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Player Jail and WOW Emu


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i'm sure all you developers are WELL aware of what wow emu is... ok now i know ppl know about "The Room"

{.go 16227 16403 -64 1} i was thinking maybe MaNGOS could some how implement a .jail #limit command into there code that would send ppl to that area or the other jail that was in wow emu about the size of a porta potty and while they are in "The Room" under the command .jail #limit they cannot use hearthstone nore unstuck or any other item that teleports them

<this is how it works in WoW Emu should work similar to this and don't say its not possible ur programming anything is possible> it's if your up to the challenge or not!

To jail som1 go to them [.goname [name]] enter then click on them and type .jail for 1 hacking [1 = 1 hour EX 0.01 is 10 minutes and there they in jail if when there time is over and they dont come out teleport to him and click on him and type .jail free

.jail (reason) [jails selected player with a reason]

.jail help [for help]

.jail free [frees selected player]

.jail list

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thanks i did ssearch over 20 pages lol it gets tiring trying to find an active download link now does the jail patch keep them there or does there hearth and unstuck still let them leave?

ok http://github.com/dythzer/mangos/tree/simple_jail??? do i download the zip and complie? or is there something i am missing becuase nothing explains how the jail command works

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ok http://github.com/dythzer/mangos/tree/simple_jail??? do i download the zip and complie? or is there something i am missing becuase nothing explains how the jail command works

Yes you can do that, but if you want to use it with latest mangos, download mangos first (git clone) and then do git pull git://github.com:Dythzer/mangos.git simple_jail

But remember, this is just a simple jail patch. The commands are .jail, .unjail and .listjail, it will only put the players in jail and disable all their spells/items. No auto-unjailer or anything like that as I don't want to use SQL for this.

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Yes you can do that, but if you want to use it with latest mangos, download mangos first (git clone) and then do git pull git://github.com:Dythzer/mangos.git simple_jail

The commands are .jail, .unjail and .listjail. And remember, this is just a simple jail.. it will only put the players in jail and disable all their spells/items. No auto-unjailer or anything since I don't want to use SQL for this.

Actually, I wanted to implement _exactly_ this simple jail like 5 months ago, but I came across a problem that even you haven't solved.

It's the same as with Meeting Stones. You can pretend to summon some other player and when "casting" ritual of summoning effect, just click on the jailed player and he'll get summoned.

This can be solved by kicking the player off a party when using .jail (player->RemoveFromGroup()) and make a check at party invite/request invite part, so the player won't ever enter a party until unjailed.

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Actually, I wanted to implement _exactly_ this simple jail like 5 months ago, but I came across a problem that even you haven't solved.

It's the same as with Meeting Stones. You can pretend to summon some other player and when "casting" ritual of summoning effect, just click on the jailed player and he'll get summoned.

This can be solved by kicking the player off a party when using .jail (player->RemoveFromGroup()) and make a check at party invite/request invite part, so the player won't ever enter a party until unjailed.

Ah.. I thought the check at summoning was enough but I never started 3 clients to test it ;p Thanks for the tip. I'll definitely fix that.

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It was updated 10 hours ago here http://github.com/dythzer/mangos/commit/70ca08eeb89a04e51303c97cdb4e0bfac76becf9

do git pull git://github.com/dythzer/mangos.git simple_jail to update to latest, or just click the download button.

Are you sure that it fixes even the case when jailed player actually sends a group invite (not trying to receive it)?

-- check even "membername"

btw: maybe better to use PARTY_RESULT_INVITE_RESTRICTED for error than unfriendly :)

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Are you sure that it fixes even the case when jailed player actually sends a group invite (not trying to receive it)?

Nope, you're right.

Anyway, fixed that now. Shouldn't be any more mistakes.


btw: maybe better to use PARTY_RESULT_INVITE_RESTRICTED for error than unfriendly

I used that but the message was something with "trial account cant use invite", must be wrong opcode or whatever it is.

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  • 3 months later...

When I try to pull the simple jail patch, these messages appear:

remote: Counting objects: 248, done.
Compressing objects: 100% (55/55), done.)
Unpacking 170 objects
remote: Total 170 (delta 141), reused 142 (delta 115)
100% (170/170) done
Trying really trivial in-index merge...
[b]fatal: Merge requires file-level merging[/b]
Merging HEAD with 8af02a897b2c0946e8183a316a7f5c7ad50609e1
b2cb92f [7226] Avoid 2 mQuestStatus[quest_id] calls from AddQuest code for speed and possible aliasing problems.
8af02a8 Merge branch 'master' into simple_jail
found 1 common ancestor(s):
3175873 [7220] Check creature spells data at server startup.
Auto-merging src/game/Chat.cpp
Auto-merging src/game/Chat.h
Auto-merging src/game/Level2.cpp
Auto-merging src/game/Player.h
Merge made by recursive.
src/game/Chat.cpp         |    3 +
src/game/Chat.h           |    3 +
src/game/GroupHandler.cpp |    7 ++
src/game/Level2.cpp       |  177 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
src/game/Player.h         |    8 ++
src/game/Spell.cpp        |    7 ++-
6 files changed, 203 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

I wonder if the line in bold means that there's something wrong, or it's just a part of the pulling process?

BTW, does anyone have a diff file for this patch?

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