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Cannot run Realmd due to errors




I downloaded MangosTwo_Develop21_Release_x32_August2015 then installed MySql and run the bat, but I got:

2016-03-29 14:19:15 ERROR:query ERROR: Table 'realm.db_version' doesn't exist
2016-03-29 14:19:15 ERROR:The table `db_version` in your [Realmd] database is missing or corrupt.
2016-03-29 14:19:15 ERROR:
2016-03-29 14:19:15 ERROR:  [A] You have database Version: MaNGOS can not verify your database version or its existence!
2016-03-29 14:19:15 ERROR:
2016-03-29 14:19:15 ERROR:  [b] You need database Version: 21
2016-03-29 14:19:15 ERROR:                      Structure: 1
2016-03-29 14:19:15 ERROR:                        Content: 0
2016-03-29 14:19:15 ERROR:                    Description: revision_refactor
2016-03-29 14:19:15 ERROR:
2016-03-29 14:19:15 ERROR:Please verify your database location or your database integrity.

Went to github and downloaded the zip file of the database tag rev21, still the same problem, what should I do? thanks in advance

PS: I downloaded and installed git for windows and the program refuses to clone from the repo with a bunch of errors too...

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Ok... first off.... NEVER use the zip files on GitHub - Due to a bug with GitHub, none of the required submodules and data are included in the zip file.

as you have git installed, clone it manually using

git clone https://github.com/mangostwo/database --recursive -b develop21

Once this is finished cloning, go into the database folder and run InstallDatabases to set up the databases on Windows.


Thanks for the quick response, I tried your suggestion but now I get this error:

Administrator@tristania MINGW32 /e/DB
$ git clone https://github.com/mangostwo/database --recursive -b develop21
Cloning into 'database'...
fatal: Remote branch develop21 not found in upstream origin


I cloned the repo by adding the required capital letter but now the error I get is:

[A] You have database Version: 21
                   Structure: 2
                   Content: 1
                   Description: fix some startup errors

[b] You need database Version: 21
                   Structure: 1
                   Content: 0
                   Description: revision_refactor

Really Mangos is not for the faint of the hearth...

Next step would be to clone the server develop21 which I am at 14% and is something like 170MB, then install Visual Studio 2013, install all the missing dependencies and build the solution?

Can anyone upload a MangosTwo compiled bin that is compatible with the latest database, please....


The development branches are always a little 'rough and ready' because they are the active development branches.

Anyhow, you are almost there....

For the databases, any updates you need will be in Character/World/Realm => Updates

The updates you require will be the ones starting with Rel21_xxxxxx

But, in the meantime you need to get the build environment set up. Once you have VS2013 installed

go into the server repo folder and then the win folder. Run Easybuild - this will highlight and download / install for you any missing components needed for mangos.


Yep, as a matter of fact I found that the only sqls needed to be executed for the MangosTwo_Develop21_Release_x32_August2015 package to work after you ran the "InstallDatabases.bat" tool are the followings:

* for world is 21000_10_db_version.sql

* for character is 21000_02_db_version.sql

* for realm is 20150816_01_db_version.sql which is not included in the ZIP, you must clone the Develop21 repo with git to obtain it

Hope this help any users like me who have troubles in setting right the databases...

After all these the realmd and the mangosd will execute without errors...

Now I am trying to compile the latest server core to see the changes and in the case I need to do some quest coding (only basic stuff like spawning a NPC/goObject required for a quest to be completed). I used to do this all the time 6 years ago but I put my WoW affection on a hiatus because RL obligations, now that I got a better job I have some spare time for WoW again...

Thanks you guys for this wonderful emu and the help provided, I gonna see how the compiling goes...


I got stuck trying to generate the Slns, the error I got is the following:


It checks and I get the tests passed, but then this:


It complains that it cant found the 32 Bit headers of mysql even when I clearly stated a 64 build...

Thanks in advance for any help...


Can you rerun the MySQL installer and ensure that you install the development libraries. The error message is a little vague, but that's what it is saying is wrong.


I reinstalled MySQL 5.6 on 32bits (guess EasyBuilder is incompatible with 64 bit versions because after I reinstalled checking to install the dev libraries and headers I still got the same error message) and now it doesn't complain about the missing MySQL headers or libraries but now the problem is that I only own a copy of Visual Studio 2012 and Eluna is saying that is incompatible with this version, oh Lord...


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