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Teething issues installing Mangos Zero

kiwi girl



Hi, I've previously successfully installed Zero back in 2011, and thought I would start again with the nice shiny new Zero build. I'm having some problems.

I'm in Windows 10, and I am following this wiki: https://www.getmangos.eu/wiki/Installation%20Guides/Windows/Installing-MaNGOS-on-Windows.md

Installing MySQL with 5.6.26, I didn't get the option to either select a standard configuration or an option to "Include Bin Directory in Windows PATH" or an option to "Enable Root Access from remote machines". These options appear to exist for an earlier version of MySQL, but the dialog boxes no longer appear. So I installed MySQL without these options. This may or may not be causing my other issues. Re enabling from remote machines, I have read the online 5.6.26 documentation (for example MySQL :: MySQL 5.6 Reference Manual :: 2.10.4 Securing the Initial MySQL Accounts) and I can see there is supposed to an option to do this during installation, but I never saw it and I redid the installation 3 times with different custom options trying to locate it. I used the installer so that could be a reason for the apparently missing options.

The GitHub downloads went without a hitch, thanks for using GitHub. The next bit I am a little stuck on is:

cd database/_tools


mysql -u root -p mangos < full_db.sql

My directory is database/Tools, the shell program is there and is 1 Kb. I have assumed I run the shell file and type in the 3rd line, which I have tried and something flashes up and disappears really fast at the bottom of my screen. Assuming that was an error message, I have also tried [ "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\bin\MySQL" -u root -p mangos < full_db.sql] inside the shell and nothing appears to happen. So I'm not sure if I have completed this step.

Like Thoor here (https://www.getmangos.eu/general-help-amp-support/10466-bin-folder.html) I don't have a bin folder and I can't find realmd.exe. Reading the dev comment from Foereaper, I skipped that part to come back to it later, to do the compile. And here is where I get stuck again. I'm using Visual Studio 2010. I should see mangosdVC100.sln in server\win but I don't. Instead, I see (examples for VS 2010 only, so there are three sets of these solution files):







There is also copyfiles.cmd in the folder. There is a file called mangosd.vcxproj in the VC100 subfolder.

I would appreciate any help. I love vanilla WOW (probably showing my age there!)


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Hey there, as we are transitioning from the old build system currently being used on half the cores and the old releases to a new system, we have yet to fully update the compile guides, so excuse the mess. I will do a short "tutorial" for you, and possibly make a temporary guide. This is for Windows only, however the essence is exactly the same for Linux users.

1. Installing dependencies.

2. Downloading the source.

Since we now use a new build system, this works slightly different than the older versions of Mangos. However it is very straight forward once you get used to the said system. For the sake of this tutorial we will be using the develop21 branch, which is the latest development version of Mangos. It should be stable enough to use on a daily basis.

  • Create a folder named "Source" anywhere on your computer. This is the folder we will use to download the server and the database.
  • Right click on the "Source" folder and click "Git Bash Here".
  • Once the command prompt window opens, type in the following command and hit enter:

git clone https://github.com/mangoszero/server -b develop21 --recursive

  • This clones the source as well as the submodules into the folder "Source/server". Once this is done, keep the command line window open and type the below command and hit enter:

git clone https://github.com/mangoszero/database -b develop21 --recursive

  • You should now have the database cloned to "Source/database", and you can close the command line window.

3. Generating the build files.

  • To generate the build files, which is what we will use to compile the server itself, open CMake.
  • You now have two fields you need to fill in. Specifically;
  • "Where is the source code:" In this field, you point to the "Source/server" folder you created earlier. (See below for example).
  • "Where to build the binaries:" For this tutorial, we will use the same "Source" folder, however specify a new folder within "Source" and call it "build". (See below for example).


  • After you have filled in both of these boxes, hit "Configure".
    • This will also prompt you which compiler to use! Make sure you select the correct compiler!
    • If you for some reason change any of the default values after configuration, you need to click "Configure" again BEFORE going to the next step.

    [*]Once configuration is done, hit "Generate".

    [*]If this finished without any errors, proceed to the next step. If you did however receive any errors, most likely you are missing one of the depencencies, have pointed to the wrong folders or selected the wrong compiler. Usually the error message you receive will make enough sense for you to isolate the issue. If not, make a new thread and provide the full output showing the error.

4. Building the core.

  • Once the build files are generated, go to your "Source/build" folder and open the file MaNGOS.sln. This will open Visual Studio and you build your server like normal. I would recommend to compile the core in Debug mode (default) as that will provide you with crash dumps should the core crash for whatever reason, making it easier for us to debug for you.
  • Once the core is doen compiling, the server binaries, tools etc is located inside the "Source/build/bin/Debug" folder.
  • Copy the following files to wherever you want to run the server from. For the sake of this tutorial, make a new folder somewhere on your computer and call it "Server".
    • lua_scripts folder
    • ace.dll
    • ahbot.conf.dist
    • libmysql.dll
    • mangosd.conf.dist
    • mangosd.exe
    • realmd.conf.dist
    • realmd.exe

    [*]If you compiled in Debug mode, also copy the following files to the "Server" folder.

