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Everything posted by Toinan67

  1. Are you sure of that? Players are not legally forced to play on retails servers? oO Would they ban 500,000 accounts? I don't think so ^^ (the 500,000 is pure imagination, I don't know how many accounts are playing on private)
  2. Everything is money (or sex).
  3. Like...I don't know, ask them ^^ Like Vladimir converting all uint64 guids to ObjectGuids Like NoFantasy who implemented generic system for racial model selection etc, etc... Some generic stuff which need to be done to have a cleaner core before they can focus on implementing new things I think their role is to "strengthen" the core boyhero > it's mangos.conf, not mangos.cfg
  4. !Why do you ask this? You want to learn C++, go practice!
  5. I don't think devs stated to not dev random BG because some BGs aren't working... as you said it's a simple config to turn on/off However I do think they have a lot of others objectives to achieve before random BGs
  6. Ok, the key thing is : I actually didn't think about that. In my mind the 2 functions were "complementary", like "if you're not hostile you're friendly", if one returns true the other returns false. Thanks
  7. Yes I know, but in that case we have functions that return a bool, having (if I'm not wrong) exactly the same body. I don't know how the "neutral" state is considered, I'd say neutral is more or less friendly.
  8. You're right, but you're wrong. Let's take a car as an example. MaNGOS is the constructor. Gives you the engine, car body, windows, etc. But after that, you need a lot of thing to drive your car : gas, engine oil, washer fluid, tires, etc. UDB, YTDB and others provides you all these things. As Shell, Exxon or Total does for your car. You need to feed your core. Give him something he can work with. MaNGOS is not (fortunately not yet) a "launch and play" software that your blind little sister can install in 30 seconds. "No wonder people are so unhelpful around here." You're right : nobody takes the time to understand what is really MaNGOS, so they yell on forums "NOBODY HELP ME MANGOS SUCKS". As if the whole world owed them something. Later, people who used to be helpful are just tired and stop being helpful.
  9. Hi, From what I've seen in Unit.cpp, IsHostileTo and IsFriendlyTo have exactly the same code, except for returns (which is quite normal). I've spent 10 min trying to understand why, maybe something more in one function, but nothing, exactly the same. So my question is : is there any reason for writing 2 times the same "algorithm" ? I suggest a very simple modification : bool Unit::IsFriendlyTo(Unit const* unit) const { return !IsHostileTo(unit); } Tell me if I missed something.
  10. All this stuff is clearly not mangos problem, it's DB related. Useful suggestion : install correctly your DB
  11. If you see MaNGOS as a "consumer software", MaNGOS forums should be opened to guests If you see MaNGOS as what it is really, i.e a community project, MaNGOS forums should stay as they are now More and more people with a minimum knowledge can install and use MaNGOS easily, without giving back a little something to the community. Having to sign up for having access to the forums is, I think, a good way to involve them a bit more
  12. Confirmed, bug exists since a few weeks actually With a mage, I damage myself everytime I damage a enemy unit with spells. Happened only with molten armor, but I don't know if I had the glyph.
  13. It was not criticism, I do the same Most of the time harry potter translations are nearly correct! I have some bad memories from latin in school too. I just loved the "it is some thing about intellectual touch I think" like "latin is a for crazy people" ^^ (which is true)
  14. I love the way you translate english -> latin "logarithmus naturalis" looks like a Harry Potter quote.
  15. Welcome to MacDonald's! Thank you for your order. Here is a recap : -Mangos 3.3.5a -New Updates [Database and ...] -Fixed New Bugs TOTAL : $89.45 Send the money in your CD drive, then wait for your order. You will receive it in approximately 12 min.
  16. In french we also say "ln" for "log_e". It means "Logarithme Népérien" as a tribute to a scottish mathematician named John Napier (thanks wikipedia!). It is also called "Natural logarithm". According Wikipedia, english also say "ln" -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_logarithm
  17. Maybe a retired dev fired from Blizz who wants to take his revench? Come here dude!
  18. bool ChatHandler::HandleGameObjectAddCommand(char* args) { // number or [name] Shift-click form |color|Hgameobject_entry:go_id|h[name]|h|r uint32 id; if (!ExtractUint32KeyFromLink(&args, "Hgameobject_entry", id)) return false; if (!id) return false; int32 spawntimeSecs; if (!ExtractInt32(&args, spawntimeSecs)) return false; ... I think the problem is from here : return false if no spawntime is specified... Maybe try to implement a default respawn time? int32 spawntimeSecs; if (!ExtractInt32(&args, spawntimeSecs)) - return false; + spawntimeSecs = /*anything you want*/;
  19. Oh ok, in fact when I click "Send report" the page loads indefinitely so I thought it didn't work. Thanks Yes, but not with spam
  20. Explain me....what is the point of spamming a MMORPG server creation forum with shoes ads?... Ban this guy, please Btw, the report function does't work for me.
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