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kiwi girl
Hi, I've previously successfully installed Zero back in 2011, and thought I would start again with the nice shiny new Zero build. I'm having some problems.
I'm in Windows 10, and I am following this wiki: https://www.getmangos.eu/wiki/Installation%20Guides/Windows/Installing-MaNGOS-on-Windows.md
Installing MySQL with 5.6.26, I didn't get the option to either select a standard configuration or an option to "Include Bin Directory in Windows PATH" or an option to "Enable Root Access from remote machines". These options appear to exist for an earlier version of MySQL, but the dialog boxes no longer appear. So I installed MySQL without these options. This may or may not be causing my other issues. Re enabling from remote machines, I have read the online 5.6.26 documentation (for example MySQL :: MySQL 5.6 Reference Manual :: 2.10.4 Securing the Initial MySQL Accounts) and I can see there is supposed to an option to do this during installation, but I never saw it and I redid the installation 3 times with different custom options trying to locate it. I used the installer so that could be a reason for the apparently missing options.
The GitHub downloads went without a hitch, thanks for using GitHub. The next bit I am a little stuck on is:
cd database/_tools
mysql -u root -p mangos < full_db.sql
My directory is database/Tools, the shell program is there and is 1 Kb. I have assumed I run the shell file and type in the 3rd line, which I have tried and something flashes up and disappears really fast at the bottom of my screen. Assuming that was an error message, I have also tried [ "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\bin\MySQL" -u root -p mangos < full_db.sql] inside the shell and nothing appears to happen. So I'm not sure if I have completed this step.
Like Thoor here (https://www.getmangos.eu/general-help-amp-support/10466-bin-folder.html) I don't have a bin folder and I can't find realmd.exe. Reading the dev comment from Foereaper, I skipped that part to come back to it later, to do the compile. And here is where I get stuck again. I'm using Visual Studio 2010. I should see mangosdVC100.sln in server\win but I don't. Instead, I see (examples for VS 2010 only, so there are three sets of these solution files):
There is also copyfiles.cmd in the folder. There is a file called mangosd.vcxproj in the VC100 subfolder.
I would appreciate any help. I love vanilla WOW (probably showing my age there!)
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