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[patch]Tricks of the Trade, Misdirection

Auntie Mangos

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  • 40 years later...

Description of the feature?


For which repository revision was the patch created?


Is there a thread in the bug report section or at lighthouse?


         void EffectTitanGrip(SpellEffectIndex eff_idx);
         void EffectEnchantItemPrismatic(SpellEffectIndex eff_idx);
         void EffectPlayMusic(SpellEffectIndex eff_idx); 
+         void EffectRedirectThreat(SpellEffectIndex eff_idx);
         void EffectSpecCount(SpellEffectIndex eff_idx);
         void EffectActivateSpec(SpellEffectIndex eff_idx);



+             case 34477: //Misdirection    
+             case 57934: //Tricks of Trade    
+             {    
+                 if(Unit * caster = GetCaster())    
+                     caster->SetThreatRedirectionTarget(0, 0);    
+                 return;    
+             }    
            case 58600:                                     // Restricted Flight Area    
                AreaTableEntry const* area = GetAreaEntryByAreaID(target->GetAreaId());


    &Spell::EffectProspecting,                              //127 SPELL_EFFECT_PROSPECTING Prospecting spell    
    &Spell::EffectApplyAreaAura,                            //128 SPELL_EFFECT_APPLY_AREA_AURA_FRIEND
    &Spell::EffectApplyAreaAura,                            //129 SPELL_EFFECT_APPLY_AREA_AURA_ENEMY     
-    &Spell::EffectNULL,                                     //130 SPELL_EFFECT_REDIRECT_THREAT    
+    &Spell::EffectRedirectThreat,                           //130 SPELL_EFFECT_REDIRECT_THREAT    
    &Spell::EffectUnused,                                   //131 SPELL_EFFECT_131                      used in some test spells    
    &Spell::EffectPlayMusic,                                //132 SPELL_EFFECT_PLAY_MUSIC               sound id in misc value (SoundEntries.dbc)    
    &Spell::EffectUnlearnSpecialization,                    //133 SPELL_EFFECT_UNLEARN_SPECIALIZATION   unlearn profession specialization
...    ...    
@@ -8348,6 +8348,17 @@ void Spell::EffectRestoreItemCharges( SpellEffectIndex eff_idx )    

+void Spell::EffectRedirectThreat(SpellEffectIndex eff_idx)    
+    if(unitTarget)    
+    {    
+        m_caster->SetThreatRedirectionTarget(unitTarget->GetGUID(), (uint32)damage);    
+        // Tricks of trade hacky buff applying (15% damage increase)    
+        if( m_spellInfo->Id == 57934 )    
+            unitTarget->CastSpell(unitTarget, 57933, true);    
+    }    
void Spell::EffectTeachTaxiNode( SpellEffectIndex eff_idx )    
    if (unitTarget->GetTypeId() != TYPEID_PLAYER)


            if( spellInfo_1->SpellIconID == 2285 && spellInfo_2->SpellIconID == 2285 )    
                return false;    

+            //Tricks of Trade
+            if( spellInfo_1->SpellIconID == 3413 && spellInfo_2->SpellIconID == 3413 )
+                return false;
            // Garrote -> Garrote-Silence (multi-family check)
            if( spellInfo_1->SpellIconID == 498 && spellInfo_2->SpellIconID == 498 && spellInfo_2->SpellVisual[0] == 0 )
                return false;


    float threat = ThreatCalcHelper::calcThreat(pVictim, iOwner, pThreat, crit, schoolMask, pThreatSpell);    

+    if( pVictim->GetThreatRedirectionPercent() && threat > 0.0f )    
+    {    
+        float redirectedThreat = threat * pVictim->GetThreatRedirectionPercent() / 100;    
+        threat -= redirectedThreat;    
+        if(Unit *unit = pVictim->GetMisdirectionTarget())    
+            iThreatContainer.addThreat(unit, redirectedThreat);    
+    }    
    HostileReference* ref = iThreatContainer.addThreat(pVictim, threat);    
    // Ref is online    
    if (ref)


    m_charmInfo = NULL;    

+    m_ThreatRedirectionPercent = 0;
+    m_misdirectionTargetGUID = 0;
    // remove aurastates allowing special moves
    for(int i=0; i < MAX_REACTIVE; ++i)    
        m_reactiveTimer[i] = 0;


        void AddPetAura(PetAura const* petSpell);    
        void RemovePetAura(PetAura const* petSpell);

+        void SetThreatRedirectionTarget(uint64 guid, uint32 pct)    
+        {
+            m_misdirectionTargetGUID = guid;    
+            m_ThreatRedirectionPercent = pct;    
+        }    
+        uint32 GetThreatRedirectionPercent() { return m_ThreatRedirectionPercent; }
+        Unit *GetMisdirectionTarget() { return m_misdirectionTargetGUID ? GetMap()->GetUnit(m_misdirectionTargetGUID) : NULL; }    
        // Movement info    
        MovementInfo m_movementInfo;    

...    ...    
@@ -1971,6 +1979,8 @@ class MANGOS_DLL_SPEC Unit : public WorldObject    
        ComboPointHolderSet m_ComboPointHolders;

        GuardianPetList m_guardianPets;
+        uint32 m_ThreatRedirectionPercent;    
+        uint64 m_misdirectionTargetGUID;

        uint64 m_TotemSlot[MAX_TOTEM_SLOT];    

good luck

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sure, but i think this patch have some mistake. anyone help

Unit *GetMisdirectionTarget() { return m_misdirectionTargetGUID ? GetUnit(*this, m_misdirectionTargetGUID) : NULL; }

this bug fix.

this patch make july 21.

so change some code. but i don't know so, help us.

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I have merge the patch from Toinan67 and ascent to a useable patch with

-handles correctly Tricks of the Trade and Misdirection. 30 sec buff apply, then 6 sec (4 for misdirection) buff when the player does anything that modify his threat

- didn't test it

I have test and it works great

The patchfile: http://paste2.org/p/968584


use my patch? don't have bug :D

In my testing the player have not the 4 or 6 sec buff

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-               #include "map.h"
-               Unit *GetMisdirectionTarget() { return m_misdirectionTargetGUID ? GetUnit(*this, m_misdirectionTargetGUID) : NULL; }
+              Unit *GetMisdirectionTarget() { return m_misdirectionTargetGUID ? GetMap()->GetUnit(m_misdirectionTargetGUID) : NULL; }

first post add ^^;;

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I said to "prevent" crash, just for safe

your care is good, but,

And this will most wrong way from possible.

Remember simple thing: never never add new includes to .h file if you not 100% sure that this correct and will not add unexpected results.

In C/C++ very easy get cyclic header dependences with very unclear error messages.

Alswasy instead if possible use forward class/structure declarations.

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