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hi I have a little (stupid?) ask.

how can I set the friendlist to : NOT even gm or admin can add another faction into own friend list ?

I found this source code, dunno if it is right ... what to set ?

void WorldSession::HandleFriendListOpcode( WorldPacket & recv_data )
   CHECK_PACKET_SIZE(recv_data, 4);
   sLog.outDebug( "WORLD: Received CMSG_CONTACT_LIST" );
   uint32 unk;
   recv_data >> unk;
   sLog.outDebug("unk value is %u", unk);

void WorldSession::HandleAddFriendOpcode( WorldPacket & recv_data )
   CHECK_PACKET_SIZE(recv_data, 1+1);

   sLog.outDebug( "WORLD: Received CMSG_ADD_FRIEND" );

   std::string friendName  = GetMangosString(LANG_FRIEND_IGNORE_UNKNOWN);
   std::string friendNote;
   FriendsResult friendResult = FRIEND_NOT_FOUND;
   Player *pFriend     = NULL;
   uint64 friendGuid   = 0;

   recv_data >> friendName;

   // recheck
   CHECK_PACKET_SIZE(recv_data, (friendName.size()+1)+1);

   recv_data >> friendNote;


   CharacterDatabase.escape_string(friendName);            // prevent SQL injection - normal name don't must changed by this call

   sLog.outDebug( "WORLD: %s asked to add friend : '%s'",
       GetPlayer()->GetName(), friendName.c_str() );

   friendGuid = objmgr.GetPlayerGUIDByName(friendName);

       pFriend = ObjectAccessor::FindPlayer(friendGuid);
           friendResult = FRIEND_SELF;
       else if(GetPlayer()->GetTeam()!=objmgr.GetPlayerTeamByGUID(friendGuid) && !sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_ALLOW_TWO_SIDE_ADD_FRIEND) && GetSecurity() < SEC_MODERATOR)
           friendResult = FRIEND_ENEMY;
       else if(GetPlayer()->GetSocial()->HasFriend(GUID_LOPART(friendGuid)))
           friendResult = FRIEND_ALREADY;

   if (friendGuid && friendResult==FRIEND_NOT_FOUND)
       if( pFriend && pFriend->IsInWorld() && pFriend->IsVisibleGloballyFor(GetPlayer()))
           friendResult = FRIEND_ADDED_ONLINE;
           friendResult = FRIEND_ADDED_OFFLINE;

       if(!_player->GetSocial()->AddToSocialList(GUID_LOPART(friendGuid), false))
           friendResult = FRIEND_LIST_FULL;
           sLog.outDebug( "WORLD: %s's friend list is full.", GetPlayer()->GetName());

       _player->GetSocial()->SetFriendNote(GUID_LOPART(friendGuid), friendNote);

       sLog.outDebug( "WORLD: %s Guid found '%u'.", friendName.c_str(), GUID_LOPART(friendGuid));
   else if(friendResult==FRIEND_ALREADY)
       sLog.outDebug( "WORLD: %s Guid Already a Friend.", friendName.c_str() );
   else if(friendResult==FRIEND_SELF)
       sLog.outDebug( "WORLD: %s Guid can't add himself.", friendName.c_str() );
       sLog.outDebug( "WORLD: %s Guid not found.", friendName.c_str() );

   sSocialMgr.SendFriendStatus(GetPlayer(), friendResult, GUID_LOPART(friendGuid), friendName, false);

   sLog.outDebug( "WORLD: Sent (SMSG_FRIEND_STATUS)" );

void WorldSession::HandleDelFriendOpcode( WorldPacket & recv_data )
   CHECK_PACKET_SIZE(recv_data, 8);

   uint64 FriendGUID;

   sLog.outDebug( "WORLD: Received CMSG_DEL_FRIEND" );

   recv_data >> FriendGUID;

   _player->GetSocial()->RemoveFromSocialList(GUID_LOPART(FriendGUID), false);

   sSocialMgr.SendFriendStatus(GetPlayer(), FRIEND_REMOVED, GUID_LOPART(FriendGUID), "", false);

   sLog.outDebug( "WORLD: Sent motd (SMSG_FRIEND_STATUS)" );

void WorldSession::HandleAddIgnoreOpcode( WorldPacket & recv_data )

   sLog.outDebug( "WORLD: Received CMSG_ADD_IGNORE" );

   std::string IgnoreName = GetMangosString(LANG_FRIEND_IGNORE_UNKNOWN);
   FriendsResult ignoreResult = FRIEND_IGNORE_NOT_FOUND;
   uint64 IgnoreGuid = 0;

   recv_data >> IgnoreName;


