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Everything posted by Toinan67

  1. Because Filebeam is not a malicious URL
  2. You can't add a new graveyard, you can only make players who die in a zone A respawn in the graveyard of a zone B. For instance you can say "players who dies in Orgrimmar will respawn in Stormwind". The only way to really add a new graveyard is to modify the core. See in Player.cpp : RepopAtGraveyard. And congrats for the world cup
  3. OK Performance does matter, especially when you think about the .reload config command
  4. Hello, Nice job, but why do you use "this->" all the time?
  5. Toinan67

    MMaps Redux

    Ok ! Usually when people talk about "testers" it's players, so I had some troubles understanding how players could see mem leaks oO
  6. Okay... This could be handled by a simple SD2 creature script : void UpdateAI(const uint32 diff) { if (m_creature->GetPower(POWER_HEAT) == 100) { //Remove all passengers //Apply something like spell 69470 } } At best there is some way to handle this in the core, at worst with a creature SD2 script. No need of a vehicle-specific scripting system.
  7. Toinan67

    MMaps Redux

    Your players see the mem leak? x)
  8. Yeah, patman didn't tell him how to MAKE a patch, but how to READ a patch to be able to change the lines manually in the file. (Btw, offtopic, what is your status actually? Your nick color is...unique)
  9. He explained how to manually install a patch
  10. Better to use MANGOS_ASSERT now, Vladimir just modified that. About the SD2 vehicles, I don't really see how vehicles could be handled with an external scripting system actually. This is quite vague. Imho, the spell and auras should definitely be handled by the core. Can you give an example of a "complicated action" a vehicle does? I think those complicated action are supposed to be handled by the spells themselves.
  11. Toinan67

    MMaps Redux

    I totally agree with UnkleNuke, what you're doing is really amazing. I wish I could be "fan" of some MaNGOS contributors faramir and (recently) qsa FTW. Huge thanks.
  12. An external scripting module would help vehicles dev (and speed it up) for sure, but keep in mind it's still a "hacky" way (imo) For master branch, the goal is not to have as much things working (or partially working) as possible. The goal is to implement everything we can in a proper way I don't know how many vehicles there are, obviously a lot less than scripted bosses. And vehicles don't have a very specific AI/behavior which would justify something like SD2.
  13. I think it's because of : pGameObj->SetOwnerGUID(chr->GetGUID()); So you should try another way of saving the creator's guid
  14. Assuming that you want a lot of players, why do you waste so much time trying to make a perfect fake players system ? Instead of actually making a server where they want to play and stay...
  15. Same question, even if I have my own reason. Low populated public server, new players see the 3 players connected and think "this is shit, nobody's there, I'm not playing on this server." Fake players : "Oh ! 50 connected! That's a good start. Let's have a look at this server" Does anyone have a better reason than that?...
  16. Okay, I didn't know that. That's nice. Well all I can say is that I hope they will follow your recommendation... Let's go back to the main discussion ^^
  17. Toinan67

    MISC Crash

    I'd try with last rev first
  18. Just to report a similar bug, shaman's Earthliving procs also when you cast a "neutral" spell like a mount. I think it's related to the stealth bug (they may have the same origin)
  19. Not at all Btw, I think you're from "Netherlands" not "Neverland"...otherwise I hope you saw Michael Jackson.
  20. Spam, like some person who post advertising on this forum. davemn deleted the post obviously
  21. Ok I finally managed to compile/install on OS X But now I have another error at startup : Player::DeleteOldChars: Deleting all characters which have been deleted 30 days before... WORLD: World initialized SERVER STARTUP TIME: 0 minutes 11 seconds ../../../src/shared/Threading.cpp:231: Error: Assertion in setPriority failed: _ok == 0 Stack Trace: Assertion failed: (STRINGIZE(_ok == 0) && 0), function setPriority, file ../../../src/shared/Threading.cpp, line 231. <stack traces unsupported platform>Abort trap Anyone had the same issue? Edit : corrected, removed the MANGOS_ASSERT in Threading.cpp
  22. I don't have anything against them as long as they don't replace this one...that's all I'm saying. English is not the native language for many of us (including me) but we all make efforts. Today, if you want to get involved to an international community project, english is nearly mandatory...
  23. Yes I've tried. Translation is bad but we can understand the idea of each post of course they do, but what about international contributors who can't speak their language? They can read, ok, but that's all. Completely useless.
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