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Everything posted by TheLuda

  1. Well, I have been paying the parts of hosting not covered by donations ever since 2005, which is quite a sum of money if you add the forum license, and forum license yearly renewal fees. My wife has been in cancer therapy since 2008, so we had only one income instead of two. It's these things that change life sometimes. BTW: thanks to two kind donations we already have half of it. *bows*
  2. Dear MaNGOS community, for the first time ever since this project started in 2005, we are not able to cover our monthly hosting costs. While we have had great support by many of our users over the last months and years, this month we are lacking ~ $45 / € 35 to cover our hosting expenses. Sadly this month I can not pay the missing money from my private account, as the vBulletin 4.0 license pretty much killed my reserves, so I have to ask this great community for help. If you can spare a little bit, I'd very much appreciate it. With kind regards, TheLuda
  3. The two lined boxes are broken boxes using the code highlighting, which seems to have gone down the drain thanks to the latest vBulletin update. Fix incoming soon.
  4. Oh, and please... do not just copy code from Trinity or other projects, kk. Sheep doesn't like that, and you should at least keep license credits if you copy Trinitys' build files.
  5. Let me add a few hints to get this working: * Comments, comments, comments. CMake is great, but you should comment what each section does. * CMake allows you to add custom modules for a build. This is recommended, for all external libraries, including MySQL, OpenSSL, etc. * Make proper use of platform detection, and add file groupings for the Windows users. File groups allow to create the header and source folder for Visual Studio users. As for modules: add a cmake/modules subdirectory, place your FindXXX.cmake modules there. In you main CMakeLists.txt add set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules) Below is an example of how a FindXXX.cmake module should be written. # - Try to find MySQL / MySQL Embedded library # Find the MySQL includes and client library # This module defines # MYSQL_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find mysql.h # MYSQL_LIBRARIES, the libraries needed to use MySQL. # MYSQL_LIB_DIR, path to the MYSQL_LIBRARIES # MYSQL_EMBEDDED_LIBRARIES, the libraries needed to use MySQL Embedded. # MYSQL_EMBEDDED_LIB_DIR, path to the MYSQL_EMBEDDED_LIBRARIES # MYSQL_FOUND, If false, do not try to use MySQL. # MYSQL_EMBEDDED_FOUND, If false, do not try to use MySQL Embedded. # Copyright (c) 2006-2008, Jarosław Staniek <[email protected]> # # Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the BSD license. # For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file. include(CheckCXXSourceCompiles) include(MacroPushRequiredVars) if(WIN32) find_path(MYSQL_INCLUDE_DIR mysql.h PATHS $ENV{MYSQL_INCLUDE_DIR} $ENV{MYSQL_DIR}/include $ENV{ProgramFiles}/MySQL/*/include $ENV{SystemDrive}/MySQL/*/include ) else(WIN32) find_path(MYSQL_INCLUDE_DIR mysql.h PATHS $ENV{MYSQL_INCLUDE_DIR} $ENV{MYSQL_DIR}/include /usr/local/mysql/include /opt/mysql/mysql/include PATH_SUFFIXES mysql ) endif(WIN32) if(WIN32) string(TOLOWER ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_TOLOWER) # path suffix for debug/release mode # binary_dist: mysql binary distribution # build_dist: custom build if(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_TOLOWER MATCHES "debug") set(binary_dist debug) set(build_dist