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Server frizzes when browsing ah




hi all. im useing Develop21 mangons one 2.4.3 server.


i get a weird problem. me and one freind are playing on it for fun. i activated the AHbot so the AH should have some items. this is both when its are on sell- and nothing diffrence if you activate the buy fanction.


problem are this:


1. when browsing AH it's slow. take like 10-20 second's.

2. this is also when only changeing the page,

3. when someone are browsing AH the whole server lagg. 


so let say you are casting a spell well it will look like you have high MS and its kind of not playable like this...


i have not tried to turn of the AHbot at this time i will try that and report back.... 

but anyone know what to do about this?

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Hi there,

Sorry for the delay in reply.

If you want to test something for me, can you try closing mangos and clearing the auction table under characters, restart mangos and try browsing the auction house again? This will clear all auctions so only use if you only have them posted by the bot.

I suspect there is to many auctions being listed by the bot for your system to support which is causing the lag.

Can you also confirm you are using develop21 branch built in release ?


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