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Can someone please help me compile? :)




Hi guys!

I have been trying to compile for the past 3 or 4 days - been following tutorials, guides and what not. but I'm getting nowere! its all becomming a bit overwealming.

Would someone please be as kind as to help me compile Mangos 1.12.1 onto my server please?

I'd really appriciate the help.

My skype is: KinderServer

Thank you so much In advance.


4 answers to this question

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Hi guys!

I have been trying to compile for the past 3 or 4 days - been following tutorials, guides and what not. but I'm getting nowere! its all becomming a bit overwealming.

Would someone please be as kind as to help me compile Mangos 1.12.1 onto my server please?

I'd really appriciate the help.

My skype is: KinderServer

Thank you so much In advance.



Using the second link in the sticked post at the top of the forum

I am able to compile the realmd.exe and mangosd.exe

But the problem I have is after I do

"git clone https://github.com/mangoszero/database.git --recursive -b develop21"

I'll click on InstallDatabases.bat and install all the datebases. But when I go to run mangosd.exe it gives me a "The table 'db_version' indicates that your [World] database does not match the expected structure!" Error

It says I have Version 21 Structure 10 Content 1 Desc "warden_table_redone" but I need quest_relations

I thought the solution would be to just update the database using the updates from warden_table_redone to quest_relations:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\bin\mysql.exe" -u ekztal -p realmd < Rel21_10_2_morbent_fel.sql

But when I try to do frist update it it says

====STATUS====          === Expected ===        ===== Found Version ======
* UPDATE SKIPPED * Rel21_10_1 - IS NOT APPLIED        21_1_2 - dbdocs update

which tells me my version is 21_1_2 I think but I get so confused.


git clone https://github.com/mangoszero/database --recursive -b develop21
git clone https://github.com/mangoszero/server  --recursive -b develop21

give me the most up to date files that I need?




"C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\bin\mysql.exe" -u ekztal -p realmd < Rel21_10_2_morbent_fel.sql

You have applied the update to the wrong database (realmd, take care of what you wrote after -p). Try to apply to the world database :)


Thanks for the help! When I used the InstallDatabases.bat it had me name my databases, I picked the defaults given for the database names: character0, mangos0, and realmd, for some reason I was thinking realm=world. But I guess that doesn't make much now that I think about it.

Thanks again.


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