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Everything posted by Toinan67

  1. I agree, Patman Recent example : I saw that a server implemented the dungeon finder system. Didn't test it, but the overall thing works. They're on Trinity or Mangos, I don't know. I don't think they want to share it to the community : it took them a long time to do it, and bring it to the community means that they worked for their "competitors". That's how it is... "If I go develop for some private server, I can make a buck, but where does my work go? If I submit a patch to mangos and it gets accepted, my work may very well outlive me." -> they want to make a great private server that differs from others, like "MY server has it and not YOURS". Competition...
  2. Hello, The first thing is to give your MaNGOS/DB versions, what custom patches you're using (if any), and other details about the problem (example : does all the quests gives a wow error?)
  3. Thanks a lot for the details Ever, and thanks roby10 too for the pdf. Quite interesting to read actually, but a bit too long And what does happen to her family now? Are they going to jail? Think about it, think about the work the head devlopers and yourselves have put into this, it should make you sick. She's clearly not the only one...that's what makes an open source project great and "dangerous" sometimes : everybody has access to the code, but they can do whatever they want with it
  4. We can't really compare Farmville with a private server, Farmville is on Facebook, 500 millions potiential users and consumers. Wow has 11 millions users on official servers, I don't know how many of them play on private...but it's clearly not 500 millions.
  5. Hmmm that can actually make a problem... In that case we would have a period of 7 464 960 000 seconds, instead of 86 400. A bit too much - uint32 period = mapDiff->resetTime * DAY; + uint32 period = uint32(mapDiff->resetTime / DAY * sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_FLOAT_RATE_INSTANCE_RESET_TIME)) * DAY; Maybe?... Or at least : - uint32 period = mapDiff->resetTime * DAY; + uint32 period = mapDiff->resetTime;
  6. Just a few notes : InstanceSaveMgr.cpp, line 233 and 640 : uint32 period = uint32(mapDiff->resetTime / DAY * sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_FLOAT_RATE_INSTANCE_RESET_TIME)) * DAY; ... uint32 period = mapDiff->resetTime * DAY; When you replace that by something constant like : uint32 period = 5 * DAY; All works correctly. So I think there's something wrong with mapDiff->resetTime...but it's DBC data
  7. Hello, Have a look at SharedDefines.h, you should see "TextEmotes" and "Emote" enums with their names and the number that corresponds. The most useful is the "Emote" enum (for creatures).
  8. Very complete guide, congratulations antiroot I'm sure it will help a lot of people, and not only FreeBSD users.
  9. I've never understood how this type of people can possibly do things like that and still believe nobody will see the $3,000,000. I'm totally with Blizzard this time...
  10. "$3,053,339 of inappropriate profits" Did I understand well, the guy made $3,000,000 with his private server? oO
  11. Well, use the piece of code I gave you : void ArenaTeam::DelMember(uint64 guid) { for (MemberList::iterator itr = m_members.begin(); itr != m_members.end(); ++itr) { if (itr->guid == guid) { m_members.erase(itr); break; } } if(Player *player = sObjectMgr.GetPlayer(guid)) { player->GetSession()->SendArenaTeamCommandResult(ERR_ARENA_TEAM_QUIT_S, GetName(), "", 0); // delete all info regarding this team for(int i = 0; i < ARENA_TEAM_END; ++i) player->SetArenaTeamInfoField(GetSlot(), ArenaTeamInfoType(i), 0); } + Disband(NULL); }
  12. I didn't find the link with this patch. SpellAuras.cpp, function HandleChannelDeathItem : // Soul Shard (target req.) if (spellInfo->EffectItemType[m_effIndex] == 6265) { // Only from non-grey units if (!((Player*)caster)->isHonorOrXPTarget(victim) || victim->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_UNIT && !((Player*)caster)->isAllowedToLoot((Creature*)victim)) return; } Player.cpp : bool Player::isHonorOrXPTarget(Unit* pVictim) const { uint32 v_level = pVictim->getLevel(); uint32 k_grey = MaNGOS::XP::GetGrayLevel(getLevel()); // Victim level less gray level if(v_level<=k_grey) return false; if(pVictim->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_UNIT) { if (((Creature*)pVictim)->isTotem() || ((Creature*)pVictim)->isPet() || ((Creature*)pVictim)->GetCreatureInfo()->flags_extra & CREATURE_FLAG_EXTRA_NO_XP_AT_KILL) return false; } return true; } No link with PLAYER_FLAGS_XP_USER_DISABLED...did you test the spell with exactly the same victim but without the patch?