   CharacterDatabase.escape_string(IgnoreName);            // prevent SQL injection - normal name don't must changed by this call

   sLog.outDebug( "WORLD: %s asked to Ignore: '%s'",
       GetPlayer()->GetName(), IgnoreName.c_str() );

   IgnoreGuid = objmgr.GetPlayerGUIDByName(IgnoreName);

           ignoreResult = FRIEND_IGNORE_SELF;
           if( GetPlayer()->GetSocial()->HasIgnore(GUID_LOPART(IgnoreGuid)) )
               ignoreResult = FRIEND_IGNORE_ALREADY;

   if (IgnoreGuid && ignoreResult == FRIEND_IGNORE_NOT_FOUND)
       ignoreResult = FRIEND_IGNORE_ADDED;

       if(!_player->GetSocial()->AddToSocialList(GUID_LOPART(IgnoreGuid), true))
           ignoreResult = FRIEND_IGNORE_FULL;
   else if(ignoreResult==FRIEND_IGNORE_ALREADY)
       sLog.outDebug( "WORLD: %s Guid Already Ignored.", IgnoreName.c_str() );
   else if(ignoreResult==FRIEND_IGNORE_SELF)
       sLog.outDebug( "WORLD: %s Guid can't add himself.", IgnoreName.c_str() );
       sLog.outDebug( "WORLD: %s Guid not found.", IgnoreName.c_str() );

   sSocialMgr.SendFriendStatus(GetPlayer(), ignoreResult, GUID_LOPART(IgnoreGuid), "", false);

   sLog.outDebug( "WORLD: Sent (SMSG_FRIEND_STATUS)" );

void WorldSession::HandleDelIgnoreOpcode( WorldPacket & recv_data )
   CHECK_PACKET_SIZE(recv_data, 8);

   uint64 IgnoreGUID;

   sLog.outDebug( "WORLD: Received CMSG_DEL_IGNORE" );

   recv_data >> IgnoreGUID;

   _player->GetSocial()->RemoveFromSocialList(GUID_LOPART(IgnoreGUID), true);

   sSocialMgr.SendFriendStatus(GetPlayer(), FRIEND_IGNORE_REMOVED, GUID_LOPART(IgnoreGUID), "", false);

   sLog.outDebug( "WORLD: Sent motd (SMSG_FRIEND_STATUS)" );

void WorldSession::HandleSetFriendNoteOpcode( WorldPacket & recv_data )
   CHECK_PACKET_SIZE(recv_data, 8+1);
   uint64 guid;
   std::string note;
   recv_data >> guid >> note;
   _player->GetSocial()->SetFriendNote(guid, note);

10x a lot for your ideas


but you know, for my pvp server, we would like to have it separated :/ because gms can join the battle with gm account ( surely without using commands )

excuse my request, I know that this is not for whole comunity ...

edit: blah, bad explanation ... we wouldn't like to saw location of another faction player ... :)


how can I set the friendlist to : NOT even gm or admin can add another faction into own friend list ?

Delete "&& GetSecurity() < SEC_MODERATOR" from this line:

else if(GetPlayer()->GetTeam()!=objmgr.GetPlayerTeamByGUID(friendGuid) && !sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_ALLOW_TWO_SIDE_ADD_FRIEND) && GetSecurity() < SEC_MODERATOR)

Patch (git)

--- a/src/game/MiscHandler.cpp
+++ b/src/game/MiscHandler.cpp
@@ -668,7 +668,7 @@ void WorldSession::HandleAddFriendOpcode( WorldPacket & recv_data )
        pFriend = ObjectAccessor::FindPlayer(friendGuid);
            friendResult = FRIEND_SELF;
-        else if(GetPlayer()->GetTeam()!=objmgr.GetPlayerTeamByGUID(friendGuid) && !sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_ALLOW_TWO_SIDE_ADD_FRIEND) && GetSecurity() < SEC_MODERATOR)
+        else if(GetPlayer()->GetTeam()!=objmgr.GetPlayerTeamByGUID(friendGuid) && !sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_ALLOW_TWO_SIDE_ADD_FRIEND))
            friendResult = FRIEND_ENEMY;
        else if(GetPlayer()->GetSocial()->HasFriend(GUID_LOPART(friendGuid)))
            friendResult = FRIEND_ALREADY;

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