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Everything posted by TheLuda

  1. We could also change the library check to e.g. check for both ncurses and readline, and use whatever is available. Might be an idea to support both, as either readline or ncurses always is available on Linux, and at least Fedora, openSUSE, and Debian (and derivatives) always include both by default.
  2. AC_CHECK_LIB( readline, readline, [TERMLIB=-lreadline],[AC_MSG_ERROR([Missing readline])] ) ... and at the end of configure.ac add AC_SUBST(TERMLIB) then in Makefile.am extend LDFLAGS with $( TERMLIB ). That would allow us to use readline.
  3. ncurses for Linux would also be an alternative. Preinstalled on most Linux systems.
  4. Greetings, today we have added support for code highlighting of various programming languages and file formats using the GeSHi - Generic Syntax Highlighter available here. Use [ code=[i]language[/i] ]...code...[ /code ] to highlight code sections you want to post. E.g. you can post a patch using diff as language. --- a/src/game/SpellEffects.cpp +++ b/src/game/SpellEffects.cpp @@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ void Spell::EffectSchoolDMG(uint32 effect_idx) else if(m_spellInfo->SpellFamilyFlags & 0x100000000LL) { int32 base = irand((int32)m_caster->GetWeaponDamageRange(RANGED_ATTACK, MINDAMAGE), (int32)m_caster->GetWeaponDamageRange(RANGED_ATTACK, MAXDAMAGE)); - damage += int32(float(base)/m_caster->GetAttackTime(RANGED_ATTACK)*2800 + m_caster->GetTotalAttackPowerValue(RANGED_ATTACK)*0.2f); + damage += int32(float(base)/m_caster->GetAttackTime(RANGED_ATTACK)*2800 + m_caster->GetTotalAttackPowerValue(RANGED_ATTACK)*0.1f); } // Explosive Trap Effect else if(m_spellInfo->SpellFamilyFlags & 0x00000004) Or using cpp as language it would result in something like { int32 base = irand((int32)m_caster->GetWeaponDamageRange(RANGED_ATTACK, MINDAMAGE), (int32)m_caster->GetWeaponDamageRange(RANGED_ATTACK, MAXDAMAGE)); if(m_caster->GetTypeId()==TYPEID_PLAYER) base += ((Player*)m_caster)->GetAmmoDPS() * m_caster->GetAttackTime(RANGED_ATTACK)/1000; damage += int32(float(base) + m_caster->GetTotalAttackPowerValue(RANGED_ATTACK)*0.1f); }
  5. It does not really matter what scripting language it is. I think having a scripting variant which does not need compilation of the scripts just is a psychological thing. It simply feels simpler. Doesn't mean it would be better, but it feel better for many people apparently. :-)
  6. I think the reason for wanting a scripting language like Lua, Python, you name it, is a simple one: not needing to run builds on changes. E.g. on a server you will probably keep compilers off the system. Personally I prefer C++ scripting, but I have to admit scripting with Lua or Python sometimes would be a time saver. Any way, MaNGOS comes with C++ scripting support, and if anyone desires different scripting, there are options for this, too. There are ready-made classes for Lua bindings and Python bindings available and if someone wants to see support for any of these, go fork MaNGOS and github and create your own branch for Lua, Python, you name it, and see if people like it and start using it.
  7. Well, and still Lua might be worth the effort I'd say. If even Blizzard uses Lua everywhere in their game engine, then it can't be too bad :-) Personally I'd love to see Lua or Python bindings for MaNGOS again.
  8. You could still have a private server shared with a few friends to make your tests :-)
  9. We are not hosting a test realm for MaNGOS. While it might be of use, it is simply not legal to host a public server. I am sure it we would receive a cease-and-desist in no time from the big Blue boys and girls. Setting up your own MaNGOS realm should not take too much time. The last time I tried it took ~ 30 minutes until I could login on localhost including extracting maps and data files from the client.
  10. It seems like an update on the machine disabled the automatic start of it. I'll reenable the bot today.
  11. Hi, I am back and alive. The cancer therapy my wife has been through now is over. @freghar: you do have the green name, as you do contribute to the development of MaNGOS. Development is not only about code submissions but also about providing knowledge and even philosophical insights. Giving good advice and support for Git to both users and developers - IMHO - is worth the green tag.
  12. Yes, finally there is some more Git love on Windows! Check out this Git repository, you will find a shell extension that enables Git usage from shell, and a Visual Studio 2008 plugin for Git. I think this is what all the SVN loving people have waited for Give it a try.
  13. Checkout the ACE overview. I'd say the picture inside gives a good overview to which parts of .NET ACE corresponds. It's a bit hard to compare .NET and ACE. .NET is not only the framework libraries, it's mostly the Common Language Runtime, plus system assemblies, and on top a whole lot of convenience libraries. ACE is mostly about abstracting away the things which differ from platform to platform, and doing this in a way that complies to C++ standard.
  14. It's not as complicated as it smells. Phasing depends on the characters progression through quests, it does not depend on other factors (currently). Thus phasing can be implemented based on data we already have in store, and which does not need to change, as we already have quest information in the database.
  15. Git takes time, but its' powerful, and worth the effort spent to learn it. I am using Git for a few months, and still discover new features every week, which keep me excited. All I can say is, keep Giting.
  16. Backward compatibilty might be a topic for MaNGOS, but it is not yet the time to think about this. MaNGOS still has not reached a state where a stable API can be ensured for longer time. It doesn't get simpler.
  17. We have a source code mastery section for such topics, where freghar is offering his Git knowlede.
  18. For Eclipse: * JGit You will want this.
  19. No, he's not getting banned, he's receiving a friendly post edit.
  20. Rebuild the extraction application. Extractor sources have been changed, but the included binaries in the repositories have not been updated with recompiled binaries.
  21. 3.0.3 will also be the first WotLK patch on release day. After installing the 3.0.1 WotLK client, it will be forced to update to the 3.0.3 client patch. What features will be supported can be seen from the 303-willcrashforsure commit history.
  22. The name is intended to signal the taste of code being under development. Works well, I'd guess by the replies.
  23. Since the question frequently appears, we would like to inform you that MaNGOS currently still supports client 2.4.3 in our stable branch of the sources. We do have a preliminary development branch for supporting client 3.0.3, which lives in the development branch. In case you want to try out client 3.0.3 or the current WotLK beta client, this is the branch to use. Please note that until 13th November 2008, the 3.0.3 branch is unsupported, and we will only accept patch contributions, but no bug reports. That's why the branch is named 303-willcrashforsure. We do not guarantee that the code in this branch will work out of the box, or that your computer will survive running the code. With kind regards,
  24. 0.13 milestone on mangos.lighthouseapp.com
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