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1. You are adventuring as a player and not a GM. Playing the game as a GM, can cause problems with bots

That was the point, i was playing as GM. With a new account, without GM-Rights, all works as expected.

Nope, it crashes again... i'll upload the crash-log

But, a new... let me say inconsistency. Evertime i loot a quest item, the bot answers as if i talked to him.

[12:44:45]Ihr erhaltet Beute: [Arkanspan].

[12:44:46][W:From] [botty]: What? For a list of commands, ask for 'help'.

sorry for the german text, but i think you know what is meant.

This only occurs if i loot questitems or when i get a new quest.

Maybe its an error in the new-ai branch.


Another question: Would it be possible to move the output (Answers, questions and so on) from the bot to the database?

So it would be translatable, and the bot doesn't only speak english :D

//Edit 2: heres the link to the crashlog: Crashlog

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I would be glad if i can help :) If i could speak c++, i would fork the playerbot and work on it... but so...

I'll try to deactivate the chat-addon an report back


i've deactivated the Chat-Addon, and tried to simply use the chat. And the bot says the same thing as above again.

Couldn't be the addon :D

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I've had a quick look at your crash dump and it appears that the trainers window may have been open at the time of the crash. If so, your not using the 'skill' command properly.

1. As the player, just select the trainer so it is highlighted with selection ring around it's base. Do not activate the npc so it's 'gossipmenu' windows opens.

2. Enter the following to determine what skills can be learnt from this trainer

/p or /w botname skill learn

If any are available, a [skill link] will be displayed in the general log. Remember you must select the [skill link] using your mouse, whilst holding down the shift key. It will then be echoed to the chat dialog window.

3. Enter

/p or /w botname skill learn [skill]


/w bron skill learn

[bron] whispers: The spells I can learn and their cost:

[Copper Chain Pants] 47c

/w bron skill learn [Copper Chain Pants]

[bron] whispers: I have learnt the following spells:

[Copper Chain Pants] 47c

Total of 1 spell learnt, 47c spent

EDIT: Concerning the chat issue can you post exactly what your entering, to get

[12:44:45]Ihr erhaltet Beute: [Arkanspan].

[12:44:46][W:From] [botty]: What? For a list of commands, ask for 'help'.


Hope this helps

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Hey :)

Thanks for this much infos, blueboy.

if tried it exactly like you said, but, the /p command posts the "Skill learn" in the group chat, and the bot says nothing.

with /w he replies the skills. Thats what i did before.

The trainerwindow wasn't open, he only was selected. After Shift-Click on one of the reported skills he doesn't reply anything, but the server crashes.

EDIT: Concerning the chat issue can you post exactly what your entering, to get

[12:44:45]Ihr erhaltet Beute: [Arkanspan].

[12:44:46][W:From] [botty]: What? For a list of commands, ask for 'help'.

Thats quite simple.

The format of the above text is caused by the Addon Chatter.

I'm taking this quest, kill a Mana Wyrm, and drop the required Item for the quest. When i looted the Mana Wyrm, the bot thinks i'm talking to him.

Its the normal chat, no whisper, no group or else.


Regarding the Translation:

Database would be nice, maybe a new table named locale_playerbot or similar. So you can find it in phpmyadmin or navicat or else.

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if tried it exactly like you said, but, the /p command posts the "Skill learn" in the group chat, and the bot says nothing.

with /w he replies the skills. Thats what i did before.

I'm testing 'Chatter' (version 1.2.11-4) myself and it appears to work fine. With the default settings, I'm not getting any unwanted chat to playerbot, so it's not necessary to add a filter. One thing I noticed was that the chat dialog window doesn't always scroll. After selecting a trainer, I entered

/p skill learn

and I appeared to get nothing. When I manually scrolled the Chatter window, it was all there at the end.

[10.44:05][W:From][Bull]: The spells I can learn and their


9s93c left.

[10.44:05][W:From][Bron]: The spells I can learn and their


10s53c left.

As you can see neither bot has any spells to learn. In fact neither can learn any spells from this particular trainer.

Thanks for introducing me to this addon. My eye sight isn't as good as it was and the Chatter display is very pleasant.

