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Hi Guys,

I have downloaded MangosTwo_Develop21_Release_x32_August2015.

Now i'am having some troubles with updating the DB.

Error by starting the realm:

SQL: SELECT version, structure, content, description FROM db_version ORDER BY ve
rsion DESC, structure DESC, content DESC LIMIT 1
query ERROR: Champ 'structure' inconnu dans field list
The table `db_version` in your [World] database is missing or corrupt.

 [A] You have database Version: MaNGOS can not verify your database version or
its existence!

 [b] You need database Version: 21
                     Structure: 1
                       Content: 0
                   Description: revision_refactor

Please verify your database location or your database integrity.

I don't know french and honesty don't know why that is, but i think it has something to do with 'unknown'

Error Realm DB

SQL Fout (1054): Champ 'required_20150420_warden_db_log' inconnu dans realmd_db_version

Error character DB

[sql Fout (1146): La table 'character2.character_db_version' n'existe pas[/code]

I have cloned the rev21 database from github, but also with the new downloaded file's the same eror. There must be something what i'am missing, but i don't see it anymore.

thanks in advance

2 answers to this question

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My high school french is bad but I think it says your Field "required_2010420_warden_db_log' is not found in the field list. Also the table 'character2.character_db_version' does not exist.

try this:


Did you use the commands "git clone https://github.com/mangoszero/server -b develop21 --recursive" and "git clone https://github.com/mangoszero/database -b develop21 --recursive" to download the source?

If you didn't, follow this:

1. Right click on your desktop and left click create new folder

2. Name this folder Source

3. Right click on your desktop and left click create new folder

4. Name this folder Build

5. Open Git Shell

6. Type C:\Users\magic\Desktop\Source

7. Replace magic for your own pc username

8. Press Enter

9. In the now opened CMD window, type "git clone https://github.com/mangoszero/server -b develop21 --recursive"

10. The -b flag is used to change the branch to the branch desired, in this case develop21

11. The --recursive flag pulls the submodules, and initializes them

12. In the opened CMD window, type "git clone https://github.com/mangoszero/database -b develop21 --recursive"

All database and server files are now successfully downloaded!

Then open the folders and go to updates for the Realmd folder and the character folder and run the update files. I start with the oldest and actually just copy the text and run it as a query in my SQL tool by pasting the text in a new query. If you get an error go to the next sql update file. Probably not the best way but it works for me when I don't know what I haven't updated yet.


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