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Issue on Ubuntu while trying to cmake with libraries




Picture of my problem is

Screenshot by Lightshot

But what is worst i already have installed every single thing it required from me, mysql, openssl, libraries updated upgraded checked google for some tuts nothing helped me out, so if there is anyone who knows exactly whats going an, and how to fix it, please give me an tut.

I'm using Ubuntu 16.04 64bit. Everything is installed that was required for cmake.

13 answers to this question

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This is the official guide for MangosZero on Ubuntu


I actually was just following those and they seem to work until the Extract Game Assets and Configuration Files sections. Both those sections link to pages that 404. When I search the wiki I can't seem to find pages with those names either. Do you happen to know what happened to those pages or are they leftover from pre RHEL21?

I actually was just following those and they seem to work until the Extract Game Assets and Configuration Files sections. Both those sections link to pages that 404. When I search the wiki I can't seem to find pages with those names either. Do you happen to know what happened to those pages or are they leftover from pre RHEL21?

I guesss they are down check out pages, i use develop21 now, we'll see will it work on ubuntu 16.04 :)


This makes no sense

Compile MaNGOS

Compiling (with an install dir of /opt/mangos-server) Note: If /opt/mangos-server does not exist, create it and chown to the user you compile your code with:

chown my_user:users /opt/mangos-server

What with that? lol i dont have that file in my server? wtf this tutorial is not fullfilled


Looking at your error message, cmake is complaining that it can't find MySQL.

Just a long shot, but you don't have MySQL 5.7 installed do you ?

- If you do, you will need to uninstall and put 5.6 on instead.


Jesus who made this tut i followed every single step and its not as its written

root@vmi72834:~/mangos/obj# cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/mangos-server

CMake Error: The source directory "/root/mangos" does not appear to contain CMak eLists.txt.

Specify --help for usage, or press the help button on the CMake GUI.


Sorry guys its my 5 day i'm trying to make this and still no success at all... reinstalled OS for over 15 times.

I'm new at this you cant just tell me to go and install 5.6 the issue is i dont even know how to propertly install something still learning, i need step by step missing things what to do and others, not just go and install that.

AAAAAAAAAAAAA loosing my head, this starts to really piss me off


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