Concerning the crash, if your only running playerbot with MaNGOS, there must be something wrong with your build. One possibility, is the OS or hardware compatibility leading to a runtime crash. Your using 'Vista' or Server 2008 (according to the crash log), is this 32 or 64 bits implementation? and are you using VS 2008 or VS 2010?

Hope this helps

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just a quick question - bots are working flawlessly (mangos zero version)

how do you get the bots to accept their "class quest"?

I do not see an option to accept a quest that I cannot.

btw, if there is someone that is good at lua - a bot controller would be a nice addon :-) all this /t botname bla bla can be tedious if you have more that 2 other bots

another option that would be nice is a

"sell all" for getting rid of junk (currently have to select the items to sell)

and a "learn all" for spells/skills etc

but those are little - but really want to know how to get them to accept their class quest (im leveling them from level 1 up)

keep up the good work!

love it!

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It happened twice but I don't know why. I tried to activate and deactivate GM mode and GM invisibility, but it's not related to that.

There is a way to prevent bots from passing through walls ?! What is movement maps ? I only know Vmaps, which I deactivate with bots (and it's really annoying...)

EDIT : It happens frequently sadly :( Bots are shown out of a map (little green arrow on minimap), but I can make them visible if I ".recall" them

same issue here. I was in fargo mine.. and heading back to town, bot got attacked i went to help, only to find that they dropped below ground an were in one of the mine tunnels!!!

"ghosting" seems to be a big issue with the bots. its horrible with anything underground, tunnels, caves etc and a fight ensues above ground.

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idk if its the new-ai branch or on all branches, but in the playerbot.conf is following entry:

PlayerbotAI.SellGarbage = 0

set this to 1, and you're done :D

I'm working on an addon, which should make "botting" easier, but its my first contact with lua, so it can take a while.

way ahead of you = does not work.. still comes up with "items i can sell are...."

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nope, works fine for me... the bot sells all junk, and tells me, which other he has to sell.

o you know what - just rechecked - my bad - they are selling.. it just the "white" (to me most of that is junk to lol) that is not. that is a good idea for a addon.

there is a really good addon for v2.4.x + "loot filter". I would grab that for some ideas on sellling.

sooo ok, as I prev. stated - bots working flawlessly :-D

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Glad you got 'SellGarbage' to work ;)

just a quick question - bots are working flawlessly (mangos zero version)

how do you get the bots to accept their "class quest"?

I do not see an option to accept a quest that I cannot.

Many of the recent features added to playerbot for MaNGOS have not yet been transferred to playerbot for MaNGOS Zero. The bots should be able to accept class quests, using the improved 'quest' command that is not available for MaNGOS Zero. It should work when I get around to doing it, but time is a killer. ;)

The only problem with bot class quests is that quest indicators (! or ?) on the main and minmap are only listed for the player character. Normally, class quests are issued by the appropriate class trainer, so look out for these guys. If you use an addon such as 'EveryQuest' this will indicate all possible questgivers on the map, regardless of class. It still guess work, but it's worth visiting all potential npcs and doing a group request,

/p quest list

N.B Occasionally you might need to move the player's position to relocate the bots. Sometimes one or more might not be close enough to the questgiver for it to display all available quests for all bots. Then re-try the above command.

Hope this helps

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Hey blueboy, I kindof fell off the face of the earth there for a bit lol

Anyways been testing some stuff out and wondered if you could test something for me.

Im using a different fork atm for testing purposes and have this issue with the bot total limiting.

*BOT limit is set to 1* so should allow only 1 bot per player to be logged in.

Tested on test server. Works correctly if you type the commands in (ex. .bot add Kreegoth)

But if you make a macro for 2 or more characters such as

.bot add kreegoth

.bot add blueboy

It allows both bots to still be logged in on the test server.

Perhaps if its done in a macro and both bots are logged in at same time the total bots amount is queried for each bot and since they are both considered the first bot it allows them to be logged in?

Am trying to figure out if this is playerbot coding that causes this or if its modified coding.

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Hi Kreegoth,

I've just tested it.

In playerbot.conf

PlayerbotAI.MaxNumBots = 1

I tried three ways to exceed the limit

I have a macro to summon all member bots in my group

Bot added successfully

You cannot summon anymore bots (Current Max: 1)

You cannot summon anymore bots (Current Max: 1)

You cannot summon anymore bots (Current Max: 1)

I tried at the command line

You cannot summon anymore bots (Current Max: 1)

and I also tried to summon a bot via 'botguy'

You cannot summon anymore bots (Current Max: 1)

I seem to be the only person with working code :/

EDIT: Your not using 'sharedbots' by any chance. I'm not sure what effect the limit would have, if you are trying to summon bots from more than one account.

