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ReggAcc - register account, show map, change layout etc.

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whist the last rev is changed the uptime table

moved from mangos db to realm db

and this error:

Warning: date() expects parameter 2 to be long, string given in /opt/lampp/htdocs/world1.php

yes, change the code..

FIX= Change database mangos, for realm database, in configure rospora.


I have some ideas

1. I think Unstuck is important

2. Pass remember, maybe whith a secret answer

3. IMAGE CODE for no bots.

4. Account verification activate from email, or code verification from email

This.. maybe are a good ideas for new versions.


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can you post the Fix?

change $dbG to $dbrG in file world1.php in two lines;

get_realm_uptime(${$hostG}, ${$userG}, ${$passwordG}, ${$dbG}, ${$database_encodingG});


get_realm_uptime(${$hostG}, ${$userG}, ${$passwordG}, ${$dbrG}, ${$database_encodingG});

Two times because the same line is repeated.

seems worked for me ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

hmm vladonix. is it possible that you help with Trinity users too? im not sure if its trinity related or not though. something seems to be wrong with the system time and dates...

because im getting this error:

Warning: date() expects parameter 2 to be long, string given in \\world1.php on line 672

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm having a problem with reggacc restarting with each server restarter scan.

Here's my restarter code:

### Set your default mangos Root Directory

### Set your mangos Binary Name

### Set your mangos Pid File

########## you probably don't need to change anything below here ##########

cd $mangosdir

# is there a pid file?
if test -r $mangospid
 # there is a pid file -- is it current?
 pid=`cat $mangospid`
 if `kill -CHLD $pid >/dev/null 2>&1`
   echo "mangosd is currently running...."
   exit 0
 echo ""
 echo "Stale $mangospid file, erasing..."
 echo "Attempting to Restart mangosd"
 rm -f $mangospid
echo "$mangospid appears to be missing. Attempting to Restart mangosd"

And my crontab settings:

"*/2 * * * * /opt/restarter.sh"

Every 2 minutes when crontab runs the script, for some reason the server uptime on the reggacc page resets to 0 (even though Mangos doesn't restart) :mellow:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Vladonix, I have another request due to php4 use i think. When i write in account name i it makes it all capitals and then turn into not the letter i. Example: Melissa --> MEL�SSA . I tested it also with php5 then it makes MELISSA which is ok. But my server is not php5 =( Migration is big work because i loose all foreign characters in my forum, so i stay with php4.

Tip: With old rospora (2.4.3) was possible it makes melissa --> melissa it doesnt make capitals. If you need old rospora i can upload, but i am sure you can fix this again. Thanks.

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thank you so much vladonix for your great and good work,

I'm from Peru, and I took the liberty of translating the texts in Spanish, not just the file lang.php but everything else including the images. I put it all here if you want to include in any of your upcoming editions:

http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YCIWH12U (For rev 2.0.6)

One question, what can I do to recognize the "ñ" and accented vowels? On page world1.php no problem, but others, such as teleport.php and statistis.php not recognize them. See if you give me any suggestions.

I put the text in my native language in case something bad translated:


Te agradezco muchísimo Vladonix por tu gran y buen trabajo,

Soy de Perú y me tomé la libertad de traducir los textos en español, y no solo el archivo lang.php sino todo lo demás incluyendo las imágenes. Te lo pongo aquí por si quieres incluirlo en alguna de tus próximas revisiones.

Una pregunta, ¿qué puedo hacer para que se reconozca las "ñ" y vocales con acento? En la página world1.php no hay problema, pero las otras, como teleport.php y statistis.php, no las reconoce. A ver si me das alguna sugerencia.

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Since I have installed RegAccount i get this error:

Warning: date() expects parameter 2 to be long, string given in C:\\wamp\\www\\server\\world1.php on line 672

I don't know what it means, but I tried with the nanounico's fix but the error is still there.

After I have updated the game versione from 3.0.9 to 3.1.3 i get (sometimes, not always) too times this error:

Notice: Undefined offset: 1648 in C:\\wamp\\www\\server\\lang.php on line 1847

To nanounico:

Nanounico visto che sei italiano casomai puoi mandarmi un PM?