  13. Actually I think he was talking about arena teams (see the title of the thread) ^^ See in ArenaTeamHandler.cpp : void WorldSession::HandleArenaTeamLeaveOpcode(WorldPacket & recv_data) { DEBUG_LOG("CMSG_ARENA_TEAM_LEAVE"); uint32 ArenaTeamId; // arena team id recv_data >> ArenaTeamId; ArenaTeam *at = sObjectMgr.GetArenaTeamById(ArenaTeamId); if(!at) return; if(_player->GetGUID() == at->GetCaptain() && at->GetMembersSize() > 1) { // check for correctness SendArenaTeamCommandResult(ERR_ARENA_TEAM_QUIT_S, "", "", ERR_ARENA_TEAM_LEADER_LEAVE_S); return; } // arena team has only one member (=captain) if(_player->GetGUID() == at->GetCaptain()) { at->Disband(this); delete at; return; } at->DelMember(_player->GetGUID()); // event at->BroadcastEvent(ERR_ARENA_TEAM_LEAVE_SS, _player->GetGUID(), 2, _player->GetName(), at->GetName(), ""); // send you are no longer member of team SendArenaTeamCommandResult(ERR_ARENA_TEAM_QUIT_S, at->GetName(), "", 0); } Add something like : at->Disband(this); delete at; At the end of the function Took me 20 seconds to search for it
  14. Hello, I don't really understand your problem. You're talking about "World spells"...I don't see the link with looting chests. "It looks like mining, herbalism, treasure chests and quest type actions are not working." DB problems. What's your MaNGOS version? What's your DB type/version
  15. Hey don't be mad at him ^^ I think he was not talking about ALL of servers admin...he's right, there are people who make money of their servers. Only a blind person would not see that... We was denouncing those persons, not the one who use MaNGOS as what it is really, a learning project
  16. Because that's two different projects. "That would greatly facilitate the build time." -> come on, it takes 30 seconds more the first time you install MaNGOS/SD2...after that it's the same.
  17. I think the main function to modify are IsHostileTo and IsFriendlyTo in Unit.cpp : // special cases (Duel) if(tester->GetTypeId()==TYPEID_PLAYER && target->GetTypeId()==TYPEID_PLAYER) { Player const* pTester = (Player const*)tester; Player const* pTarget = (Player const*)target; // Duel if(pTester->duel && pTester->duel->opponent == target && pTester->duel->startTime != 0) return false; // Group if(pTester->GetGroup() && pTester->GetGroup()==pTarget->GetGroup()) return true; // Sanctuary if(pTarget->HasByteFlag(UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_2, 1, UNIT_BYTE2_FLAG_SANCTUARY) && pTester->HasByteFlag(UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_2, 1, UNIT_BYTE2_FLAG_SANCTUARY)) return true; // PvP FFA state if(pTester->IsFFAPvP() && pTarget->IsFFAPvP()) return false; //= PvP states // Green/Blue (non-attackable) if(pTester->GetTeam()==pTarget->GetTeam()) return true; // Blue (friendly/non-attackable) if not PVP, or Yellow/Red in another case (attackable) return !pTarget->IsPvP(); } Just add some conditions here, or modify the order of them
  18. Well we can't do anything against that on server side Just wait for cataclysm and we'll have 5 more levels! \\o/
  19. Complicated mount, it's a vehicle actually Maybe it doesn't fly because of it? But afaik it used to work when I tested it some weeks ago.
  20. I'm pretty sure that they're not saved on retail, unfortunately my wow account has expired...cannot test on my shaman
  21. Brothers battles are so funny DaViper, maybe the server provides some custom patches for client, can you have a look at it? Maybe a link to a client patch somewhere on the website... I don't know if it's even possible to change this on client.
  22. Older brothers are sh*t. I bet they were not at the 3.3.x version!
  23. It doesn't work like that, it's not "Hey today I'll fix enhancement shamans!" Asking for "fixing the enhancement shamans" does not mean anything. Each spell/talent/feature needs a bug report (if it doesn't already exist of course) with a complete "diagnosis" Some spells/talents require a whole new feature in the core (multiple pets for feral spirits for example) whereas some of them may only need a SQL update
  24. Hello, May I introduce you to Google? http://www.google.fr/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=mangos+restarter+linux&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&redir_esc=&ei=KptiTNCIAtOQjAeL17imCQ
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