Debug) else(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_TOLOWER MATCHES "debug") ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DDBUG_OFF) set(binary_dist opt) set(build_dist Release) endif(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_TOLOWER MATCHES "debug") # find_library(MYSQL_LIBRARIES NAMES mysqlclient find_library(MYSQL_LIBRARIES NAMES libmysql PATHS $ENV{MYSQL_DIR}/lib/${binary_dist} $ENV{MYSQL_DIR}/libmysql/${build_dist} $ENV{MYSQL_DIR}/client/${build_dist} $ENV{ProgramFiles}/MySQL/*/lib/${binary_dist} $ENV{SystemDrive}/MySQL/*/lib/${binary_dist} ) else(WIN32) # find_library(MYSQL_LIBRARIES NAMES mysqlclient find_library(MYSQL_LIBRARIES NAMES libmysql PATHS $ENV{MYSQL_DIR}/libmysql_r/.libs $ENV{MYSQL_DIR}/lib $ENV{MYSQL_DIR}/lib/mysql /usr/local/mysql/lib /opt/mysql/mysql/lib PATH_SUFFIXES mysql ) endif(WIN32) if(WIN32) set(MYSQL_LIB_PATHS $ENV{MYSQL_DIR}/lib/opt $ENV{MYSQL_DIR}/client/release $ENV{ProgramFiles}/MySQL/*/lib/opt $ENV{SystemDrive}/MySQL/*/lib/opt ) find_library(MYSQL_LIBRARIES NAMES mysqlclient PATHS ${MYSQL_LIB_PATHS} ) else(WIN32) set(MYSQL_LIB_PATHS $ENV{MYSQL_DIR}/libmysql_r/.libs $ENV{MYSQL_DIR}/lib $ENV{MYSQL_DIR}/lib/mysql /usr/local/mysql/lib /opt/mysql/mysql/lib PATH_SUFFIXES mysql ) find_library(MYSQL_LIBRARIES NAMES mysqlclient PATHS ${MYSQL_LIB_PATHS} ) endif(WIN32) find_library(MYSQL_EMBEDDED_LIBRARIES NAMES mysqld PATHS ${MYSQL_LIB_PATHS} ) if(MYSQL_LIBRARIES) get_filename_component(MYSQL_LIB_DIR ${MYSQL_LIBRARIES} PATH) endif(MYSQL_LIBRARIES) if(MYSQL_EMBEDDED_LIBRARIES) get_filename_component(MYSQL_EMBEDDED_LIB_DIR ${MYSQL_EMBEDDED_LIBRARIES} PATH) endif(MYSQL_EMBEDDED_LIBRARIES) macro_push_required_vars() set( CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${MYSQL_INCLUDE_DIR} ) set( CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${MYSQL_EMBEDDED_LIBRARIES} ) check_cxx_source_compiles( "#include <mysql.h>\\nint main() { int i = MYSQL_OPT_USE_EMBEDDED_CONNECTION; }" HAVE_MYSQL_OPT_EMBEDDED_CONNECTION ) macro_pop_required_vars() if(MYSQL_INCLUDE_DIR AND MYSQL_LIBRARIES) set(MYSQL_FOUND TRUE) message(STATUS "Found MySQL: ${MYSQL_INCLUDE_DIR}, ${MYSQL_LIBRARIES}") else(MYSQL_INCLUDE_DIR AND MYSQL_LIBRARIES) set(MYSQL_FOUND FALSE) message(STATUS "MySQL not found.") endif(MYSQL_INCLUDE_DIR AND MYSQL_LIBRARIES) if(MYSQL_INCLUDE_DIR AND MYSQL_EMBEDDED_LIBRARIES AND HAVE_MYSQL_OPT_EMBEDDED_CONNECTION) set(MYSQL_EMBEDDED_FOUND TRUE) message(STATUS "Found MySQL Embedded: ${MYSQL_INCLUDE_DIR}, ${MYSQL_EMBEDDED_LIBRARIES}") else(MYSQL_INCLUDE_DIR AND MYSQL_EMBEDDED_LIBRARIES AND HAVE_MYSQL_OPT_EMBEDDED_CONNECTION) set(MYSQL_EMBEDDED_FOUND FALSE) message(STATUS "MySQL Embedded not found.") endif(MYSQL_INCLUDE_DIR AND MYSQL_EMBEDDED_LIBRARIES AND HAVE_MYSQL_OPT_EMBEDDED_CONNECTION) mark_as_advanced(MYSQL_INCLUDE_DIR MYSQL_LIBRARIES MYSQL_EMBEDDED_LIBRARIES)
  6. Noticed this too late, but still: thanks very much for the SVG version. It's well done.
  7. Hi, I've seen some steps to creating MaNGOS documentation on github. If anyone is interested, I have built a template for Publican, which is the tool Fedora uses to create e.g. their installation guide. Can push it to a github repository if anyone is interested.
  8. CMake is a fantastic cross-platform build tool, which allows to unify build scripts like Unix Makefiles and Visual Studio project files into one easily script-able format which then can be used to build an application on many more platforms. Think of CMake as... generic build definitions convertible to anything what people use these days.