    • ace.pdb
    • mangosd.pdb
    • realmd.pdb

  • If the core built successfully, move to the next step. If you have any compile errors, please post a full log displaying the error messages. Warnings can be ignored for now.

5. Extracting game data.

  • Inside the "Source/build/bin/Debug" folder there will be a folder named "Tools". Enter this folder and copy the following files:
    • ExtractResources.sh
    • make_vmaps.bat
    • map-extractor.exe
    • mmap_exclude.txt
    • MoveMapGen.sh
    • movemap-generator.exe
    • offemsh.txt
    • vmap-assembler.exe
    • vmap-extractor.exe

    [*]Paste these into your WoW directory and run ExtractResources.sh. When prompted if all data should be extracted, hit "y" and enter.

    [*]This can take a LONG time depending on your computer.

    [*]Once this is complete, copy the following folders to your "Server" folder.

    • dbc
    • maps
    • mmaps
    • vmaps

6. Installing the database.

  • Enter the database folder located at "Source/database"
  • Run InstallDatabases.bat and follow the on screen prompts to install the base database. Do mind, this database is the base database for develop21 and will require you to run updates accordingly.
  • The updates can be found in the separate folders inside "Source/database", specifically "Character", "Realm" and "World".
    • The server will always notify you when you run the server files from the "Server" folder whether your database is up to date or not.

    [*]If updates are required, apply them using your preferred SQL tool, like sqlyog, heidisql etc.

7. Configuring the server.

  • Once all the above steps are complete, you are ready to configure your server and start playing!
  • Go to your "Server" folder and rename the following files:
    • ahbot.conf.dist -> ahbot.conf (This file is optional, depending if you want to use the AH bot or not!)
    • mangosd.conf.dist -> mangosd.conf
    • realmd.conf.dist -> realmd.conf

    [*]Open mangosd.conf and edit lines 66, 67 and 68 to reflect your database information.

    [*]Open realmd.conf and edit line 110 to reflect your database information.

    [*]All other edits to the config files are completely optional.

At this point your server should be completely operational. If you have any other questions or require further support, please feel free to create a new thread for your specific issues. Please, if you see anyone else with issues regarding the wiki, link them this post. The wikis will be updated once all the cores run the new build system.


awesome guide buddy, trying to follow it but unfortunately ran into the Cmake compiling build files with this issue:

"E:\Projektai\Mangos Zero\MangosSource\build\CMakeFiles\CMakeTmp\cmTC_ec268.vcxproj" (default target) (1) ->

(Link target) ->

LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt [E:\Projektai\Mangos Zero\MangosSource\build\CMakeFiles\CMakeTmp\cmTC_ec268.vcxproj]

1 Warning(s)

1 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:00:00.52

I am absolutely sure it definitely have something to do with my "Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express" Which I assuming is blody VB Express 2010, I've tried installing VB 2012 and then VB 2015 community and neither compiled. I've tried lots of different ways and searched the forums inside out. That's what I managed to find tho:

I think I've found a solution for some C++ projects in vs2010. If you are using 'incremental linking' you will have this "fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt". In my case I've swiched it to "No", and now project compiles and run without any problem.

If you want to try go to: Project Properties -> Configuration Properties -> Linker (General) -> Enable Incremental Linking -> "No (/INCREMENTAL:NO)"

And this part I can't figure out where is this >>>> Project Properties -> Configuration Properties -> Linker (General) -> Enable Incremental Linking -> "No (/INCREMENTAL:NO)

Sorted this out. Just installed a 2013 version of Visual Studio and redone with cMake

Now I have this in CMake GUI tho:

Detected 32-bit platform

Could NOT find Git (missing: GIT_EXECUTABLE)

Found OpenSSL library: optimized;C:/OpenSSL-Win32/lib/VC/ssleay32MD.lib;C:/OpenSSL-Win32/lib/VC/libeay32MD.lib;debug;C:/OpenSSL-Win32/lib/VC/ssleay32MDd.lib;C:/OpenSSL-Win32/lib/VC/libeay32MDd.lib

Found OpenSSL headers: C:/OpenSSL-Win32/include

CMake Error at cmake/FindMySQL.cmake:75 (message):

Could not find 32-bit MySQL headers or libraries! Please install the

development libraries and headers.

Call Stack (most recent call first):

CMakeLists.txt:116 (find_package)

why does it ask me 32bit mysql libraries when I am running 64bit. I'm kinda confused and can't find the solution anywhere :(


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