need the Firebomb script if you're database is at least current with UDB 0.12 rev. 388.

Hm... What about users who dont use UDB? They can use YTDB for example...

I think that Event AI OPvP should not be drop...

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The Firebomb Script is very outdated and needs fixes. I don't use YTDB. Someone else will need to step up to add fixes for it. Until that happens, the SQLs will be developed for UDB simply because that is what I use and am familiar with its structure.

You're more than welcome to contribute YTDB compatible updates, Kirix.

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Hm... What about users who dont use UDB? They can use YTDB for example...

I think that Event AI OPvP should not be drop...

Kirix, I'm using that same patch myself with YTDB and I've dropped the firebomb part as well because it is in YTDB as well and I have had no trouble what so ever....other than the sql's are prehistoric and need to be updated badly...now Kirix I do know your an excellent C++ writer would you be so kind as to look at the ZM code and possibly find a proper way to handle the end part...ATM your forced to the center and click instead of going to the rep getting a flag and running it in with out getting jumped by opposing team(Warsong Gulch)....thats the only problem spot I've found with the exception of big map updates....

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