Let me know

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Glad you got 'SellGarbage' to work ;)

Many of the recent features added to playerbot for MaNGOS have not yet been transferred to playerbot for MaNGOS Zero. The bots should be able to accept class quests, using the improved 'quest' command that is not available for MaNGOS Zero. It should work when I get around to doing it, but time is a killer. ;)


OK, thanks for the info - take your time (I write too, i know how it goes LOL)

I also saw somewhere that there was an update for teh mangosd.exe crash on exit. Was that fix for a Non-Zero release as well. I noticed that since i have the player bot going, when I ctrl-c to exit out of mangosd - it crashes so hard i have to use the taskman to kill it.


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I am using Mangosr2 core with their playerbot additions. It has shared bots there but it is disabled in my config.

Also a question I have. Is there some way to disable in playerbot assisting party members that are WELL out of range? For instance I have a bot group with me ( 1 or 2 ) at Falconwing square. My friend is at sunstrider isle. Enters combat. My bots attempt to run the like 3 min run over there to assist him with his target... Anyway to make it that if the player is not within say 60 yards they do not assist them?

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I noticed that since i have the player bot going, when I ctrl-c to exit out of mangosd - it crashes so hard i have to use the taskman to kill it.

Hmm, I'm not sure that is the accepted way to close the mangosd daemon. Fine to use ctrl-c to close the realmd daemon, but for mangosd/mangosd.exe I think it would be better to

server shutdown <time delay> at the server console.

Hope this helps

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I am using Mangosr2 core with their playerbot additions. It has shared bots there but it is disabled in my config.

Also a question I have. Is there some way to disable in playerbot assisting party members that are WELL out of range? For instance I have a bot group with me ( 1 or 2 ) at Falconwing square. My friend is at sunstrider isle. Enters combat. My bots attempt to run the like 3 min run over there to assist him with his target... Anyway to make it that if the player is not within say 60 yards they do not assist them?

The playerbot they have integrated into mangosR2 differs in many respects our playerbot.

  • They do not use 'botguy'
  • They have moved the playerbot config options from the dedicated 'playerbot.conf' file, back to 'mangosd.conf'. Not convinced that was a good move.
  • Who knows, they may have also disabled the 'PlayerbotAI.MaxNumBots' option in the code.

They have recently experienced numerous crashes that do not occur with playerbot with MaNGOS. Fixes were posted, but I was reluctant to apply these to our code as nothing was broken.

I'll take a quick look at their code to see if there is a reason why the bot limit doesn't work.

EDIT: yes I don't know what they have done with this option. There is no longer a check in PlayerbotMgr.cpp to stop you from exceeding the limit from the commandline and they are doing something different in World.cpp that doesn't make sense.

Also a question I have. Is there some way to disable in playerbot assisting party members that are WELL out of range? For instance I have a bot group with me ( 1 or 2 ) at Falconwing square. My friend is at sunstrider isle. Enters combat. My bots attempt to run the like 3 min run over there to assist him with his target... Anyway to make it that if the player is not within say 60 yards they do not assist them?

There are two ways to stop certain bots from assisting in an attack.

1. If the player acts as a general and just commands the bots to attack. Simply 'uninvite' that bot from the group, then

/p attack

The bot will remain close by the player and will not assist the other bots.

2. If the player intends on attacking with the other bots, then command the bot to 'stay'. If the target is beyond 'ranged attack' distance it will do nothing.

Hope this helps

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I noticed that since i have the player bot going, when I ctrl-c to exit out of mangosd - it crashes so hard i have to use the taskman to kill it.

Hmm, I'm not sure that is the accepted way to close the mangosd daemon. Fine to use ctrl-c to close the realmd daemon, but for mangosd/mangosd.exe I think it would be better to

server shutdown <time delay> at the server console.

Hope this helps

i've done it both ways (normally its been just ctrl-c and works fine) but in game OR at console, still does a hard lock, again this is only an issue with the server that has a the playerbot (i have both a non zero and bot-zero).

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