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Since I have installed RegAccount i get this error:

I don't know what it means, but I tried with the nanounico's fix but the error is still there.

After I have updated the game versione from 3.0.9 to 3.1.3 i get (sometimes, not always) too times this error:

Notice: Undefined offset: 1648 in C:\\wamp\\www\\server\\lang.php on line 1847

To nanounico:

Nanounico visto che sei italiano casomai puoi mandarmi un PM?

ITALIAN PART: ciao io ho risolto togliendo le stat, i player online e l'uptime, perchè erano sbagliati.

infatti l'uptime era una cosa come 1400 giorni, e forse era quello a dare l'errore.

resta il fatto che funziona benissimo :cool:

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Ok ma l'uptime come si toglie esattamente? e di quali stat parli? per quanto riguarda i player online quelli li devo lasciare per forza, cmq risp per quelle altre 2 cose.

io avevo bisogno solo della registrazione account, visto che il resto (player online, stat server) lo avevo che funzionava da un altra parte. quindi vai su configurazione recacc in basso e metti @admin e admin di default e li disabiliti quello che non ti serve.

per togliere l'uptime e quindi l'errore della lenght della data ho dovuto commentare delle parti sul world1.php....

$copyright = $status = $title;
//$realm_up = test_realm(${$serverG}, ${$portG});

//if ($realm_up)    {
//    $title.= (' ('.$onlineplayers.' '.$text["playerson"].')');
//    $title.= ' online';
//    $status = "[img=".$img_base."online.gif]";
 $upsince = get_realm_uptime(${$hostG}, ${$userG}, ${$passwordG}, ${$dbrG}, ${$database_encodingG});
//} else {
//    $title.= (' '.$text["off"] );
//    $status = "[img=".$img_base."offline.gif]";

// ++ counter and create status xml after every pageload

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grazie dell'aiuto, però commentando quello che dici tu sparisce anche la lista dei players online.. mentre non ho capito cosa devo disabilitare per correggere l'errore

Notice: Undefined offset: 1648 in C:\\wamp\\www\\server\\lang.php on line 1847

che ogni tanto mi da.

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For each player online I get this error:

Notice: Undefined offset: 1648 in C:\\wamp\\www\\server\\lang.php on line 1847

For example if there are 3 players online, in the header of the page there are:

Notice: Undefined offset: 1648 in C:\\wamp\\www\\server\\lang.php on line 1847

Notice: Undefined offset: 1648 in C:\\wamp\\www\\server\\lang.php on line 1847

Notice: Undefined offset: 1648 in C:\\wamp\\www\\server\\lang.php on line 1847

How can I fix this?

Italian part:

Per ogni giocatore online all'inizio della pagina c'è questo errore, come faccio a sistemarlo?

PS: pelle, tu cosa usi per la lista dei giocatori online e la classifica honor?

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Per ogni giocatore online all'inizio della pagina c'è questo errore, come faccio a sistemarlo?

ti posso suggerire di andare su quel file a quella riga e dare un'occhiata se ci sono errori stupidi, se è una funzione che non serve commentala :rolleyes:

PS: pelle, tu cosa usi per la lista dei giocatori online e la classifica honor?

uso un website praticamente uguale a quello blizz4rd... che va benissimo ;)

se ti interessa piemmami

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Hallo all :D

Excuse me, I'm busy in my work :(

Gimp: I'll try it on my Fedora...

Kray: I wrote you email with possible solution. Please, try encode all php files yo UTF-8, I forgot it :(

Durotar: Thank You very much, I'll add your translation to new revision. Like Kray, try encode php files in your favourite editor (PSPad for example) to UTF-8 (now is CP1250 )

XD5: update to support 3.1.3 in progresss....... :D


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ti posso suggerire di andare su quel file a quella riga e dare un'occhiata se ci sono errori stupidi, se è una funzione che non serve commentala

grazie davvero del consiglio, commentando alcune righe di codice ho risolto sia questo errore che il precedente (quello nel world1.php).

Thank you!

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