  9. Thanks to those who made this possible and to everyone who help me out by making threads and answering my questions 2010-03-19 For the past 2 weeks i've bin working to make my own World Of Warcraft Server Then, i've made myself my own installation document to keep track of what i was doiing 2 Parts need to be review since i haven't needed them yet All of the following post are the steps you need to do to make your own World Of Warcraft Server You can also get a Word or PDF copy using the following link https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B_Yb9BGpTZMeZGZlNzU5MmMtOGRmZC00NzMwLWJkZmUtN2JhMGYzZTM0ZGNl&hl=fr&authkey=CLup5ZAF The word 2003 document doesn't seem to open in the browser, altough it will work if you download it (Probably all the schemes i've used) ... Of course theres no virus in it, but i've also put a PDF version if you prefer witch you can open in the browser or download Overtime, things may changes but for now, this is the way to go In this post, i'll try to keep the usefull news 2010-03-29 I haven't done the latest update, but it seemed they've updated the Mangos Core to a new version 9622. Unfortunately, the AHBot addon is not working with this version for the moment. Discussion are made to either patch it again or include this in the Mangos Core. This is also why i haven't made the "how to update mangos part" yet With the New UDB Core (updated to #389), there's a good chance that you do not need to do any UDB Updates or C:\\Mangos\\SQL\\Updates installing the server...of course there will be future updates...but you don't need to manualy do all 60 sql patch that you needed to do with UDB Core #388 that i've used to write this guide UDB Core #388 would make the AHBot work, altough as i've readed, theres lots of instance repair and npc fixed in version #389... it's a choice to make for the moment wether you want the AHBot or the Fixes... Theres also to take under consideration that when someone will fix the AHBot addon, it may or may not conflict with your actual AHBot from an older version, depending on how they have decided to make things work... 2010-04-23 AHBot is still beiing worked on 2010-04-29 - 2010-04-30 The entire installation guide has bin updated AHBot working 2010-05-10 Part 15 text updated 2010-09-11 AHBot Thread Link updated 2010-11-11 Working to update the guide for the new version of AHBot 2010-11-15 AHBot installation updated 2011-06-22 ScriptDev2 installation updated (edit by Schmoozerd)
  10. And thus Lightguard now is on board of our mothership. Welcome!
  11. For those having issues with the forums after the upgrade, please name the browser version / build, plus platform. Without that information I can hardly verify your issues, even though I use a quite large browser collection on Windows/OS X and Linux currently to test drive any forum changes.
  12. Actually the fix is much easier: we have set the cookie now to be set for *.getmangos.eu, thus you can use whichever domain you like, either getmangos.eu or www.getmangos.eu.
  13. A little update: You can now use the normal code tag to highlight source code. E.g. code=diff can be used to color diff output. With the vBulletin 4 upgraded I've modified the syntax highlight plugin to use the normal code tag.
  14. Probably you have some old cookies from the board in your browser, this can mix up the authentication.
  15. Well, the reason for the old style(s) not being there is dead simple: vbulletin 3 and vbulletin 4 styles are not compatible at all. If you want to the look of vB3 for vb4, you would have to developed a completely new style based on the new style system. I can bring back most of the blue mangos theme, but sadly vb3 style is out of reach. Probably some lookalike style is possible.
  16. A new year has begun and with it we have taken a bit of time to upgrade our forum and wiki software to fix a few outstanding issues with account creation and account recovery. As you will have noticed immediately we have upgraded vBulletin to the newly released 4.0 version, which should bring both improvements in page load time, and usability. The forums are already operational, and so is the upgraded Wiki, which now features MediaWiki 1.15.1. I'd like to take this opportunity to send out best wishes for 2010 to all community members and especially to the development team that pulled off some outstanding new feature additions and improvements to MaNGOS in 2009, and surely will continue to show off some great skills in 2010. /salutes you
  17. Configure your Git installation to always use LF. This way it will convert CRLF in .vcproj files to LF, and you will not end up in that situation.
  18. Content is in the works. I need to fix a fix CSS issues first. Regarding 3rd-party projects related to MaNGOS: the Wiki will have room for these, too.
  19. Greetings, within the last days we have added a new landing page to getmangos.eu which is aimed towards new users giving the most important resources about MaNGOS. Today we have updated our Wiki with the fresh style. We'd like to hear your opinion on the updated style and our landing page. WkR, Daniel
  20. I've been trying out TortoiseGit recently, and I'm impressed. Works smoother than TortoiseSVN. The only issue I have found is tht you should use Git only with OpenSSH from msysgit, and not with Putty or TortoisePLink, as ssh authentication with those does seem to fail with TortoiseGit.
  21. You don't want to use the flying mounts in old world anyway.... ugly map hacks to be seen mostly. Not good
  22. Patch inclusion into the MaNGOS repository depends on two requirements: * features have to match the original functionality of WoW. * patches need to have sufficient quality. While in many cases, a patch does exactly result in a feature working like it does on original WoW, the patch is likely to break in future updates. Consider e.g. a patch that will make Lava cause fire damage in Onyxias Lair. Do you want to have the fire damage only work in the raid zone or in any zone with Lava? We prefer the later result, and thus submitting a patch that only fixes one special case may lead the developers to fixing almost every case. Including patches in the core does not mean: apply patch, push to github. It mostly results in: review patch, apply it, melt brain while finding a generic approach, test generic approach, commit and push if it works.
  23. Script bindings have seen a few changes, but the old Lua bindings can be updated for current revisions. Just follow the old SourceForge SVN log to see what changed in bindings, and and then continue with github logs. Will be a bit of work, but it's possible.
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