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Everything posted by Toinan67

  1. Toinan67

    MMaps Redux

    This is gonna be one of the greatest commit ever. Can't wait
  2. Well...i'm interested, but it is not going the be the most active section for sure ^^
  3. I have the same issue as you actually dyld: Library not loaded: libtbb.dylib Referenced from: /usr/local/bin/./mangos-realmd Reason: image not found Trace/BPT trap Here is what I've done //After git cloning, svn co, etc autoreconf -if .. ../configure --prefix=/usr/local --datadir=/usr/local/share --sysconfdir=/usr/local/etc LIBS="-framework Carbon" Then I opened build/dep/tbb/Makefile, changed $(INSTALL) $(work_dir)/lib*.so* $(DESTDIR)$(libdir) to $(INSTALL) $(work_dir)/lib*.dyli* $(DESTDIR)$(libdir) Then make, make install. And then, ./mangos-realmd, and error! Someone has an idea?
  4. @Ipreferpapaya : nano build/dep/tbb/Makefile Ctrl+W paste this : $(INSTALL) $(work_dir)/lib*.so* $(DESTDIR)$(libdir) enter and you found it
  5. I think it should be fixed on [10438]
  6. Hey guys, Just a little thank you to the ones who made the compiling guide on the wiki, it is very useful. Huge thanks Best regards Edit : Ipreferpapaya, I think it's because you changed the name of the files, libtbb.dylib and libtbbmalloc.dylib
  7. Toinan67


    Man you should take a break with MaNGOS...x) Or is it a funny way to say "myself" ?
  8. Question is : would a SD2 hook be really useful? For something like 2 or 3 spells... Why not using the existing spell_scripts / db_script_string tables : #define SCRIPT_COMMAND_FIELD_SET 2 // source = any, datalong = field_id, datalog2 = value #define SCRIPT_COMMAND_MOVE_TO 3 // source = Creature, datalog2 = time, x/y/z #define SCRIPT_COMMAND_FLAG_SET 4 // source = any, datalong = field_id, datalog2 = bitmask ... #define SCRIPT_COMMAND_CREATE_ITEM 17 // source or target must be player, datalong = item entry, datalong2 = amount #define SCRIPT_COMMAND_DESPAWN_SELF 18 // source or target must be creature, datalong = despawn delay #define SCRIPT_COMMAND_PLAY_MOVIE 19 // target can only be a player, datalog = movie id We could add a "simple" #define SCRIPT_COMMAND_RANDOM_TALK 20 //source = WorldObject, target = any/none, datalong = type (say, yell, etc), //datalong2/3/4/dataint = db_script_string entries (a random one will be chosen)
  9. Sure. It's just that sometimes we need to say what we think (even if it's not in the right place)... But yeah let's talk about dungeon finder
  10. 'Cause you look more like a super genius if you have your own core with its own name
  11. I don't know this "g-core21" project, but I guess it's not a very big project, is it? Anyway, Spp, I'm sure if MaNGOS dev decide to port some of your work to MaNGOS they'll give appropriate credits... Btw, is there any chance people around the world get together one day ? "War is the result of failure" !
  12. Toinan67


    For Tour de France watchers : RIP Laurent Fignon ! 2 times winner, and really courageous man.
  13. When you do that, maybe you could add a suffix such as "11293_mangos_command_WARNING.sql" or something you want. Do the sql updates need to have exactly the same file name form?
  14. TGM, you really shouldn't have posted this thread. Really All I can answer is : Please, take laise's sit and do something better than he did.
  15. Yes, if you want to activate it, you must make it "1"
  16. Are your VMAPS activated? Is the "indoor/outdoor check" option activated? Where did you do your check?
  17. * What bug does the patch fix? What features does the patch add? Fixes a typo that prevent this talent from working * For which repository revision was the patch created? 10429 * Is there a thread in the bug report section or at lighthouse? If yes, please add a link to the thread. Didn't find any * Who has been writing this patch? Please include either forum user names or email addresses. porteyoplait = me Patch can be found here : http://gist.github.com/559021 Basic braces omit
  18. Confirmed on last rev. Temp hack in UnitAuraProcHandler.cpp : // Judgement of Light case 20185: { + if (pVictim == this) + return SPELL_AURA_PROC_FAILED; + basepoints[0] = int32( pVictim->GetMaxHealth() * triggeredByAura->GetModifier()->m_amount / 100 ); pVictim->CastCustomSpell(pVictim, 20267, &basepoints[0], NULL, NULL, true, NULL, triggeredByAura); return SPELL_AURA_PROC_OK; }
  19. Tibec you just wrote exactly the same post I was writing.
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