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Everything posted by TheLuda

  1. Things always change, and you can not satisfy everyone. I know it is late for a change of such size, but the change is coming, and I guess sooner or later people will notice the outcome will be for good. There are several changes which the community yet can not see as they are running in the background, but I am sure within the next weeks change for good will become visible.
  2. There never was any sort of final goal defined by the project team. This is a common assumption made by every user. We never had a goal. This has changed with the recent move. It does not matter if this project is in danger, and I would not count Trinity or ArcEmu/Ascent as danger. Every developer involved does it for fun, and if we stop having fun, we simply shut down MaNGOS, and leave you with the sources and say goodbye. Yes, it is about learning. But have you ever considered that it was only one person involved in documentation in this project? Do you have any rough idea how much work it is to document everything? We are doing this now, after the Git move, but this time all developers work on documentation. Code documentation is required now, as you can see in the new coding standards. Honestly, Trinity had nothing to do with this change. I got to know about it a few days after the changes had been started and where already in progress. The look of this board is as cold as IPB board is. This is personal preference. This theme is intended to make stuff readable. We are not in charge for eye candy. Of course, if someone wants to develop a pretty theme...
  3. Everybody is free to have his or her opinion. Yes, things have not been working out as they should lately and this is changing. There have been some attempts to make things run better, and this one is different. Git, Lighthouse, and others are just tools, and everyone can adapt to them. All I can say is that this move to Git is both a technical one and one that is the beginning of a completely different workflow for MaNGOS. Ever since the project started there have been patches contributed and changes requested, and it was easy in the beginning. Now we have loads of users, thousands instead of hundreds and we have to follow a different approach to handle stuff. All I can say is that MaNGOS is switching to test-driven development with this Git move, and that things will change. This is not about forum colours, this is not about egos, this is all about the best way to turn development into a more reliable state, to make things reproducible, and to reach source code state, where Joe Average does not need to use version control systems, as we have regular releases every 3rd month. We want to finally reach a stable state, and the recent changes are just part of that goal.
  4. The SVN repository still is http://mangos.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mangos/ and will stay on this address. This thread just was made to announce that a mirror will be coming, not that it already works.
  5. It is just a playground for me, nothing else.
  6. Anjuta is pretty good, if you are running Gnome. KDevelop if you are running KDE. Or - if desktop environments do not matter for you, try Eclipse with the CDT plugin. Eclipse aslo has an excellent Git plugin.
  7. Promises of SVN: linear version numbers, and explorer integration under Windows. Besides that... nothing.
  8. Well, as mentioned above: this is only a temporary repository to allow people getting used to Git.
  9. Because it has to do this thing automatically on each commit. git-svn does it manual, and that is not what helps us.
  10. TheLuda had a free weekend without children lingering in the house. Thus my wife made use of her commit rights
  11. In which case you could use $ git show 4bcd3f6 to view the commit locally.
  12. Try UDB, it provides a fully working database. If you are looking for scripted creatures, ScriptDev2 might be want you are looking for.
  13. I am sure, we have what you are looking for. The RSS commit feed, right? Try this one: http://github.com/feeds/mangos/commits/mangos/master
  14. Subversion will be there for a while, to help people get used to Git. But this mirror will not be there always. For now, I will enable this and keep it running for a few weeks until people had a chance to adapt their scripts to Git. Just like mentioned in the GitHub announcement, Subversion will stay a while to help with transitions, but in the end SVN will die.
  15. Just a quick note: I have written a script that can mirror Git commits to Subversion. I am currently testing this, and hopefully it will allow us to mirror all git changes to SourceForge.net SVN. The script is written as a commit hook for Git, and will be installed on a local Git mirror on the old mangosproject.org domain, and then push commits to Subversion.
  16. Greetings, in the light of MaNGOS development switching to Git for version control, many community members have told us that using Git would not be userfriendly or lack system integration under Windows (as there is nothing like TortoiseSVN for Git). In the last few days I have been writing a script that will automatically import all Git commits into the Sourcefourge SVN repository. I am currently testing this with a mirror of the Git repository and a mirror of the SVN repository. Within the next week you can expect so see this going online within the next few days if no major issues show up. Update The Git repository is mirrored to the Assembla.com SVN living on http://svn2.assembla.com/svn/mangos-svn-mirror/. Commits will only go into the trunk/ and only from the master branch on GitHub. Thus development branches on GitHub will not be available on SVN.
  17. A line has to be drawn between what works and what does not. Git works fine, and some developers use Git on Windows without any issues. Yes, Git is different, and people who digg the click and do schema will hardly ever start to like Git. No, patches will not have to be re-done. Patches are not dependent on the source control system. Many patches may just continue to work, and if they do not, then it is not related to Git, but to the fact the network code and ACE made its' steps into MaNGOS. This thread is an announcement, and even though the myths about Git not working well on Windows have already been proven false, people still continue to spread them. I use Git on Windows myself, and it works. It has a visual GUI, but no explorer integration, and I am still alive. Revision numbers are a concept that worked for Subversion and it will never work for Git, even with a version number simulation. This announcement is closed. Discussion is fine, but having to beat the same arguments over an over is not.
  18. Please note that using --enable-maintainer-mode you might produce builds that are not functional. Maintainer mode disables custom rules, and a few checks. Using this does not guarantee a working build.
  19. That's what I tried to describe, probably with the wrong words.
  20. Git fetch will download all remote changes, but do now merge changes in, if you have made local code modifications. Git pull will always try to merge changes. Usually fetching without merging should be sufficient.
  21. If you want it visual, Git for Windows can do so, too. See this guide and this podcast.
  22. The changelog is the list of commits (instead of changeset in subversion): http://github.com/mangos/mangos/commits/master
  23. It all is the same on Linux and Windows. Git GUI works the same. The only difference for Windows users is, that there is no explorer integration available for Git, like TortoiseSVN offers for Subversion. Besides that, the difference is void.
  24. If you have troubles with accessing GitHub.com or with GitHub connectivity, there is a Git mirror for Mangos: * http clone URL: http://repo.or.cz/w/getmangos.git * git clone URL: git://repo.or.cz/getmangos.git
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